To be honest, if I leave like this, I'm afraid Ziyi will fall back into the abyss in the voice of people's discussion. Can Ziyi still have a smile in the future. Although she should die of paying for the crime, Ziyi is innocent. I should not hurt her so deeply, and I should not be cruel to her. The more I think about it, the more I think, the more convulsive my heart is, I can't help but go back to Ziyi's face, in her face, in her face A face of the moment, I in the face of the whole scene, hold her in my arms, to her tears wet red lips, heavily kissed down.

A kiss seemed to activate her instantly, and her haggard face restored a little look. Her red eyes were also widened, and the whole scene was seen by others. Some people were surprised, some people shouted, some people were confused and all kinds of reactions were available.

But I totally ignore their reaction, but I just immerse myself in this kiss, and kiss as much as I can. I want to let Ziyi feel my heart, feel my love for her, let her forget all the troubles, and let her find warm hope.

This kiss, I kissed for a long time, the kiss time seems to be still, in the process of kissing, I and Ziyi both forget, a moment later, I slowly released Ziyi, then, I use deep-hearted eyes to look at some of the confused Ziyi, and said from the heart: "Ziyi, you are a good woman, and I love the most. She is a hypocrite and a scum. He is not worthy of you. You will not be happy together. Besides, my hatred with him is too deep, and he must die. You should put him down, a beautiful and kind-hearted woman like you. Even if Fu Dong dies, I believe, there will be many men competing to marry you. Even if you are not satisfied or you can't find it at last, you can come to me, I will marry you, I will wait for you all the time! "

I mean this sentence. Every word I say is a deep statement of my own. My tone is sincere and sincere. I don't have any impurities in my eyes. Whether Ziyi has ever failed me or not, no matter how she treats me, I have no resentment on her. What I can confirm and affirm is that I still love her and love him very much, I can't forget her, even, I'm sorry for her. I can marry her home whenever she wants.

Ziyi at this time, like being fixed, her look is still trance, the information in her brain is still very messy, but obviously, my last sentence touched her, let her eyes exude different colors, but, only, only so, she did not give me a response, nor give me a positive answer, she is still in a daze, a daze Time can not return to God.

At her most vulnerable time. I want to give her warm arms, let her rely on, give her a sense of security, this is an involuntary emotion, is the most direct emotion for their weak and helpless women as a man standing up to the sky. This emotion is not controlled by reason at all. It is naturally revealed. This is what I can do and what I want to do, because, I am Love her.

Time, when Ziyi and I looked at each other, it seemed to be still. I forgot that there were so many audiences nearby, I forgot that I still had something to solve, forgot all the things, and my eyes are only Ziyi. However, the short silence was broken by Shen Muchen who rushed in. As soon as he entered the hall, he shouted to me urgently: "Hello, OK, it's time to retreat!"

At this time, I suddenly came back to God, my time is really urgent, so I hurriedly determined to fix the mind, to Ziyi meaningful said: "I wait for your news!"

After that, I turned and left quickly.

When I walked out of the door, I saw my staff waiting for me at the door. Qiqi's people were gone. Obviously, they saw the task finished, and they left without notice. Then I also evacuated with the fire of the big army.

I asked my Kirin team, the brothers brought by Shen Muchen, and other soldiers to get Shen Muchen back to the headquarters and prepare for defense. I took the sunflower and six tigers to pay East, and came to a very secret place.

This is the place Chen Haoran specially looked for for me to hide songqingfeng. It is very remote and suitable for Tibetan people. At that time, songqingfeng died here. Today, I brought my great enemy, Fu Dong. For me, my hatred for Fu Dong is hundreds times deeper than that of song Qingfeng.

After arriving here, the sunflower threw him directly on the ground. At this time, Fu Dong has become a complete dead dog. On the way to come, he was knocked out by the sunflower. Now he is still in a coma state. I have no hesitation. I take out a cold water and sprinkle it on his face. I woke him up immediately.

When he woke up, Fu Dong shivered, still in a state of confusion. He felt like a dream. He was a little bit trance. Maybe, he can't believe it now. The son of the master of the hall Buddha will become my Suluo step prisoner. When Fu Dong wakes up from the chaos, he screams at me immediately: "sulo, you are dead TMD!"

At this moment, Fu Dong is still fearless to me. I can't help but want to praise him. Until now, it is not bullshit. When he roars at me, he only has anger, and all of them become my prisoner. He still has such a big tone. It can be seen that he has never been wronged in his coming. Indeed, so far, no one has dared to move his hair.However, I don't care about him at all. I don't care about his words. All I have in my heart is hatred. I didn't kill him immediately, I just wanted to know something from his mouth. So, when he muttered at me, I kicked him a few feet and kicked him hard. When he was unable to call, I asked him, "pay East, want to be less guilty. You are not guilty." Just cooperate with me, tell me, what mean means did you use to let Ziyi marry you? "

I can't understand this matter all the time. I don't understand why Fu Dong Fei wants to marry Ziyi. Ziyi is beautiful. But they are not one of the world people. They have no chance to meet. Especially, she is my woman.

I was surprised that after listening to my words, Fu Dong shouted to me without hesitation: "because I love her, I love her more than you waste!"

When Fu Dong said this, his eyes were red and red, and his voice was very scary. His mood showed his sincerity. He seemed to love Ziyi very much. As for why he fell in love with Ziyi, it was not what I wanted to know most. What I wanted to know most was why Ziyi changed his mind to me. What did Wu Tianhao say to her? He was in the same place What role does it play.

Fu Dong did not answer my question directly. Then, after listening to his words, I said to him straightforwardly: "tell me, do you and Ziyi do anything from it, so you married Ziyi?"

My tone is very strict, and there is a fierce light in my eyes. This is a warning to him. If he is not cooperating with me, I will start to use my means. However, he was not frightened at all, but he was irritated. He seemed to believe that I would kill him. As a prisoner, he was full of spirit. Even, his roar at me was bigger and bigger, and said, "who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to interrogate me? Today, I am very happy to plant it in your hands. But I advise you to let me go quickly. Otherwise, you will not only die, but also your family will be destroyed. You will also be buried with all your brothers! "

The more angry he said, as if he was talking to me here, it was a shame in his life. He could not stand my mole ants in the high place to interrogate him. His own superiority really made me feel sick and my anger rose. I took out a dagger in his eyes, and then said to him coldly, "I hope you don't challenge my limit any more, you should know that since I kidnapped you, I have shown that everything can be done. You may not know that the first person I killed myself is killed here. If you cooperate with me, I may have left you half a life! "

For me now, what really is done is to do it. Don't say it's killing Fu Dong. Even if his father falls on my hand, I dare not kill it. But, I don't want to end it with anger. I must make sure what happened in the three months after I disappeared, so that the situation will become today. Wu Tianhao, the old fox, is playing with the old fox What trick, Ziyi married Fu Dong, what is the relationship with him, these things I must do my best to find out, so, I did not directly kill Fu Dong.

But I didn't expect that even when he faced my knife, he was not afraid that I would do it. On the contrary, the more I threatened him, the more angry he was. He almost shouted at me without hesitation: "sulo, I told you, I told you, I can't say anything, let alone play with me. When I play with the means, you still wear crotch pants. That's why you are Do you really dare to kill me? If you ignore the lives of others, do it without it! "

Fu Dong's words are still rampant. The tone of his speech still shows deep disdain to me. He always despises me like this. Since this way, everything is forced by him. I will show him now. I dare not dare to do it. I think of this, I directly bow down and take the knife's hand. I insert it into his thigh deeply.

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