The blackout made the brothers not calm down and were in a panic. While everyone was in a trance, there were so many lights outside the hotel. Immediately, I was convinced that this was the signal before the enemy invaded.

At this time, all the brothers were still in a panic and did not react for a moment. Among the crowd, I only reacted the fastest. I tightened my eyebrows, opened my voice and yelled in the biggest voice: "everyone calm down. Don't mess around. Haoran, you should take people to the basement and use the generator to generate electricity first."

Chen Haoran immediately took orders, and then he took people away. Other senior executives also spoke to their brothers under them with interphones to keep everyone calm. Everyone was trying to calm down. However, when our army was almost stable, a large truck suddenly rushed out of the horse road outside the hotel and drove straight to us. The speed was high It's extremely fast. It's very fierce. It's about to drive to the front step of our hotel. It's not stopped.

I immediately felt the crisis, so I cried out in desperation: "danger, everyone, get out of the way! Get out of the way

When my brothers heard my cry, they were almost ready to retreat to one side. But just as soon as we retreated, the ferocious lorry rushed directly to our front door. With a bang, it hit our glass door. In an instant, the glass of our door was smashed. With the breaking of the glass door, all kinds of people outside the door make a noise. The sound of killing is like a huge thunder. The enemy has come. We will not have any chance to buffer us. We will attack.

Although I have been ready to defend, but in the face of the enemy's so rapid, we will inevitably be in a hurry. What's more, the electricity we have here has not been sent well, and we can't see clearly. This makes us confused. The so-called organization and discipline, the so-called calm, are all smashed in an instant, and the other side is prepared. They have already done a good job in the dark In preparation for the Chinese war, I suddenly found that outside the hotel, there were a number of swordsmen in black with lights on their heads. The strong lights flashed the brothers' eyes, which made everyone dazzled and made the brothers' hearts panic. The scene became chaotic.

When the truck broke through the gate and stopped in the hall, many people immediately jumped out of the back compartment of the truck. At the same time, there were countless thugs in black outside the hotel. As soon as they came in, they didn't say any nonsense at all. When they mentioned the guy, they cut at us like crazy. All of them were professional thugs. They had the advantage of lighting. They were almost the searchlights He cut down who he was, merciless, bloody and violent, just like the God of death who came to take his life.

My brothers who gathered in the hall were very brave. However, due to the unexpected situation in this field, the momentum of the other side was too strong, and the appearance was too aggressive, we were caught off guard. Originally, I thought that we were guarding the city in our own territory. If the other party attacked, we would be the one with the advantage. Even if the other party was more powerful, we would not be easy to break. Moreover, we also prepared several emergency plans, and many brothers were ambushed everywhere. Moreover, all of us have encouraged us, and we are unlikely to lose too miserably.

But I really didn't think that the other side should be so well prepared. It's worthy of being an old man in the world and considering more than us. Judging from this posture, their power is not generally big, and their courage is not so strong. They dare to rush forward in a blatant way, and they are so cruel. At this moment, I really dare not imagine how powerful they are However, it can block the vehicles and pedestrians in the street, cut off the electricity in our place, and directly break through our doors with large trucks. It's really hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, which directly disrupts my morale. Their actions are really too fierce, too bold, and too much to do.

In the face of such a strong enemy, not to mention my brothers, even I think that I can bear all the pressure of the boss, at the moment are not calm, the heart can not help panic, but I know, now I am the core of the team, I can not be confused, pause, I forced myself to calm down, in a man in black with a knife crazy cut When I was, I grabbed his hand, grabbed the steel knife from his hand, and kicked him over with one foot.

Immediately, I held up the knife in my hand and roared into the air: "brothers, the enemy has been sent to the door, kill me!"

My voice immediately restored the hearts of those shocked brothers, and then, these brothers in the chaos began to fight. But even if the brothers fought hard, they could not escape the bad luck of being cut down. On our side, we were not defeated in terms of number, but because we lost in momentum and mentality at the beginning. In addition, we were passive in the dark. Therefore, we were totally at a disadvantage. The situation has become a one-sided trend from the beginning, and more importantly, the other side We don't know how many people have come, but there is an endless stream of enemies rushing in. After a number of people have been knocked down, they immediately rush on to another group.

There are not many people in my brigade. There are only more than 200 people who are led by me. Our army has been broken up, and the people in it are almost ready to be killed. Although we are ready to meet the enemy, we are still unable to resist the strong attack of the other party. Our number is limited, and the other party's support is continuous. It feels like this again Go, the people inside us will be completely destroyed. If the people outside can break through the obstacles and come to support us, we still have no pressure, but these are just my imagination. Because, I vaguely see, the brothers outside are also passive because of some elements. Although there are many people trapped outside, there is no one who can lead the team. Obviously, it is useless If we want to protect ourselves, we have to rely on ourselves.As far as I'm concerned, although I'm at a disadvantage, it's easy for me to attack my enemies. After all, I'm not three headed and six armed. I'm lack of skills. All I can do is to protect myself, but I can't protect many of my brothers. Whenever I hear the sad cry of brothers and see them fall in front of me, my heart is like being cut one knife after another, and my eyes are more and more Red, my whole person is also more and more violent, following into the devil like, the whole person more and more powerful, as if there is endless power to fill the whole body.

Time passed unconsciously, I knocked down a lot of enemies, and I also suffered a few heavy casualties, which made me more furious into the battle, and just when I was crazy, the hotel called, the light in the hall instantly lit up, all of us were exposed to the light, the light was bright, so that all the people in the battle were unconsciously stunned for a moment Many people stopped unconsciously. Even I stopped my hands unconsciously and looked at the bloody hotel hall.

At this moment, I was stunned. In the huge hall, there were many people lying in disorder, most of them were my brothers. Some of them were lying on the ground crying with blood all over their bodies. There were a few people lying on the ground motionless, and their life and death were unknown. This scene stimulated me to keep trembling, and my red eyes gave out bloodthirsty light, just like to eat people, just like me To break out completely, Shen Muchen, covered with blood, suddenly rushed to my side and said anxiously to me, "Arlo, the support must be too late, and the brothers here can't carry it any more. You can run quickly!"

I didn't expect that Shen Muchen was worried about my safety at this critical moment of life and death. But the more so, the more self reproach I felt in my heart. Many brothers fell into a pool of blood because of me. The current situation has become a foregone conclusion. We will surely lose, but we know that it is a loss. Even if we die, I will die with my brothers. I can never leave my brothers alone Since the escape, so, I directly red eyes to Shen Muchen shouting: "I won't go, I can't be a deserter, even if I die, I'll die with my brothers!"

As soon as my voice dropped, a very severe voice came from the door, saying, "it's not so easy to go. Today, none of you can run away!"

Obviously, it was the voice of Mr. Hua. With the sound of his voice, all the people in the hall immediately dispersed and surrounded us, and my brothers who could still stand formed a group. Suddenly, the two sides formed a situation of confrontation. However, what makes me sad is that there are only about 30 brothers who can fight, and more than half of them are still alive It was injured, but the other side was just the opposite. The soldiers were strong and the soldiers were broad. Looking from a distance, they were also full of people outside the hotel at the moment. It seemed that the street was surrounded by them. In the clues I had, there could not be so many people in Hua Ye. Most of his people were local ruffians, and the people in black in front of them were nothing like his men, the only one It may be that they said that the people sent by the Buddha to support them, of course, there is only one possibility.

If it's not like this, with those local ruffians, Hua Ye is not my opponent at all. Since the Buddha has made a move, it's really hard for me to be invincible. This time, my heart is completely cold. My eyes are tightly fixed on the door. After a while, I see a man with a pair of eyes covered with gauze on his face, just like a mummy, With the help of a woman, she walked in slowly.

I recognized immediately, this mummy is the west of the city I disfigured Wushang, Hua Ye. I am more familiar with the woman supporting him, that shrew who was beaten by me at noon. They are also followed by several big men. These big men seem to be real bodyguards. They are not ordinary roles. The strength of these people seems to be extremely strong. It seems that Hua Ye learned a lesson this time and did not despise me any more, for fear that I would be like him In the afternoon, I abused him once, which is really enough protection.

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