After two days of torture, this young master Fu's spirit has worn off a lot. In addition, the blade on his body has been inflamed because he has not been properly treated. His body is almost exhausted to the extreme, and the pain is certainly not mild. However, when I saw that I asked Dong Zhiming and his wife to leave and lay groaning on the ground, Fu Dong couldn't help giving a trace of strength.

His haughty look was revealed again, and even a sinister smile appeared on his lips. He said to me, "sulo, I tell you, it's too late to let me go now."

His body has been tortured like that, but he is still arrogant towards me, but at the moment I have no time to talk to him, and I have no mind to compete with him. Now, my only belief is to try my best to rescue Ziyi. I will take Fu Dong's dog life to save Ziyi's life. Even if I know that I will die this time, I will fight for it once, even if there is one Silk chance, I will not give up.

At least, I want to let Ziyi know that I did not abandon her, I am still the one who is willing to give up her life for her. My heart has never changed for her. At that time, even if I can't save her life, or even take my own life, I can die without regret.

Then, I went to his side, did not speak to him, the hands and feet are tied him, carried to the shoulder, carried out.

Seeing that I made such a move, Fu Dong was more determined. I was going to let him go. He became more and more proud, and his spirit was much better than before. He did not stop on my shoulder. All the way, he said that he attacked me and belittled me. He said that I would kill him every day without shame. In the end, he didn't admit his advice. He said that I didn't know what to do with him. He wanted to die 。

Perhaps, from seeing my first face, Fu Dong hated me from the bottom of his heart. Later, every time he saw me, he used his high attitude to satirize me and despise me. Up to now, when he saw me, he could not kill him and let him go. He even attacked me sparingly.

His every word, like a needle, deeply stabbed into my heart, stabbed me hard. I once swore that I would kill him in any case and let him regret his ignorance. But at this moment, I didn't put his contempt on my heart. Now I have only Ziyi in my heart. In order to save her, even a trace of life, I have to compromise with reality. For her, I can endure everything.

After going out, I immediately put Fu Dong on the copilot, and then I got on the car. However, as soon as I got on the bus, Fu Dong said to me, "Suluo, I'm very uncomfortable. You untie me first. If you behave well, I can make you die faster. Otherwise, I will make you worse than death!"

I don't know where the strength comes from. Fu Dong, at the moment, is more arrogant and arrogant. This prisoner becomes the king of heaven in a moment. I feel that if I listen to him more, I will easily kill him. So, I hit him in the face directly. Then, I said to him in a cruel voice: Fu Dong, you'd better pray for your father to let go of Ziyi, Otherwise, you will die! "

My voice was extremely cold, without a trace of emotion. Then, without looking at him any more, I turned my hair to move the car and set off towards the west side.

however, Fu Dong, the co driver, was honest after being beaten by me. Maybe, he really realized that I was going to kill him. However, when he found that I was still a little rusty in driving skills, he drove the car Fast, he was also a little scared, and said to me, "sulo, what are you driving so fast for? Do you want to die?"

Seeing this arrogant Fu Dong, I was a little frightened. My heart suddenly became more happy. I turned my head slightly and said to him casually, "I didn't want to come back alive when I went to save Ziyi this time."

My voice sounds casual, but with endless spirit. Fu Dong looks even worse when he sees me like this. However, he doesn't say anything more. He just looks at me with his eyes all the time. After a long pause, he starts to say, "it seems that you have a deep love for Ziyi. You dare to save people by yourself!"

His words were full of arrogance and provocation, and it seemed that I would die. I didn't pay any more attention to him. I just drove along very fast. At 3:45 p.m., I arrived at the outskirts of the post in the western district. It could be regarded as a suburb outside the suburbs. It was desolate and uninhabited. Even the passing vehicles were very few.

The Buddha chose the place here. It can be seen that he is waiting for me to enter the tiger's mouth. When the time comes, I will kill one by one. His purpose is to kill me. In this extremely remote place, you can kill people and set fire to whatever you want. Even if something happens, it is easy to suppress this matter with the Buddha's ability.

When I came here, I was still in a stable state of mind, and even had a sense of relief from giving up my life to die. But when I came here, my pride seemed to be dissipated. Instead, it was an uncontrollable fear. This fear directly penetrated into every cell in my body. My whole body seemed to be covered by the breath of death, which made my hair stand up Get up, cold beat a shiver, although it is the day, but still some uncomfortable.

Of course, Fu Dong's mentality is not better than mine. Seeing that I brought him to a cemetery circle, he also seemed nervous and curious. He directly asked me, "I said, Suluo, why did you bring me here?"Maybe he thought I wanted to bury him alive. While carrying him, I said in a cold voice: "you don't know. This is the place your father chose. He will bury Ziyi alive here. If Ziyi is really dead, you will be buried here too!"

After that, I carried Fu Dong to speed up the pace and walked toward the inside. As expected, there were solitary graves everywhere. Every step I took inside, I felt a little more scared. When I felt sick, suddenly, a clear mobile phone ring broke through the silence around this week and pierced into my ears, which made me scared.

This harsh cell phone ring suddenly reminds me of it in the graveyard. It sounds very penetrating and makes my heart shake. After a pause, I directly throw Fu Dong to the ground and answer the phone. Immediately, a concerned female voice comes from the other end of the phone: "Suluo, where are you now?"

This voice is very familiar to me. Without hesitation, I recognized that it was Bai Ling's voice. When she called me at this time, I could not help feeling panic, I tried to ease the next thought, perfunctory way to her: "where can I be, of course, in school, what's the matter?"

I try my best to express my voice naturally. However, Bai Ling seems to know my present situation and directly says to me, "OK, don't lie to me. I know all about it. Are you going to die for Ziyi?"

Bai Ling's tone is a little complicated. It seems that she is a little jealous, but she is more sad. I can understand her mood at the moment. This woman who has paid too much for me is really too sorry for her. Now she is still pregnant. As a man, I should be responsible for her, but I didn't, but I left her for another girl, even To die for another girl, how can Bai Ling bear it.

I can't make up for my guilt for her. What I can do now is to try my best to make her not worry about me. So, I forced myself to calm down again and replied to her, "well, I'm going to save Ziyi, but I'm not going to die. I'm sure. Don't worry, I won't have an accident!"

Although, I know in my heart that this is definitely a life of death. No matter whether I can save or not, I'm afraid I will die. Because the Buddha can't let me go. I have no chance to escape from this trap. However, I continue to deceive Han Shuang with lies, hoping that she won't be too sad.

But Bai Ling didn't believe me at all. After a moment's silence, her hoarse voice came over: "Suluo, you are still young, and you have a lot of things to do. Is it worth dying in vain like this? If I were Ziyi, I didn't want you to die! "

At the end of the day, Bai Ling almost cried and her voice choked. She was right. If Ziyi knew I was going to die, she would not want to. But even then, I couldn't let Ziyi's safety be ignored. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Therefore, I had to continue to pretend to be strong and said to Bai Ling, "OK, ling'er, I'll be OK. Believe me, you can take care of yourself. When my side's affairs are finished, I'll pick a time to see you!"

After listening to my words, Bai Ling completely sobbed. This woman, who has always been strong and independent, can't help crying at this moment. All her worries and worries are reflected in this cry. It took a long time for her to suppress her collapse and said to me sadly, "don't you want to wait until the baby is born?"

Children? When I heard these two words, my inner emotions stirred up very badly. I could abandon Bai Ling mercilessly. But the child in her belly is my flesh and blood. I can't even see the face of the child now, and I may die. How can I bear it? I stood still for a long time, and then said to her sonorously, "don't worry, I promise you, it will be OK !”

Now I can only do so to deceive him, because I really don't know how to answer Bai Ling. I know more clearly that even if I don't give up, no matter how unwilling I am, I can't change my determination at this moment. It's urgent for me to save Ziyi, and it's absolutely impossible for me to retreat.

Bai Ling also knows what I'm like. Seeing that she can't persuade me, she doesn't persuade me any more. She just sobs at me and says, "OK, I know. I'll wait for you to come back and name the child!"

After that, she hung up the phone without waiting for me to reply. I held my cell phone tightly, and tears swirled in my eyes. I tried my best not to let it flow out. My heart was very sour. The sound of Bai Ling echoed in my ears for a long time, which made me more and more difficult to bear. Before that, my most firm belief was to save Ziyi, as long as she could live Come on, even if I'm dead, it doesn't matter, but at this moment, I received a call from Bai Ling. When I arrived at the critical moment, I suddenly realized that I can't die like this. I still have too many things to do. I can't break my promise. It's my Suluo to do what I say.

And my brothers, my old father, and those who helped me, I can't repay. I just die like this. It's really irresponsible and cowardly. I can't do this, absolutely not.

Just as I was struggling, Fu Dong's voice rang and pulled me back from my loss of consciousness. He suddenly joked to me: "Oh, what's the matter? Are you afraid? Still afraid to go? "I can hear that he is deliberately provoking me. I didn't pay attention to him. Just, in my mind, I can't help but come up with the scene of Ziyi. The woman who has experienced life and death with me, deeply loved by me, and has been injured many times by me, I can't let her ignore. Even if it's death, I will die with her, if she doesn't see it when she is in danger I, she will feel that I gave up her, she will be very uneasy when she dies, even a ghost will not let me go. But if she could see me at the most helpless time, her heart would not be so painful, and maybe she would forgive me for sorry for her. In short, however, no matter how Ziyi looked at me, I could not let my favorite woman die.

Thinking of this, my faith in my heart was strengthened again. I put aside all my thoughts and completely relaxed myself. Self confidence filled me again, which made me strong. Then, I directly bent down to shoulder Fu Dong again and made great strides towards the goal

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