Haoran's life is in danger. I really don't want other people to come and die like him. I tried my best to stop them and roared: "stop all of you. No one can move without my command!"

Although I was badly hurt, my anger made my voice very loud and harsh. Shen Muchen, who was still clear headed, should have guessed my intention. He was the one who knew me best and knew the current situation. Therefore, he made a decision and stopped those brothers who were going to fight for their lives without letting them come to die.

I saw the brothers stop, and their hearts were quite calm. At this time, Hua Ye, sitting on the sofa, suddenly got up. With the help of that woman, he came to me with his hands full. At the same time, he also jokingly said, "it's too much fun. The play is really more and more wonderful. I didn't expect that someone would die for you such a fool Long experience, I really underestimate you, a group of dolls are quite heavy on love? "

Although his face was covered with gauze, I could still imagine the ugly face of Hua Ye when I heard his voice. To tell the truth, I can lose anything, but I don't want to lose my ambition. Even if I die, I won't ask for mercy in a low voice like him. However, my brother is still here. Although this is the only one left, I really don't want to end up with a total annihilation No matter what, I can't do anything about it. Even if I am angry, I will bear it. I want to save my brothers a way. For his banter, I didn't directly reply to him. I just stare at him with red eyes and resentment.

But master Hua didn't care about my eyes. As soon as he came to me, he put his foot on my face and pressed it hard. Then, he said to me in a cold voice: "you are a dog in my eyes, a mad dog that can only bite people. Today, I let you know that biting me has to pay a price. Originally, I can deal with you alone You are so cheap that you have to bring your brothers to be buried with you. It's all you asked for, no wonder others! "

With these words, he stepped on my face a few times. Then, he moved his feet and spat on my face. Even the woman who supported him also did the same action with him. He kept scolding me for being a waste. He said that I was looking for death against Hua Ye. The word "shrew" was given to her Blind, she trampled on my dignity for nothing, even scolded my whole family, old and young.

The behavior of this pair of dog men and women is too hateful, but I still did not say anything, just wrote down this hatred in my heart, I did not dare to take the brothers' safety risk, only tried to be cowardly, waiting for the next trial.

After the two dogs and men had finished venting, at this time, Hua Ye suddenly raised his hand, looked at his watch, and then said to the eagle, "do it!"

The Mountain Eagle nodded silently, and I also saw the murderous spirit in his eyes. Maybe, this time, my death time is really coming. Even so, I still don't have the heart of fear. In the whole person's heart, there are only suffocation, anger, depression, helplessness and suffering. With thousands of emotions, I slowly turn my head and look at Chen Haoran, who is on the verge of death.

At the moment, he was pale and lifeless. However, when I looked at him, his lax eyes also touched my eyes. At once, his speechless mouth opened weakly and seemed to convey some message to me. With my understanding of him, I seemed to read what he wanted to say to me. Maybe he told me not to give up.

See Chen Haoran like this, my heart more heartache, not willing to drive straight up, anger is like a volcano eruption, so that I can not help but recover a little strength. Just in such a moment, I suddenly do not want to die, I want to survive, I want to break through the siege, want to take my injured brother to the hospital, want to continue on this road, I don't want to die like this, even if only I live alone, I also want to re group forces, revenge!

When I saw the eagle holding a dagger to my chest, I held my fist and was ready to stand up and fight against it. At this moment, in order to survive and revenge, I couldn't take into account any brotherhood. I wanted to resist, I wanted to survive, because I knew and I firmly believed that only I survived, there was hope for everything.

But it was at this critical juncture that a man suddenly rushed into the hotel. After he came in, he said to the flower Lord in a hurry: "no, boss, the event is not good. Someone has broken through our barrier by force."

When the younger brother reported, the God of death just passed me by. His words startled all the people on the scene, including Hua Ye himself. The unrivalled flower Lord seems to have already recognized. The whole city is under his control. No one can support me, or no one dares to come to rescue me. After all, although he is the one who deals with me on the surface, there is a Buddha behind him behind his back. As we all know, Buddha, not to mention in the east of the city, even in the whole city, no one dare to offend him openly.

It was with the strong backing of the Buddha that he dared to deal with me so boldly and unscrupulously. Even if he heard the report from my younger brother, he was just startled. Soon, his eyes became indifferent again. He looked at me lying on the ground like a dead dog, and then looked at the younger brother who came to report. Then, he said in a deep voice, "tell brothers, If someone makes trouble, I'll take it on my shoulder. "Hua Ye's words are still arrogant, as if he didn't pay attention to the rescuers at all. In other words, with the support of the Buddha, he was already arrogant. At this moment, my inner emotions were particularly complicated. I was really surprised to hear that the younger brother said that someone broke through their defense line. I was ready to die. Just want to end all this with my own death, let other brothers not be involved, let me free from the attack of Ziyi, I never thought that someone would come to save me.

Now, knowing that someone has come to rescue, my first reaction is only surprise, not surprise. At the same time, I am also worried about the safety of rescue people, because. There are too many people brought by Hua Ye this time. I really don't want more people to die for me. Now, death has become a luxury for me. I just want to end all this quickly. At the same time, there is also a hidden hope in my heart that the people who come to rescue me and my brothers can be saved.

At the moment when I was distracted, the flower Lord turned his eyes to the eagle again. It seemed that he would order me to be disposed of again. However, he did not say anything. Outside, there was a roaring noise, shouting and killing, resounding in the night sky, which shocked all of us. Even if Hua Ye was indifferent again, he also noticed something wrong. After all, people who could break through the encirclement should not be underestimated.

This time, the flower Lord also dare not to be careless again, hastily said with the woman beside her: "help me out to have a look quickly!"

Then, the shrewd woman immediately helped Hua Ye, under the protection of many bodyguards, went out toward the outside. As he left, many of the thugs in the hotel also followed him out. Even the Mountain Eagle hesitated and held the dagger tightly. He didn't attack me for a long time. His attention was also attracted by the disturbance outside!

If I felt hopeless before, then at this moment, I smelled a strong breath of life. At the same time, I also realized that the opportunity came, and my heart beat suddenly. Originally, I wanted to resist, but I didn't have the strength. I gave up the resistance, not because I wanted to die, but because I knew there was no chance of life. It was that I didn't want to involve more brothers. But now, the riot outside, the deafening scream outside, rekindled my hope for life, let me know that I still have a chance to live, I still have a chance to resist, I still have a chance to revenge, I can still do what I have not finished, I have no ability to think who is coming.

At the thought of these, my anger and unwillingness, my instinctive desire for survival, burst out in an instant. My whole body suddenly had strength, and the depressed me was completely spiritual. At this moment, I had been completely awakened. I took advantage of the growing turmoil outside to take advantage of the mountain When the eagles relaxed their vigilance, I suddenly stretched out my hand and grabbed his leg on my chest and threw it away with all my strength. The mountain eagle was stumbling by my actions. Then, I rolled to my brothers' side, and then I turned over directly.

But in an instant, my dead dog, who was so weak that I couldn't do it, changed in an instant. My desperate eyes became bright, and the whole person changed greatly. In front of the whole audience, I called out to the rest of my brothers: "brothers, someone has come to support us. Let's kill them with me. Go ahead!"

This roar of mine, called out all of my heart's oppression and unwillingness, but also called out my hidden anger for a long time. After that, I took the lead to rush out, and the rest of my brothers, seeing my move, all recovered their vitality and burst out their potential in the body. At the moment when my voice just dropped, they immediately yelled: "kill with elder brother Get out of here! Go

Immediately, I followed me to rush out. I walked at the front of the team and went straight to the hawk. At this time, I had been inspired by the anger and infinite fighting spirit. I had forgotten my injury and everything. I had only one belief in my heart. I killed the invincible Mountain Eagle in front of me to avenge my good brother who was about to die!

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