For my impulse to act, we all keep advising me, let me not be rash, but, the matter has come to this point, can I calm down? This pain is more painful than killing me, what should I do, what can I do, what I want to do, who can tell me!

Shen Muwu said: "the more calm I see in the city, the more I can understand this situation, the more you want to understand me No action. Why? Isn't it because Fu Dong is in our hands? If you compromise and let Fu Dong go, then we will really suffer the disaster of extinction. At that time, not only we will die, but also Ziyi will die! "

Shen Muchen's words point out the main idea. Think about it carefully, he's right. Even if I let Fu Dong go, the Buddha can't let Ziyi go. Since he has already sent out a message that Ziyi doesn't abide by women's principles and wants to bury her alive, how can he release Ziyi afterwards and let her continue to be Fu Dong's daughter-in-law? Even if Fu Dong is in love with Ziyi, it's impossible. Isn't that a fight in your face? In other words, I think it's impossible to rescue Ziyi.

Thinking of these, my head cracked. At this time, Bai Qiuyan came and sent me a message, that is, in the Western District, countless black forces have gathered, and even the alliance against me organized yesterday has all gone there. The Buddha's own forces are all concentrated in the Western District, which indicates that he is about to make great moves Yes.

Of course, Bai Qiuyan certainly knew that the Buddha wanted to bury Ziyi alive. Therefore, Bai Qiuyan came to tell me that this was a trap, and let me throw myself into the trap. Unlike me, although he cared about Ziyi, he was not as flustered as I was, and all he showed was calm.

Bai Qiuyan also means that even if I let Fu Dong go, the Buddha will not stop. His purpose this time is to lead me to the past and kill me all at once. Otherwise, he would not be so enthusiastic and let all the forces concentrate on the mass graves in the western district. If he just killed a woman, there was no need for him to make such a big fight. He should be ready to go there Today, I was completely wiped out.

Bai Qiuyan asked me not to die. He told me that this time, the Buddha almost covered half of the black forces in the whole city. Even if I gathered more people, I could not compete with it, let alone rescue Ziyi. The only way I can get away from it now is only two ways. One is to hold down Fu Dong as the last guarantee. The second, of course, which I have always resisted, is to escape.

Bai Qiuyan's words broke my broken heart to the bottom again. I really didn't expect that the Buddha would be so cruel that he didn't give me room to maneuver. He wanted to kill me. At this moment, I couldn't help thinking back to the Buddha's words that day: "this city is really quiet for too long!"

All of a sudden, I felt a little regret. I had already known that I would have promised the Buddha to let Fu Dong go. In that case, at least Ziyi would not be involved. But now, I let Ziyi fall into an irreparable situation, but I can't do anything to save her. Indeed, I also know that even if I let go of Fu Dong, the Buddha will not give up. He will definitely kill me and never leave any room for recovery. Otherwise, he will be a godfather of the underworld in recent years.

Is it true that I am in a dead end? What can I do in this situation?

Let Ziyi's safety be ignored and run away?

Let Fu Dong go and wait for the Buddha's army to trample me flat?

At this moment, I suddenly felt very tired, and my heart was exhausted to the extreme. However, I had no other way, or there was no other choice. My brothers didn't support me and let Fu Dong go. Now, after listening to Bai Qiuyan's words, they were even less supportive. All the people on the scene were talking about what to do next. Let people go and bufangq

me My heart was extremely tangled and distressed. The nervous line was very tight. The whole person was hovering on the edge of collapse. While my brothers were talking in succession, I clenched my fist and roared to everyone on the scene: "OK, don't say it!"

At that time, the original noisy scene suddenly returned to silence, and everyone's eyes were on me, with different eyes. At this moment, my mood is really incomparably complex, let go of people or not, two kinds of sounds twinkle in my ears, let my brain explode, but I am too clear, they said are not wrong, brother's views have concerns, I can understand.

In the eyes of my brothers, I can't let Fu Dong go, let alone go to the mass graves in the western district. In that case, I will not only be unable to save Ziyi, but will also kill myself. But all this was caused by me. I made an irreparable mistake, so I should face it. I couldn't escape it, and I couldn't escape. So, when all of us were stunned, I said, "I've decided to rescue Ziyi, because I owe her too much!"

My voice just dropped, the brothers immediately persuade way: "big brother, but."Before they finished, I interrupted and looked at the worried eyes of the brothers. I also knew what they were going to say next. I stopped for a moment and said, "don't worry, brothers, today's thing is caused by me. I have to face it bravely. Ziyi is my favorite woman, and because I was arrested, I can't watch her die or ignore her Gu, don't persuade me about this today! "

My words are beyond doubt and express my firm determination. My brothers can't say anything after listening to them. However, everyone's faces became serious. Although they didn't speak any more, they were not willing to. It made me feel bad to see my brothers like this. I knew that I would inevitably let my brothers down. Unconsciously, I took out a cigarette and started smoking.

After taking a few puffs, my mood was relieved, so I said again, "the Buddha is mainly aimed at me, which has nothing to do with you. This time I'm going to save Ziyi. It's enough for me to go alone. Brothers, I'd better hide to avoid being implicated. If I die, Shen Muchen will take my place. Remember, develop the guild well and don't take revenge for me! "

My expression is very serious, my voice sounds calm, but it contains the deepest solemn and stirring. I want to end everything with my own life. This crisis is not so big. Even if I take all my brothers, it's also a way of suicide. I don't want my brother to accompany me to death in vain. I don't have the qualification, but I can't watch Ziyi die. Now, This is the only way to do it.

But I have no support for this method. Of course, my brothers will not watch me die. This is a life of death. They all firmly disagree. However, no one can change what I have decided. I then added, "remember, this is an order. No one can disobey it."

At this moment, my body is full of Wang Ba breath, and my words are full of endless dignity. Therefore, brothers are not good to say anything, just calm face, full of anxiety.

My decision is the only thing I can do. Shen Muchen is my good brother and the one I trust most. No one will refuse to give him the organization that I give everything. Moreover, Shen Muchen is a smart man, and the fire of war will develop better in his hands.

Shen, of course, did not want to see me dead

He did not say much, just called my name, but his eyes to me, is deeply reluctant and helpless, he does not want me to blindly do stupid things, I know Shen Muchen's heart, know that he cares about me, but even he, also can not change my determination, I just hugged Shen Muchen, whispered in his ear: "Muchen, you should I should know my character. If Ziyi dies because of me, I will live worse than death. You can hide with my brothers and don't let everyone be implicated by me. If I can't come back this time, you will be the leader of the war! "

With that, I patted Shen Muchen on the shoulder, representing my trust in him. And Shen Muchen see me like this, the expression appears more sad, however, he is the person who knows me best, see even oneself can't persuade me, also did not continue to say what.

Due to the lack of time, there was no point in further discussion. Immediately, I said to the brothers present: "take care of yourself!"

Finish saying, I resolutely turn around, free and easy left the public's sight.

I walked out of the headquarters with a resolute heart. As soon as I came out, all the brothers were reluctant to follow me. Even a lot of people expressed their determination to follow me through fire and water and die together. But the more brothers are like this, the more I can't let them die. Therefore, I ordered them again: "don't you listen to my command ?”

However, after I said this, my brothers still went back. However, there were still a group of people who were not affected. They were just like a group of robots. They didn't listen to anything, just to protect my safety. They were the people brought by wasabi. To tell you the truth, these people are not my subordinates. They follow my father's orders. Here is to protect me. See me now When a person goes to die, they certainly quit. They have to follow me, especially the wasabi, who has been following me since I came out. They have never left me.

But since I knew that it was a trap, I went to jump by myself because I could decide my own life and death power, while others would jump for me. I can't afford it, and I don't have the qualification. I can't let this group of people accompany me to die. They are all heroes and heroes. No matter where they go, they can make a world of strong men. Why give me in vain Life, so, I directly to the wasabi command: "well, wasabi, you don't have to follow me, so you will only lose your life in vain, you can rest assured, I will protect myself, strive for safety to save people out!"

Wasabi listened to my words, the expression is always indifferent, he stares at me, the voice is low said: "I promised your father, before he comes, make sure you are safe!"

Wasabi's words are still so simple and clear. A word can express his determination. Although his expression can't speak, I can also guess his heart. He certainly doesn't want me to die in vain, but he also saw that so many of my brothers could not persuade me, so he didn't open his mouth to stop me. He just showed everything with his actions and showed that he was willing to give up his life Protect me even if I die.I was staring at the expressionless wasabi and said in a deep voice, "I know what you mean, but you don't have to follow me. Today's business is urgent. I can't wait for my father to come. Now, I have to go and save people immediately!"

With that, I resolutely sat on my sports car, but they still wanted to follow. I immediately recovered my stern look and said to them, "don't follow me, this is an order!"

There was a sense of authority that I couldn't disobey, and there was a little anger in my expression. I knew that it would never make sense to reason with them. They only obeyed my father's orders, but if I wanted to stop them from joining me, I had to get angry and solve the problem with my attitude.

Perhaps, wasabi also understood my attitude is firm, finally, he finally stopped, did not continue to follow me, just a deep look at me. I finally glanced at the brothers behind me and Shen Muchen with complex expression. Then, I quickly started the car and went straight away.

Under the gaze of all the people, I stepped on the accelerator and kept accelerating. The car was flying with dust. Soon I was out of sight. Instead of driving directly to the west side, I went to the place where Fu Dong was held. After all, he is also one of the main characters of the story.

When I arrived there, it was already 2:30 in the afternoon. The time was very tight. I ran in directly without delay. When I pushed the door, I saw Dong Zhiming and they were fighting against the landlords. Just like the last time when they were guarding the song Qingfeng, these brothers had suffered a lot. They kept here every step of the way and worked hard to make a lot of instant noodles and biscuits on the ground They didn't have a meal of hot food, and didn't sleep soundly. Although it was very hard and this kind of life suffered a lot, they didn't complain. When they saw me coming in, they immediately called out to me respectfully: "brother, you're here!"

I looked at Dong Zhiming and said from the bottom of my heart: "you have been working hard these days!"

Hearing what I said, Dong Zhiming was the first one to get up and walk up to me. He said with a smile, "boss, we should do this!"

When Dong Zhiming said this, his expression and tone were sincere, without affectation. When I heard his reply, I was really happy. After a pause, I said, "OK, now there's nothing for you. You can go back and have a good rest."

However, Dong Zhiming was not happy, but was at a loss. He asked, "brother, what's the matter?"

I don't want to tell them too much, because I want to tell the truth about me. According to their character, I want to accompany me to die. At that time, I have to delay time to explain a lot to them and waste time. Therefore, I said to them decisively: "it's nothing. You go back first. I'll deal with the matter of Fudong."

My words were full of moral, and my expression was extremely serious. Dong Zhiming was also very sensible. He did not continue to ask me the truth. After a short silence, he said goodbye to me directly. After Dong Zhiming left, there were only two people left in the small house, I and Fu Dong.

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