I'm not inferior to my skills, but at that time I was completely confused. The more angry I was, the more flustered I was. The more chaotic the moves were, the easier it was for the opponent to find flaws. Once I calmed down, my moves and my potential were naturally exploited by me. Even if I was angry, as long as I kept calm, I would not delay anything. The exquisite and heavy Tai Chi was The new is reflected in me. My movements are flowing freely. My body is like the wind. My attack is fierce. My moves are slow but they have amazing power.

In contrast, Shanying, who didn't pay attention to me at all, was suddenly surprised by my recollection. He didn't expect that I, the dying man, could show such strong strength in the blink of an eye, and directly hit him by surprise. It looks like no difference from normal people. What's more, with the war situation outside getting worse and worse Strong, there are many people from outside into the inside.

These people who rush in are more powerful and powerful when they are wearing windbreaker. They are no less powerful than those brought by the Lord Hua. This makes the Mountain Eagle's fighting spirit depressed and the moves show flaws frequently. Now, the cold faced killer is not indifferent.

After seeing these windbreaker warriors, I understood that it was Xie Yu who brought people to rescue me. Indeed, in the east of the city, Xie Yu was the only one who could send powerful human resources to support me. Unexpectedly, she would rescue me in the fire again. Under this situation, the hope in my heart was even greater, and the fighting spirit was stronger. At the moment, I fought with the Mountain Eagle It's not lost.

When I was in the middle of my fight, I suddenly heard the voice of Hua Ye calling for retreat. Of course, not only me, but also the Mountain Eagle heard it. He knew that he could not defeat me for a while, let alone kill me. The large troops there had to retreat again. He had no desire to fight any more. He immediately got rid of me and found a chance to escape quickly.

I want to catch up to avenge Haoran, but I feel powerless at this time. Now I have put my body's limit into full play, and my body's energy is basically exhausted. At the moment of relaxing my vigilance, my whole body is completely soft. My legs puff and I kneel on the ground. I use only my remaining strength to support myself and not fall down.

At the moment, my brothers who fought side by side have changed from more than 30 to less than 10. All the people who can stand here are all decorated. None of them is intact. In this battle, we have suffered heavy casualties. This night, it seems that our brothers' blood has dyed red. Therefore, even if we hold on, even if the enemy withdraws and runs away Our eyes are still full of sadness, and our hearts are still in deep pain. Once my power for a long time was destroyed, now I have nothing to say.

At this time, Xie Yu, accompanied by several people wearing sunglasses, came in. As soon as she entered the hall, her eyes swept to me kneeling on the ground. Immediately, she quickened her pace, walked to me and asked me with concern: "Suluo, are you ok?"

I looked at the brothers lying on the ground and shook my head dejectedly. After a moment's pause, I tried my best to say to them: "quick, call an ambulance!"

Hearing my impotent words, Xie Yu frowned slightly and said seriously: "I have already beaten some of your slightly injured people. I have asked my people to take them directly to the hospital."

When I looked up at Xie Yu, there were many people outside carrying my brother. It seems that at the critical moment, Xie Yu's handling ability is still decisive, and her expression has become more serious than ever before. I looked at her like this and said sincerely, "thank you!"

Finish saying, my eyes all began to loose, slowly, the blood loss too much I was about to hold on, Xie Yu saw the situation quickly helped me, anxiously said: "well, you don't talk, I help you to the hospital!"

With that, she immediately helped me up. After I got up, a brother behind me suddenly yelled to me in a hoarse voice: "big brother, it's bad. Brother Haoran, he's dead!"

Hearing this, my body directly stiff, my head slowly turned to the rear, my eyes looked at Chen Haoran's lying place, at this time his face was pale, bloodless, body motionless lying on the cold ground, stained with a lot of blood, a brother beside him gently shaking him, but Chen Haoran was still motionless.

At this moment, my heart was completely broken, and the soul of the whole person was taken away. A stream of sour water gushed into my heart, and my eyes became hazy. I threw away Xie Yu directly, and my eyes were blank. Step by step, I went to Chen Haoran, who was lifeless.

In this terrible war, I may have guessed the final result. My two thousand people must be very few, and there is not much left. Therefore, my heart has been extremely painful. But at this moment, I heard that Chen Haoran was dead, and my heart was even more painful. This is an indescribable pain, an indescribable injury, because he is I died because he was Chen Haoran, the enemy of me, and Chen Haoran who was loyal to me. Now, I live, but he wakes up completely. I can't believe this fact. I dare not.

When I came to Chen Haoran's side, I knelt down directly. My hand touched Chen Haoran's cold face and hissed: "Chen Haoran, you wake up quickly. You're going to frighten me. You're going to fight together. Wake up!"At this time, Shen Muchen, who was seriously injured, also dragged a heavy step to come over. Looking at the bloodless brother, his eyes also accumulated tears. It can be seen that in recent months, Shen Muchen and Chen Haoran get along well, and they also have brotherhood. Therefore, Shen Muchen and crab are so sad.

At this moment, I didn't cry or shed tears. I just looked at Chen haorandi with dull eyes and touched his resolute face. My heart turned back and forth. Suddenly, countless pictures appeared in my mind, and all about Chen Haoran. I can never forget that Chen Haoran was my biggest enemy because of his hatred Hate is too deep, just changed the trajectory of my life, I changed face, come back again is to find him revenge, at that time, he even caught me the most unforgettable person of my generation, gave me the deepest pain, but all the hatred and hatred were because he knew himself clearly, and finally chose to take refuge in me, with me to deal with Bai Qiuyan, everything, now has become a memory.

Chen Haoran, since he joined me, he has never been ambivalent and has always been absolutely loyal to me. No matter what I command, he always does not say much nonsense, just do what I want. He is the biggest helper when I set up the organization. He is a trustworthy person. No matter what situation he faces, he can be reckless and rush in front of me Fearless of life and death, he is a famous man. Therefore, after he was caught by boss Wang, I would give up his life and die to save him, because I have regarded him as a true brother, a good brother worthy of my life.

But how can I think that Chen Haoran has always remembered this kindness. For this reason, when I was faced with death, he rushed out to block the knife for me without hesitation, but at last he sacrificed himself. He died so quietly. I didn't know that he left the world so regretfully. From the beginning to the present, I didn't have a good talk with him I don't know what his last wish is in this life? Is there anything left unfinished?

I owe him too much, I really can't believe, such a fresh life is gone, Chen Haoran, his voice, his appearance, his personality, his figure, constantly appear in front of me, he never does things in silence, with action on behalf of everything, he shows me all his strong, absolute loyalty to me, and he is not afraid of death God, at this moment, I seemed to hear Chen Haoran's heroic voice and yelled at me and my brothers: "what are you afraid of? It's a big deal that you're going to die."

Chen Haoran has never been afraid of death, but now, he is really dead. I think he is not afraid of death, and I have been lucky to get away from several setbacks. However, seeing that the man who is not afraid of death is dead, I ask myself, is he really afraid of death? Is he afraid at the moment of death? I can't figure out his mind. I can't imagine. At this moment, I totally don't believe that Chen Haoran died. I kept shaking his cold body and murmured: "Chen Haoran, get up for me, TMD, get up for me. We agreed to fight the world together and go to glory together. How can you fall down, Ming It's me who died. Why did you stop the knife for me? Without my permission, how could you TM leave me first? "

At this moment, my voice has become hoarse, my spirit has been out of order, I really can not accept this fact, and like me, Shen Muchen they are calling Chen Haoran, the voice is almost as hoarse as me, and when we were in great pain, many ambulances and police cars arrived here, and soon a large number of doctors and nurses, And the police all rushed into it.

The screeching sound of the alarm bell suddenly woke me up, I recovered some sense, but I still held a trace of impossible hope in my heart, let the doctor check Chen Haoran to see if he was still saved. At my request, the doctor still had no choice but to check for me, but he gave me a straightforward reply, which deeply stimulated my heart and said, "he is dead!"

When this indifferent doctor completely announced the death of Chen Haoran, I was completely sober up, and really accepted the fact that Chen Haoran had died. However, I still did not cry. Maybe my tears had drained away. I did not fall down. I just stood up with red eyes and scanned the embarrassing and bloody war Field, and then looked at the eye and the flower Lord collusion, the people's police, and then, I suddenly opened my dry mouth, to all the people in the audience, exhausted all my strength, hysterically roared: "Buddha is right, today you do to me, I will remember in my heart, I thank you for giving me the chance to survive, in the future, I will ask you blood debt blood! ”

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