As soon as I went down with this knife, Fu Dong's cry of pain was heard in the cabin. However, in an instant, he tried his best to control his pain. He bit his teeth and didn't cry out any more. He was in front of me all the time, keeping his arrogant dignity.

I looked at him not to admit defeat, in the heart more angry, ferocious to him way: "Fu Dong, I really don't understand you have what is crazy, you really think rely on your father can be rampant for a lifetime, tell you, this is impossible, I will not only kill you, even your father, I will kill together, you did not look down on me before? Think I can't kill you? Today I want to let you know that the people you despise really dare to kill you

I know that it's impossible to pry something out of his mouth now, and I don't want to ask any more. It's natural to ask Ziyi about this matter.

At present, since Fu Dong can be so arrogant, I will torture him, or I will inevitably vent my anger in my heart, and I am sorry for the dead Chen Haoran. I can never let this villain die too simply. That is my kindness to him, which is obviously impossible.

Fu Dong was injured when he came here. Now he was stabbed by me again, and his body was shivering. However, his bones were really hard. He did not have the look of fear. He was still very angry and unwilling. When he was dying, he threatened me: "Suluo, remember that you will pay the price for what you have done today Everyone you're concerned with will die! "

The last three words, he said very heavy, but I simply put a knife in his other leg without thinking. Suddenly, there was a pig like scream, and the cry became weaker and weaker. At this time, Fu Dong almost fainted. When he eased down, I continued to say to him, "don't waste your energy yelling at me. You think I still have it now Will you be afraid of you? I kill you today not only to avenge my brother, but also to do justice for heaven and eliminate evil for the people

Maybe the resentment against Dong is too deep, so when I torture him, I can't help but roar out the resentment in my heart. This is what I dream about. Every day, I think about how to catch Fu Dong, how to deal with him and how to torture him. In fact, for me, what I want to see more is that Fu Dong pleads with me like a dog, so that I can have a little balance in my heart. Even if he doesn't beg for mercy, I also like to see him fear, see him afraid, see him regret, let him understand that the end of offending me is death.

But I seem to underestimate Fu Dong. No matter what kind of torture he has suffered, he still treats himself as a day and me as a mole ant. Maybe he looks down on me in his heart. He can't bow his head in front of mole ants. Maybe he thinks I dare not kill him.

Therefore, after accepting my two knives, he even used his remaining strength to make a sinister voice at me: "kill me, ha ha ha, if you have the seed, kill me, come on, do it!"

He is very weak, his voice is weak, but his tone is very arrogant, as if death for him, is not a terrible thing, not to think I dare to kill him. In the face of death, some people beg for mercy, others are hard spoken, but I have never seen him. Fu Dong's heart is really beyond my grasp. He would rather die than beg for mercy in front of me. At this moment, he looked at me with anger and contempt. This kind of disdain went deep into my sensitive heart, which made the string of hatred in my heart more and more tight.

Fu Dong may have been looked up to and respected by others since he was born. His sense of superiority is too strong and strong. He doesn't know how to practice his mentality. He still dares to despise me at this time? If you don't pay attention to me, why is he higher than others? Can't he see that I'm going to kill him in the next second.

All of a sudden, my eyes were bleeding red. He married my woman, killed my brother, regarded himself as the master of the city, trampled on my dignity, trampled on my self-esteem, belittled my everything, and even took my life several times.

Such a despicable and arrogant person, I will be in vain if I don't kill him. Even if I know that killing him, the whole city will be involved in the bloodbath, but I'm not afraid of it. I have been prepared in my heart. Fu Dong, I will die anyway.

So, without any hesitation, I directly squeezed the bloody dagger and said to Fu Dong, "Fu Dong, the biggest mistake you've made in your life is to offend me. However, you can rest assured that I won't let Ziyi alone after you die. I'll let her come back to me. Now, you can rest in peace!"

After that, my blood red eyes showed a cold light. I didn't wait for Fu Dong to reply. The dagger in my hand stabbed at his chest. Facing death, Fu Dong's scornful eyes could not help but flash a trace of panic. He still did not beg for mercy, but waited for the arrival of the God of death.

He thought that he would die in the next second, but the accident happened unexpectedly. At the moment when my dagger was inserted into Fu Dong's heart, my mobile phone suddenly rang. The clear and crisp voice in such a quiet cabin was particularly loud and clear. It deeply penetrated into my eardrum, shocked my heart, and made the strength of my hand conditional reflection Reduced, the dagger in my hand suddenly stopped when it was inserted into his skin.I did not continue to force, my hand unconsciously stopped, because my heart began to feel uneasy, always feel that this call will not come for nothing. There must be something wrong with it. In other words, it happened to make me feel curious. I wanted to find out who this character was. It happened to stop my knife.

So, when Fu Dong showed his teeth in pain, I stood up and took out my mobile phone. It turned out that the caller ID was director Zhuang. I almost subconsciously felt that something was coming. Then, without delay, I quickly connected the call. Suddenly, director Zhuang's anxious voice came from the phone: "Suluo, tell me the truth, did you kidnap Fu Shao?"

It was no secret at all. I didn't have to hide it from him. Of course, I couldn't hide it. So I simply said to him, "yes, Fu Dong is really here."

After listening to my words, director Zhuang didn't take a breath, so he quickly said to me, "Suluo, you can't do anything stupid. You can't do anything stupid. You can't do anything wrong. There's room for discussion."

Although I always try to calm myself down, I still feel a little shiver when I hear director Zhuang's words. I am very clear that I have no ability to be lawless in this city. The reason why I dare to act in broad daylight today is to think that director Zhuang is the backstage behind me. I think he will take care of me. In general, he is the one who will take care of me He won't move me. He can even hold down some things for me. But at the moment, listening to his cautious and anxious tone, I suddenly have no confidence. Obviously, director Zhuang, as a hard backstage, still cares about Fu family and Buddha.

After a pause, I still tried to ask director Zhuang, "director Zhuang, can't you turn a blind eye to this matter?"

In any case, director Zhuang, after all, is the head of the Bureau of the city and the law enforcer of the city. I think that as long as he does not care about his own business or directly does not interfere in this matter, I think no one can do anything about me.

But I was wrong. I thought it was too naive. Director Zhuang listened to my words and immediately said to me, "brother Su, you may not know something. I can help you to hold down some things, but there are some things that I can't even hold down as the director. I have people staring at me and vice directors staring at me. I have to be careful when I do things It's too noisy. We've almost turned upside down in our bureau. You'd better let the people go, or the city will be in chaos! "

After listening to director Zhuang's words, I feel more and more uneasy. I feel more and more that this is not simple. I finally know why Fu Dong knows that I can be so crazy when I want to kill him. It turns out that he really has arrogant capital. His father's backstage is really unimaginable. It can be seen from his last visit that director Zhuang's attitude towards Buddha is also very respectful This is enough to show that the figures behind the Buddha are afraid of the Security Bureau, and the Buddha himself is also a frightening existence.

But I had a hard time to catch Fu Dong. I couldn't let him go so easily. If I let him go this time, I would really have no chance of revenge. He is a villain who will revenge me strongly. At that time, the dead person is definitely me. Even if I killed him and committed a serious crime, I would not hesitate to do so. Therefore, I once again firmed up my attitude and resolutely refused: "director Zhuang, no matter what, I can't let go of Fu Dong. If he goes away, the next person who will die will definitely be me. So, in this matter, I hope you can help me!"

Director Zhuang may also understand the hatred between Fu Dong and me. He did not use a strong attitude towards me, but sighed helplessly. Then he said to me, "no matter what, in the face of Zhang Jia, I will try my best to help you, but this is not a trivial matter. Once you kill Fu Dong, don't talk about you. I'm afraid even I will step down Ah, you must be calm and calm. Don't act lightly. I'm trying to reconcile it. It's possible that there's a chance of a turnaround. "

If Fu Dong died, it would be a storm in the city. My own fate would be very miserable, and the people related to me would also get a miserable result, even if he was one of the city's leaders Handle, may be affected, after all, the Buddha power is very big.

With some complicated heart, I ended the call with director Zhuang.

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