I do this to worry about her rush to get hurt, after all, the fist and foot do not grow eyes, hurt her by accident is not good, so, I have been holding Ziyi's hand, but Ziyi is crazy, she grabs on me, her tears are raging, her expression is sad and anxious, but I can't do anything about me, she even kicks me with her feet, in order to let me loose, her hand is also in me My face was scratched by her nails.

So, when Ziyi was crazy about me, I couldn't help holding her. I didn't know if I hadn't held her for a long time. When I held her, I felt my heart was warm and all the negative emotions were gone. It seemed that the whole world had nothing to do with me. I didn't know whether Ziyi felt the same as me. Anyway, after she was held by me, she didn't Struggle again, or say, has been struggling, she just kept sobbing, voice is very pitiful, really let me pity.

The two of us held each other tightly in front of all the people. It seemed that everything around me had nothing to do with me. I didn't care about the eyes of anyone, and I didn't care about their spitting. I just wanted to make Ziyi feel at ease, so that she would not be crazy again, nor look at the scene of fighting and killing.

Just when I was immersed in the taste of hugging, the scuffle in the villa came to an end. Because of the advantages of the number and strength of my side, the battle was not very difficult. What's more, my people all knew that the time was very urgent and could not be delayed for a long time. Therefore, we all played our strongest strength The other party's people are obviously in a state of panic and no confidence. In the end, they only end up being crushed by us.

A contest between the experts ended in less than ten minutes. Once they knocked down the other side, they would be seriously injured. Otherwise, they would not be able to stop. Therefore, at this moment, Fu Dong's bodyguards all lay on the ground a little powerless. Of course, the people lying on the ground also included Fu Dong. Although they were seriously injured and fell to the ground, they were still dead Death control them, do not let these people have the chance to resist, waiting for my order.

At this time, I suddenly found that the noisy scene did not know when it was quiet. Seeing that the group of recalcitrant elements were subdued, I released Ziyi and said sorry to her casually. Then I walked calmly to Fu Dong.

As soon as I came to him, I gave him a lot of kicks. Then I said to him sarcastically: "look, master Fu, let you be arrested. You don't listen to it. You want to resist. You're looking for your own bitter food. Why do you think you're a cow? Don't you lie on the ground like a dog, ha ha ha!"

Maybe the resentment against Dong was too deep. After I finished speaking, I couldn't help kicking him a few feet. However, Fu Dong is a tough guy. He is not so easy to yield. Even if he becomes my prey now, he still can't change his arrogant appearance. His eyes twinkle with endless anger, glared at me fiercely, and yelled at me: "Suluo, you're from me Do you know the way to death? I'll tell you that you will not only hurt yourself, but also all your brothers

His words are not a threat to me. They are simply stating a fact. He does have the capital to say this. However, he can't scare me. Since I dare to move him, I have already thought about the consequences. Since I have embarked on this road and want to make my own guild bigger, there will be a bloodbath between me and the Buddha. Now, anyone, anything, anything, anything They couldn't stop my determination to kill Fu Dong. So, after kicking him a few more times with hatred, I directly pointed at the wasabi. They ordered, "take Fu Dong away, and the others will be abandoned to me!"

For me, all of Fu Dong's people are threatening. Leaving them is a threat. I can't make him safe and sound. Anyway, they have already done it. It's just a little more direct. After listening to my words, horseradish and his staff immediately showed a fierce look in their eyes. These people can completely ignore Fu Dong's threat and those bodyguards' begging for mercy, He quickly and directly took Fu Dong's bodyguards out of their hands. Of course, the man in black was also included. However, he was the most miserable because he ambushed the wasabi and made him seriously injured and hospitalized. As a result, wasabi directly abandoned his hands and feet and nearly killed him. After a while, the shrill screams resounded through the hall, one after another. Some girls in the hall were scared to cry. They looked at me and felt like they saw a devil. They were afraid that I would go crazy and even they would not let go.

However, everything can't stop the established fact that Fu Dong's bodyguards have been completely abandoned by me. As for Fu Dong himself, after seeing that I really started, his face began to show panic. At this time, horseradish personally grabbed Fu Dong from the ground. Although Fu Dong's skill was powerful, he had no strength to fight back against wasabi, just like one Straight chick like, was carried by horseradish.

The scene in front of her frightened Ziyi at the beginning. Until then, she finally regained her consciousness. So, she stood in front of the wasabi and said to me, "Suluo, you can't take him away!"

In any case, Fu Dong is Ziyi's husband. Ziyi will certainly do everything to protect him. However, no matter how Ziyi stops him, I will not hesitate. There is no room for discussion. When Ziyi is blocking the way of wasabi, I go straight to her and say coldly to Ziyi: "today, Fudong, I must take away I can't let him live in the worldZiyi's tears are still raging, her eyes, become more tangled and complicated, she looked at me very painfully and asked me, "why, why, why do you do this in the end, what does he have to offend you?"

Until this moment, Ziyi didn't understand at all what kind of resentment existed between me and Fudong. However, Ziyi seemed to believe what I had just said and knew that I didn't kill Fudong because of her, so she asked me that. Seeing her like this, I stopped hesitating, grabbed Fu Dong's hair and yelled to Ziyi:

"since you don't know, I'll tell you why, because he is a hypocrite and a villain inferior to an animal. He pretends to plead for me at your wedding, but behind his back, he wants to kill me, he You know what, it's because he killed my best brother? Chen Haoran died in front of me to protect me. Do you know how unjust he is? In addition, Fu Dong also conspired with Hua Ye and his gang on how to deal with me. I found out that I killed Hua Ye on the spot, but let him escape. In turn, he told the villains in advance and said that I would kill him in front of you. He was deliberately misleading you. Do you know? Just ten days ago, he ran to my place to kill me. If it hadn't been for wasabi, I would have been dead, you know? Do you think I can save such a brute with a man's face and a beast's heart? Tell me

My cry out all my emotions, until this time, Ziyi just suddenly, she should feel out, I am not lying, she seems to be a little awakened, she stupidly turned her eyes, looked at her good husband, Fu Dong.

Fu Dong, who is in a desperate situation, still wants to preserve his dignity at the last moment. He also wants to explain what: "Zi Yi, listen to my explanation. Things are not."

I didn't have time to listen to him. It was useless for me to explain. I gave up Ziyi. I didn't need her attitude towards me. I just threw him to wasabi and said to wasabi, "take him away!"

After the horseradish got the order, she immediately carried Fu Dong to the door. The stunned purple tried to stop her by launching. But I immediately reached out and held her hand, making her unable to move. Ziyi's body was just like being ordered. She didn't yell or struggle. She just stood there in a daze and was at a loss. At this moment, she imitated Buddha became the most pitiful woman in the world. She was cheated, abandoned and teased. Her eyes were so sad and her expression was extremely sad.

I couldn't bear to see her look like this. So, after the wasabi and their evacuation, I said to Ziyi again: "Ziyi, everything I said is true, believe it or not. Besides, such villains as Fudong are not worthy of you. Don't be sad!"

After that, I also turned and strode away, but when I came to the door, I heard Ziyi's sobbing voice again, and my heart was led again. I don't know why, I can't walk. I can't make a perfect appearance. Seeing my favorite woman hurt, I feel a hundred times more hurt than I hurt. I almost unconsciously go back The head, looked to the purple Yi with dim eyes.

The protagonist of today's party, the most dazzling woman in the audience, has become the most gloomy woman in the world in an instant. Her face is haggard, her expression is sad, and her tears are raging. I don't know what words are used to describe her pity.

This farce, the biggest blow is Ziyi, today is her birthday, she should be happy to spend, but because of my appearance, disrupted the harmonious venue, made a mess here, her beloved husband was also taken away by me, even, to the end, she knew Fu Dong's true face, which is impossible for any woman The cruel facts accepted, especially the celebrities around the city are talking about something quietly at the moment. For Ziyi, who has not experienced setbacks, it is a devastating blow. How can her fragile heart bear it.

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