We set off like this, all my thoughts in my heart were thrown out of the sky. Thinking like this, my faith in my heart became more and more firm. The sports car was running fast on the road. After a while, my car took the lead to arrive near the villa in the suburb.

Here I gathered together wasabi, six tigers, Leng Han and twenty elite experts for me. This is a group of strong people, which can be regarded as my vanguard force. As soon as we meet, we will advance to the destination immediately.

When we came to the outside of the villa, we found at a glance that there were about 20 or 30 patrol personnel outside the villa wall, and there were five handlebars standing at the gate. It can be seen that Fu Dong's safety awareness is still very high, and he is always on guard. Obviously, Ziyi's birthday party has started, and there will be no more visitors.

At the same time, we also quietly observed that in the courtyard of the villa, the closest to the house, there were several bodyguards in suits walking around. Although these bodyguards were powerful, they were no better than the experts around me. I believe that there are mountains and cold in them, and they can be solved without a sound. However, I did not take any direct action, just hid outside the villa, Waiting for something.

After a while, Shen Muchen sent me a message that he had brought a large army to come here.

After getting this news, I immediately indicated with my hand the next wasabi and Lenghan, and six tigers, indicating that they could start to move.

In addition to wasabi and Lenghan, these six tigers are also very strong. They are worthy of being the top experts. They are bold and agile. As soon as I command them, their bodies are like lightning. They attack several bodyguards outside the gate. Their methods are fierce. They kill the people at the door in seconds, until these two men beat down those outside the courtyard After the bodyguard, I immediately let the experts around me go out.

All of a sudden, our people who didn't move quickly climbed over the wall and sneaked into the villa from all directions. Maybe they were too strong. Anyway, I didn't hear anything. They cleaned up the bodyguards in the villa yard and opened the iron door for me.

I first sent a message to Shen Muchen, telling him that he could start to act. Then, I walked slowly towards the iron gate of the villa.

When I was about to walk into the yard, Shen Muchen had already arrived with a large army. Among these people, 50 warriors were my Kirin team and more than 100 members given to me by my father. At the moment, they were all holding guys in their hands, and they were very powerful. The combat effectiveness is hoarded together, and the strength can't be underestimated. Of course, I don't want to take these people to kill directly. After all, my rudeness will damage my image. I just calmly ordered Shen Muchen: "surround all of them here. Don't let anyone go without my command!"

Shen Muchen took orders, immediately let the big troops surround the villa, and I was full of pride, with vigorous steps, into the villa where the birthday party is being held.

Wasabi and his group of people are worthy of being professionals. After solving the problem of small bodyguards in the courtyard, they have already stood in their respective positions. The front and rear doors of the main building and the front and rear doors of the courtyard are all surrounded. It can be said that this time, Fu Dong is hard to fly even if he is a winger.

I stepped in this lively courtyard, and my heart was full of excitement. Because I was going to deal with Fu Dong, I could raise my eyebrows in front of Ziyi. The excitement was hearty. I walked lightly, and the sullen feeling in my heart was gone. I came to the gate of the villa.

This time, I didn't sneak in, but walked in from the door. Although, Ziyi won't welcome me when I go in like this, but as her ex boyfriend, it's OK for me to hold a show on her birthday, because today I'm going to give her a special gift.

With incomparably complicated mood, I rang the villa doorbell. When I rang the doorbell for the first time, there was no response. I thought there was something unexpected. I thought that this was not a party, but a trap specially arranged for me. No matter what, it came. I couldn't shrink back. Even if I was dead, I had to break into it. But when I rang the doorbell again, the door finally opened. I had the impression that the person who opened the door was Ziyi One of my best friends, little black fat man.

As soon as she saw me, her eyes widened, and her look was unbelievable. After a little delay, the disbelief in her eyes gradually turned into anger. Obviously, she didn't welcome me very much. She immediately gave me an order to leave and said, "sulo, how are you? Who asked you to come to my house? Quickly disappear in front of me. You are not welcome here

After that, she wanted to close the door, but where would I be like her? I didn't kick the door before, which was regarded as the greatest respect for Ziyi. Therefore, when she wanted to close the door, I directly put out my hand without expression, blocked the door, and pushed hard. How could her strength twist me? I pushed the door open.

She ate shriveled, can't help but step back two steps, I regardless of her panic look, started to walk into the room.

Immediately, there was a harmonious atmosphere of celebration in the hall, and the festive scenes were directly in front of my eyes. In the wide hall in front of me, elegant music was fluttering, all kinds of romantic colored balloons were hung, and all kinds of people were walking around. There were at least 40 people in the hall. Very few of them were Ziyi's girlfriend in school, but most of them were Fu Dong's friends, Young men and young ladies of high society.After I came in, my eyes swept to Fu Dong. He was the hero of the scene at the moment, shining with endless light. All men and women respected him. At this time, his side was still not relaxed. There were many bodyguards protecting him, and the man in black was also among them.

What surprised me is that in addition to the bodyguards in black suits and men in black, there was also a man in low profile. It seemed that he was a master at the same level as the man in black. It can be seen that Fu Dong became more cautious after he suffered a loss last time. It is not surprising that people with his personality do so.

Originally, the whole hall was immersed in a warm and joyful atmosphere, but my sudden arrival broke the harmonious atmosphere.

Almost at the same time, the whole audience turned their eyes to me. At the moment, I felt like a king of a bitch all over my body. I was extraordinary in the gorgeous scene. I felt like the master here and had the courage to reign in the world. And the invincible Fu Dong, at this moment, seemed to be a corpse in my eyes, without any prestige Threat.

But the young master Fu, who has always been on the top of the world, has never seen me again. He may have felt some kind of crisis when he saw me. So after seeing me, he didn't take any action except for his shock. He just looked at me calmly and looked very embarrassed.

On the other side, as the heroine present, Ziyi, who was surrounded by the crowd, also found me. At the moment when she saw me, her expression was the most shocking in the whole audience. Perhaps, she never dreamed that I would run here. Her smiling face became stiff in an instant, and her eyes were dull. After a while, she was slow He came up to me and asked me incredulously, "Why are you here?"

Ziyi's words also represented the voice of the whole audience. Her voice was full of doubts, but her face and her dress were so noble and beautiful. On her head, she was wearing a crown made of paper. Her clothes were gorgeous and high-grade, just like my queen. Only Fu Dong could satisfy him like this.

Looking at her like this, I was stunned for a moment. However, I was just stunned for such a moment. Soon, I reflected, because the purpose of my coming today is not emotion. Immediately, I put my hand in my pocket, took out a small box with exquisite packaging and handed it to Ziyi.

I looked at her with affectionate eyes and said to her in a very sincere tone: "Ziyi, happy birthday to you!"

My action shocked all the people present, and even more shocked Ziyi. How could she think that I would do such a fantastic thing in this situation at this moment? But it was just my action that made Ziyi's heartstrings deeply touched. Her body couldn't help shaking, and her clear eyes also slowly became turbid Even red blood streaks appeared, and her whole person fell into a complete dullness at this time.

When Ziyi was in a daze, I slowly opened the small box. Immediately, a diamond ring with 12 carats was reflected in Ziyi's eyes and everyone's astonished eyes, which made everyone's eyes more surprised. Even Fu Dong, who was always unhappy with me, was shocked by my one move. Xu Nan's mouth was opened, and her red eyes, no longer She couldn't help but flash out the glittering tears, the tears contained too many emotions

for such a long time, Ziyi raised her head, looked at me, and said in a hoarse voice, "Suluo, what do you mean?"

At the moment of seeing such a big diamond ring, Ziyi's expression is no longer indifferent and unfamiliar. She shows obvious emotional fluctuation. She saw something she had been looking forward to for a long time, but this thing appeared in a very inappropriate situation. Therefore, Ziyi was at a loss. She was very confused and didn't know what I was doing 。

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