At the moment, when I saw the purple Yi standing in front of my eyes, I couldn't believe it. Even, I thought it was a mirage. In order to confirm whether it was true, I closed my eyes and opened them suddenly. But I found that it was not a mirage, but a real Ziyi. However, today's she and the past have changed too much, which makes me feel a little strange Yes.

Her hair fluttered with the wind, which was disordered by the wind, but it did not affect her noble temperament. Her make-up was very exquisite, her clothes were more fashionable and elegant. At the beginning, she had a pure and delicate attitude that did not eat people's fireworks.

But today's Ziyi, the original appearance is no longer, the body show is full of mature charm, also do not know whether it is the reason to marry into a rich family, this moment, I suddenly feel that Ziyi has completely become a lady, the appearance and temperament are so special. Her manner is also much better than before, not a bit with me when the frown and worry. Maybe, this is the life Ziyi should have.

Seeing her like this, I was in a trance for a moment, and people were in a daze. Just before Ziyi appeared, I still thought about her, our past, the tangled present and how to face her in the future.

But now, she suddenly appeared and stood in front of me, but I didn't know what to say. For a moment, I couldn't open my mouth at all. A huge contrast struck me, making me unable to connect the gorgeous and noble purple Yi with the simple and astringent purple Yi in the past. It seemed that the one standing in front of me was my most familiar stranger.

Pause for a long time, I just reflected from the loss of consciousness, and said slowly to Ziyi: "are you calling me?"

After hearing my words, Ziyi felt that I was strange to her. Her expression was slightly disappointed. She gently pursed her mouth and asked me, "is there anyone else here besides you?"

I slightly curled my mouth, carelessly said: "is it, I am afraid you recognize the wrong person, because, my name is, ye Zixuan!"

In the last three words, I deliberately stressed my voice. I didn't know whether it was angry or difficult to accept Ziyi's change. Or, I wanted to be strong in front of her to let her know that I was not vulnerable. In any case, I don't listen to a child for a moment.

Ziyi saw me like this, her expression also had a slight change, some helpless, but also some sad, she motionless looking at me, staring for a long time, then opened her mouth to me and said: "last time, I kept persuading you to leave, why don't you just leave, don't you really want to live?"

When Ziyi said this, I could see that her tone was really full of worry. She was quite different from Fu Dong. Even if Fu Dong came to persuade me, he was still carrying that arrogant attitude. He seemed to be persuading me, but actually he was belittling me and stimulating me. Ziyi obviously advised me to run away with sincerity. No matter whether we are strangers or not, at least, our previous memories are indelible to anyone. We have experienced too much, and Ziyi is still a person who thinks about love. Therefore, she doesn't want to see me die. Maybe it's a natural reaction.

But what she doesn't know is that even if I die, I won't be a coward. I've lost in love. I didn't take Ziyi as the hero in her heart and didn't become her solid backing. This is the most cruel blow to me. How could I have to use escape to prove the fact that I'm incompetent. I can't, I can't. In particular, now that I know what Fu Dong really is, it's even more impossible for me to hide.

So, I directly to purple by firm reply way: "you don't worry, my life is hard, for a while half can't die!"

Ziyi heard me say such harsh words, suddenly showed a trace of bitter smile, as if to laugh at my innocence, she stopped for a long time, said to me: "you killed a few of the Fu family in this city last night, their family is impossible to let you go, now, they have announced to the public, to get rid of you completely. I don't need to say that you should also be aware of the Buddha's ability in this city. Now you are alone. Leaving is your only choice, and also the only choice to survive! "

Ziyi's words deeply hurt my heart. In any case, I am fragile in her eyes. No matter how I change, I am still so weak, or in other words, she has never believed my ability. Indeed, no matter what efforts I have made, they are unbearable. Fu Dong's strength can give Ziyi a sense of security. Maybe, this is her choice Choose me, and the main reason for choosing Fu Dong.

The more I think about it, the more I try to suppress this reluctance and try my best to pretend to be strong in front of Ziyi. So, I replied in a deep voice: "I know your kindness, but you know what I am, so you don't need me to explain it!"

My words purple Yi suddenly understand come over, see me so stubborn, her eyebrows can't help wrinkling up, with a trace of displeasure, continue to say to me: "Suluo, why do you want to be so stubborn, here is what to be nostalgic, why do you have to stay here, what is more important than living ah, I beg you, you go quickly!"

From Ziyi's point of view, if I don't leave, I will die. She thinks that there is no place for me in this city, and there is no one I can miss. When I hear her, I can't help but smile. With this bitter smile, I couldn't help but shout to Ziyi: "you're right. There is no one I can stay here Love, here I have only painful memories, but even then I will not go, I would rather die here, rather than like a stray dog, the same as the gray goI said this in a very hoarse voice, and there were too many emotions in my voice, which directly choked Ziyi to speak. She knew what I had been through these years and what she had experienced. Maybe she could feel the pain in my heart. Which man suffered from the hatred of killing his brother and robbing his wife? When I think of what Fu Dong did to me, my sense of revenge It became more and more intense. I couldn't control my emotions completely. I yelled to Ziyi: "Ziyi, I don't know why you left me, but now these are not important to me. But, do you know, it's because of Fu Dong that you left me and Chen Haoran is dead. Do you think I will leave willingly? If I don't let him pay the price, I will Swear not to be a man

At this time, I don't want to hide anything. After all, Fu Dong and I have reached the point where either he died or I died. It can't be hidden from Ziyi. I have to let her know that I have to kill Fudong.

Ziyi's eyes changed after listening to me. She looked at me with those meaningful eyes, and then she said, "OK, I know why you don't leave!"

See Ziyi can have such a reaction, I think she really understood my meaning, so, I light answer way: "in this case, you know good!"

But to my surprise, the next second, Ziyi was angry. She suddenly yelled at me: "Suluo, Suluo, are you still the person I know? How could you be like this? That day, you made a big fuss about my wedding. I didn't blame you for your sincere feelings towards me, but I really didn't expect that you still held a grudge against Adong. You stayed to deal with my husband. You are such a selfish person. You can't get anything you can't get, and you won't let others have it! "

Ziyi's sudden words made me confused. How could I think that Ziyi would look at me like this. Originally, she hurt me that day, and I was relieved from the pain. Now, she gave me such a terrible bombing, which broke me to pieces, and I was stunned immediately Wooden chicken, I looked at her stupidly, asked: "is it true that I am so unbearable in your mind?"

When I said this, my voice was hoarse enough. Even though I was separated from life and death, I didn't feel so painful. For her sake, I made a big wedding ceremony and got into the trouble of Fu Dong, which made me suffer from the disaster of extermination. But in the end, I turned into a villain who must report revenge in Ziyi's heart I'm really not reconciled.

But these are all the thoughts in my heart. Ziyi, however, can't understand the pain in my heart. When she said this, her eyes were red, and her tears kept rolling in her eyes. It seemed that she was also very uncomfortable. Therefore, she said to me with a slight cry: "Suluo, maybe I thought you were too good before. I have all kinds of things you have done for me Keep it in mind. I know you are a man of backbone. Hua Wushang killed your best brother. They are your extraction. Yes, in terms of morality, you should kill them, but you should not deal with Fu Dong. He has been helping you. Even, he really wants to help you for you several times. But in the end, you should kill him You really let me down

At this moment, Ziyi's words to me were more and more cruel. It hurt me to lose the courage to face her. I felt that my heart was stabbed by her knife after knife. The former Ziyi and the present Ziyi are completely different. We have been together for so long and experienced so much. She should be the one who knows me best, but how can I become like this now, Once we had a good memory together, I was so good to her, all disappeared, what happened in the middle?

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