All of a sudden, I thought of a man, Fu Dong. This seemingly noble, heart extremely dark villain. He has been playing a good man in front of Ziyi. It was he who misled me into thinking he was a gentleman. Now his true face has been exposed by me. He will be worried that I will tell Ziyi everything. So. He came to a villain and told me that I was a bad man, the root of all evils.

Thinking of these, I quickly trembled and asked Ziyi, "this, are these all Fu Dong told you?"

Hearing my words, Ziyi did not hide anything. He said to me directly and frankly: "yes, you are right. It was Adong who told me that he helped you everywhere. I didn't expect you to kill him together. Seriously, I didn't believe it at the beginning, but now I do. I didn't really expect you to be like this, solo. You really let me down

Sure enough, as I thought, Fu Dong was more mean than a villain. His city is too deep, his heart is really too terrible, clearly he wants to kill me? But she ran to tell Ziyi that I would kill him and let Ziyi have a preconceived idea. Thus mislead her, let Ziyi think I am for personal feelings, just want to pay east to die. In this way, if I told Ziyi that I was going to kill Fu Dong one day, I just verified what Fu Dong said to her, resulting in the fact that I was successfully framed.

All of a sudden, my hair stood up. I feel very cold in my heart. I really did not think that the world is really too terrible, people's heart is extremely dark, Fu Dong he is really too insidious, now he has let me gradually have fear. But these are nothing to me. I also know that it is inevitable to come out and mix these things. What makes me more sad is that Ziyi doesn't believe me as a man, but believes in Fu Dong's one-sided words. At this moment, I am really depressed, too miserable, and too bent.

After hearing Ziyi's words, I relaxed for a long time, and then asked her, "Ziyi, don't you believe me at all? You should know what kind of person I am. Don't you think that your husband is a hypocritical villain who has a set in front of him and a set behind him

Although my voice is hoarse, my tone is very serious. Even if there is only a little hope, I hope Ziyi doesn't trust Fu Dong too much. I hope the woman who once loved me can trust me, even if only once.

But my only hope is broken. But my only hope has broken, Ziyi heard me. Directly shed sad tears, he yelled at me: "sulo, you are enough, don't say more, don't you feel it? You have become completely different from before. You are not the same as before. At that time, you were kind and sincere. But now, after so many things, you become more and more selfish. Everything is only for yourself, even for you You are no longer the one I love at first

As she said this, Ziyi had already cried out, and her voice was full of desolation, but it was not only her but also me who was sad. His words broke my heart completely. Unexpectedly, she finally chose to believe in Fu Dong. It seems that Ziyi is really disappointed with me. Through her words, I have already felt that Ziyi's heart has completely put me down. Therefore, we will consider this matter from the perspective of others. But in her eyes, I have become a selfish, for the purpose of unscrupulous people. On the contrary, Fu Dong became the representative of noble existence and fresh and refined. Fu Dong's position in Ziyi's heart has been deeply rooted. No matter what I'm saying, no matter how to explain, Ziyi can't believe me any more. I will only think that I constantly discredit Fu Dong's good feeling in her heart.

If I said that before Ziyi came, I even had a little fantasy that Ziyi would marry Fudong because she had to. But after this conversation, it was obvious that I was too naive. Ziyi really had real feelings for Dong. Since she gave up and I chose Fudong, although I didn't want to admit it, I had to admit it, but I thought about it To this fact, my heart will be very, very painful, I have done a lot of entanglement, and finally feel certain to put her down, but as soon as I see Ziyi, I think she will marry a wife, my heart will be abnormal pain, the pain of my whole person will be suffocated.

Just when I was in the misty state of mind, a cold wind slapped on my face, instantly woke me up, and let me go back to this cruel world. I looked at Ziyi, who was extremely disappointed with me, and looked at the woman I once loved most. My eyes suddenly became empty. My broken heart was completely numb and could not feel the pain. At this moment, my heart was only There is hatred. Deal with the endless hatred of the East.

In order to ease my uncomfortable feeling, I took out a cigarette to light for myself, and took a deep breath of enjoyment. Now, I have nothing to do with the woman I love so much. Only by smoking can I relieve my mood at the moment. After taking a few puffs, I open my mouth to Ziyi and say, "Ziyi, no matter what you think of me before and now, although we can't, I still regard you as a friend. As a friend, I take my life as an oath to advise you not to take Fu Dong seriously, For the sake of your future, you'd better guard against him! "Purple is originally in sadness, suddenly heard me say this, her tears suddenly stopped, staring at me, some stunned asked: "what do you mean by this?"

I did not directly answer her words, until after smoking, immediately, I used my fingers to force the cigarette end to the sky, and then exhaled a long ring of smoke. My eyes gave out extremely fierce light, staring at Ziyi, and said in a sharp voice: "because, I will kill him, and I will kill him myself!"

Seeing me like this, Ziyi's eyes changed again. She was disappointed with resentment. She cried and cried to me, "Suluo, you were not like this before. Why do you want to be like this, why, why?"

Ziyi's voice is full of despair and reproaches me deeply. Her misunderstanding of me has gone deep into her bones. In her opinion, I want to kill Fudong because of my selfishness and selfishness. But what can I do? If I don't believe her explanation, what can I do Hate me if you want to.

After a moment, I shrugged my shoulders helplessly and said to Ziyi with some cynicism: "you always say that I have changed, but I tell you that I haven't changed, and I haven't changed all the time. All I've done is for you. The person who really changed his heart is you!"

I feel so bitter in my heart. I really don't know how to answer Xu Nan. After half a ring, I can only squeeze out such a sentence. But only this sentence shows my heart. My heart has always been open and clear, and I have confidence in my words, because I feel that what I do is worthy of asking.

Now she does not believe me, I can only follow her, but Ziyi doesn't understand my heart at all. After listening to my words, she seems to be more disappointed. All of a sudden, her expression suddenly returns to indifference, which is the hopeless indifference. Her eyes to me have changed and become very empty, as if I have become the road in her eyes Person a, she paused for a while, said to me indifferently: "Suluo, I'll ask you one last, don't do stupid things again, now turn back all in time, OK?"

Seeing Ziyi's cold expression, my heart pricked again. Now she has really changed, her temperament and personality have changed, and even the tone of speaking has changed, which makes me very unaccustomed. But I can only pretend to be strong in front of her, I can't let her see my heartache. I don't want to show any vulnerability in front of her. I try my best to suppress all kinds of emotions and let me His face became stern. I looked at Ziyi with very firm eyes and said firmly: "you don't want to say anything. Fu Dong must die!"

Now, it is meaningless to say too many words. This sentence represents my central idea. I have never had such a big resentment against a person, even if it was Lin Feng. What I have to say is that Fu Dong really broke through my limit. Even if I die with him, I will not hesitate.

Ziyi heard me so firm words, also did not have any mood fluctuation any more, she just helplessly shriveled under the mouth, her look changed let me not understand, looked at me after a few eyes, then said to me: "in that case, you also take care, goodbye!"

With that, she resolutely turned around and left, her back no longer had the flavor of the original, she is now to me, become so strange, and I just know Ziyi simply different.

From the beginning to the end, Ziyi didn't persuade me not to kill Fu Dong. I know that she doesn't worry about Fu Dong's safety at all. It doesn't mean that she has no feelings to deal with Dong, but she thinks that I can't kill Fu Dong at all. In her opinion, I don't pose any threat to Dong. I said that killing him is just a fantasy, an impossible thing to accomplish. The purpose of her coming is Let me leave, until the end, she only said to let me give up the idea, that is, she did not want me to lose my life. She always felt that I was not Fu Dong's opponent and had not started. How could she conclude that I would fail? I was not reconciled. I was really not reconciled.

Thinking of this, I was desperate to face Ziyi's disappearing figure and hissed: "I swear, I will kill Fu Dong with my own hands, even if I take this life, I will!"

In a word, roared out all my emotions, I just want to let her understand that even if I die in battle, I won't hold back and run away!

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