See Ziyi have such a reaction, my heart can not help but stir up. It's a thrill that I can't control, because I've really fantasized about this scene countless times. I even rehearsed it countless times. What I tried to pursue at the beginning was this scene. With a 12 carat diamond ring, I proposed to Ziyi before ten thousand people.

I want to make Ziyi proud of having a man like me. Although I can't promise her endless splendor and wealth and give her endless glory, I paid a lot of money to buy a big diamond ring for her, just to prove that I love her more than anyone else, and prove that my heart is always there. This is the biggest surprise I want to give Ziyi.

However, the scene that I had been longing for countless times has not been realized. Until today, I came and presented it to him in front of Ziyi, but I didn't come to propose marriage. This fact is really cruel and sad, and the bitterness in my heart arises spontaneously.

With this pain, I looked at Ziyi with all my eyes and said, "Ziyi, I prepared this ring for you very early. I'm going to propose to you with it. But now you're someone else's wife. I don't have this chance. Anyway, it's useless for me to keep it. I'll give it to you as a birthday present."

My voice is full of pain, my throat seems to be blocked by something, with thousands of melancholy in my heart, and my eyes contain infinite complex friendship. On the way to me, I have been persuading myself to be strong in front of Ziyi, to show that I have completely forgotten her, and to always remember that I only treat Ziyi coldly and mercilessly.

This special gift is my apology for catching someone in front of Ziyi. But when I really face Ziyi and touch her familiar eyes, I find that I can't resist her tenderness at all. How hard I try, my immunity in front of Ziyi is directly changed to zero. This woman can always easily affect my heart, always melt my strong, and I can't help but become that pure Suluo.

Only, the scene is not only me and Ziyi two people, not everyone is willing to see us reminiscence. Fu Dong, in particular, can't pretend to be a gentleman any more. Last time at his wedding, I had already done a damage. He buried his hatred for me in his heart and pretended to be a good person. This time, at the birthday party he prepared for his wife, I suddenly came out again and gave Ziyi a big ring, which was more than disturbing him The wedding also let him fall, let him as Ziyi husband, how can he endure.

So, Fu Dong, who always pretends to be a gentleman, broke out. After I finished speaking, he didn't give Ziyi a chance to reply. Instead, he walked up to me and asked in front of me, "Suluo, what do you mean?"

Fu Dong's tone of voice is very impolite. He doesn't need to pretend to be a good man to me and give me a hypocritical good attitude as he did last time. Because people in the whole city know the hatred between me and him, so he shows me a hegemonic side without concealing it.

Perhaps, Fu Dong knows how strong the bodyguard around him is. He is not too afraid of me at the moment, but now I don't pay attention to him at all. He will be planted in my hands today. I just want to waste some time to deal with Ziyi matter before dealing with him. No matter how much damage this woman brings to me, I can't bear to hurt her too much I tried to give her a little step down, so that she could slow down a little bit and not be hurt too hard by me. Therefore, I ignored Fu Dong's attitude, still staring at Ziyi, looking forward to her reaction.

Fu Dong saw that I didn't pay any attention to him. He felt that his face was more angry, and even wanted to burst out. But at this time, Ziyi stopped him in time. Then, Ziyi forced her to suppress some agitated emotions and asked me coldly: "what are you doing here? Do you want to give me presents

Ziyi is naive, but she is not a fool. She may see that she is a little slim. She knows that I swore in front of her that I will kill Fu Dong. Now, on this occasion, I suddenly come out, and I must have other purposes. So, she didn't accept my gift at all, and asked me what I wanted.

I also know that Ziyi can't receive the ring from my ex boyfriend in front of so many people. So, I simply put the ring in my hand and put it in my coat pocket again. Then, I put my hand directly at Fu Dong and said to Zi Yi forcefully: "what do you say I can do? Of course, it's to realize what I said to you. Kill Fu Dong! "

I squeezed the last four words out of my teeth, and with my hatred, my eyes turned red. Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked again. Many people thought I was a madman, and I was shocked by what I just did. It's because they don't understand how I dare to appear in front of Fu Dong. Few people in this city don't know how deep the resentment between me and their Fu family is. Now when they see me coming, everyone thinks I'm looking for death. When they hear that I'm going to kill Fu Dong, they are even more disbelief. They all stare at me.

Even Ziyi was speechless when she heard my words. She knew that I had a grudge with Fudong, but she didn't expect that I would say such words in front of celebrities in the city on her birthday. Her eyes became more red, but this time, she was not moved and surprised, but full of anger. She was completely stimulated by my words, which is the least Ziyi Willing to see a scene, but it was so staged, and also in front of her face, this is how cruel to her.This made Fu Dong even more furious. Although he guessed that I was prepared, he could not admit it in any case in front of Ziyi. Therefore, he directly showed his strong side and yelled at me: "you can kill me, joke!"

As soon as his voice fell, all the bodyguards in the room immediately flashed behind Fu Dong, protecting their master. But I didn't care about the bodyguards at all. I slowly took out a cigarette and took a casual puff. Then, I said to Fu Dong youyou: "ha ha ha, of course, it's not just me! "

as soon as my voice dropped, eight people came into the gate. They were horseradish. They were all experts. Now, there should be more than enough to deal with Fu Dong's bodyguards. I am confident that I can win this battle.

Suddenly, Fu Dong saw some experts around me, especially others who had seen the power of these people. His arrogant face inevitably showed a trace of panic. When he was flustered, I took a breath of smoke and said, "Fudong, if you really love Ziyi, you can just put your hands on it and follow me obediently. Don't want to be meaningless Resist, you should be clear, if I want to start, I can definitely solve you in a few minutes, but I don't want to destroy the festive atmosphere, don't want to see blood, especially in front of Ziyi. So, you'd better follow me, this is your best choice! "

My tone at this moment, very arrogant, also completely showed my sincerity, I really do not want to let Ziyi see blood, if I really want to start, with me these people, absolutely can solve Fu Dong this cadre of people in a short time, but in that case, I will completely hurt Ziyi's heart, even if our relationship has come to an end, but for her kind hand I still Yes, I just want to solve today's affairs in the most peaceful way. Besides, with so many people around, it's too bad for me to kill people directly.

These are all threats and threats. Even for the sake of face, Fu Dong will not be arrested. He knows that if he goes with me, he will die. Therefore, he yells at me directly with full momentum: "Suluo, where do you think this is? You can do whatever you want. Are you sure that you have the ability to take me away? To tell you the truth, just now my people have released the news, and someone will come to support me immediately. If you are wise, you can get out of here quickly. I can see Ziyi's face and spare you from dying! "

It has been such a time, Fu Dong is still so high-profile, the whole person is absolutely self-confident, as if he is really not afraid of heaven and earth, not afraid of me, who is regarded as a mole ant by him. Even though he is in crisis, he has always maintained his arrogance, especially in front of Ziyi, he still keeps his true qualities as a hero.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong he is, he can't deceive me, let alone scare me off. I've already planned it. The villa is remote, and the people in the Southern District have no control and their attitude is loose. Even if they come to support, they don't know when they can come. No matter what city Fu Dong asks for, it will take at least half an hour, In such a long time, I have enough strength to get rid of them.

So, after seeing that Fu Dong was so ignorant, I didn't want to pretend to be polite. Let Ziyi think about me. Immediately, I directly ordered, "brothers, take them all down for me!"

As soon as the people behind me heard my order, they couldn't wait to start. But at this moment, Ziyi suddenly appeared in front of Fu Dong, opened her arms and stopped the person I was about to move. At the same time, they yelled at me: "Suluo, you are enough!"

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