Buddha, the old fox, must have understood my business in advance. At the moment, seeing me enter danger alone for Ziyi, I can judge my unswerving love for her. I will compromise for Ziyi. Therefore, he dares to threaten me so recklessly.

Now, I changed from active to passive, but I also knew that if I compromised and let Fu Dong go, people like them who must report their revenge would not let Ziyi go. In that case, Ziyi and I would really die here and become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. If you don't, you'll be defeated by me.

So, even if I worry about Ziyi's safety, I can't let the Buddha succeed. After all, it's not other people under my knife. It's his own son. I don't believe that he dares to gamble with me on his son's life. Thinking of this, I squeezed the dagger again, and suddenly thrust it into Fu Dong's shoulder. Fu Dong was very painful, and his howling was heard all over the sky The whole person sent out a real murderous spirit. I yelled to the Buddha: "I want you to release Ziyi first. As long as she is safe, I will let you dispose of it, otherwise, I will let your son come to bury with me!"

There is no doubt about my tone, because this is my last chance and the only thing I can do. I want to use my ruthlessness to make the Buddha yield to me. But I still underestimate the Buddha's courage and his ruthlessness. He is a tough corner that can't be threatened. After listening to my words, he is not frightened, but completely aroused by me All of a sudden, the cold light in his eyes became more intense, and he cried out in a cold voice, "bury it for me!"

, the simple words are very cold, and they are all over the sky. They are directly into my heart. I am all shocked. I just keep watching. People with shovel beside the pit are throwing dirt into the pit, and the soil is covered with sacks inside. The purple in the sack seems to be blocked up, and no sound can be heard. Can send out that kind of pain hum, but I seem to feel, Ziyi is asking for help, her painful groans, every sound is so helpless, miserable, her heart must be very afraid, very afraid, lonely she, do not want to be buried alive, do not want to be so tortured to death.

At this time, the painful Fu Dong also stopped howling. Maybe, he was scared by his Laozi's action. His cold sweat came out. He said to me in a panic: "Suluo, you should release me quickly, or Ziyi will die!"

Fu Dong's tone is full of pain and anxiety, which is his rare expression of true feelings. I can see that he really cares about Ziyi. At the moment, it is possible to organize the Buddha's action only if he is released. As I have seen before, Fudong has no voice in front of the Buddha. If he survives, he may not be able to persuade him Ziyi and I will have the same result. In the end, both of us may die in the hands of their cruel masters. The merciless Buddha can do everything. The only chance now is to use fu Dong's life as a threat. I firmly believe that the Buddha is vicious and should care about his son's life, because Fudong is his only son.

So, I was cruel again, and continued to insert the dagger into Fu Dong's flesh, which made Fu Dong's painful howl more miserable and loud. With this endless desolate howl, I yelled at the Buddha with red eyes: "I say the last time, please tell them to stop. Only if Ziyi is still alive, I promise you won't kill your son. Otherwise, I will take my next knife If you don't believe his life, you can try it! "

My mood is almost out of control. My knife doesn't have long eyes. It may stab Gao Jiawei at any time. But the Buddha is not moved by my words. He is so cruel that he doesn't care about his son. He turns a blind eye to me when I trample Fu Dong. Is he still a human. For the current situation, I really can't do anything about it. I feel that compared with the Buddha, I am still too tender after all. Seeing the soil covering the sacks inch by inch, my heart is really cut and broken. I really can't compare with the Buddha. He can't care about his son's life, but I can't watch Ziyi buried alive!

When the soil was almost filling the pit and the whole sack was almost covered, I could no longer pretend to be strong. My spirit was breaking down. I couldn't bear it. I compromised with the Buddha with endless pain and prayed: "stop it, I'll let it go. I can't let it go!"

After shouting, I directly took the dagger out of Fu Dong's shoulder and cut off the rope of his hands and feet. Although Fu Dong was seriously injured, but seeing that I let him go, he immediately took the stimulant and directly came to his spirit. As soon as I untied him, he immediately came back to life. Maybe he was afraid that I would change my mind and quickly turned to the Buddha Run away.

Fu Dong just ran out a few steps, there came two people, holding him limping. I let him go so easily. Even when I let him go, I couldn't even ask for a request. I was really too unwilling. Despite this, I couldn't do anything about it.

I had Fu Dong's hand. I had some confidence in the face of the imposing Buddha. But now, without Fu Dong's chips, I have no chips. It's still unknown whether I can save Ziyi. Then, I looked at the Buddha deeply and prayed sincerely: "Buddha, I've already let you go. You can do whatever you want to me. Ziyi is innocent. Please Let her goThe tone of my voice is basically low, because I know that I have no room to bargain with the Buddha. I can only erase all my dignity and pray to him, hoping that he can pity me.

Although Fu Dong is a villain, he really cares about Ziyi. As soon as Fu Dong comes to the Buddha's side, regardless of his own injury, he says to the Buddha anxiously: "Dad, dig out Ziyi quickly. This has nothing to do with her!"

I thought that things would turn for the better if Fu Dong was released and Fu Dong's request was added. However, I underestimated the Buddha. Don't say he would give me face, even his son's face. He turned his head and said to Dong angrily, "shut up!"

After a short five words, Fu Dong was immediately shut up. Sure enough, he had no right to speak in front of the Buddha. The Buddha's anger made Fu Dong very quiet. He didn't dare to refute. He just lowered his head and didn't speak any more. However, his eyes were full of bitterness and helplessness. I can see that he was also involved in this matter There's no way.

But after the Buddha scolded Fu Dong, he immediately said to those people with shovels: "keep burying, who told you to stop!"

His voice was very sharp and his voice was unquestionable. At once, the big men continued to fill the pit without hesitation. This time, my mind is completely desperate. Although I knew for a long time, because of my reason, the Buddha has determined to put Ziyi to death. He can't tolerate Ziyi, a woman who has ruined his family's reputation. Although, I know that there is not a good chance to rescue Ziyi, my desperate heart still hurts. After all, I have experienced all this personally, and I have seen it with my own eyes I can't bear to see their behavior.

Originally, I gave up my life to die and ran here. At least I thought I could see Ziyi. Even if I said a word to her, I would be dead in peace. At least Ziyi knew that I had not left her. I had always loved her. But now, she didn't see me. She was buried alive without warning and died in front of me. How can I stand it, All of a sudden, I was like an evil spirit, and my anger was out of control. I roared at the Buddha crazily: "Buddha, you old man, you're too damn mean. She's your daughter-in-law. How can you do such a thing? I've come according to your idea. I've released your son, Ziyi, you still don't let it go. What else do you want from TMD !”

My curse seemed to be casting pearls before swine. The Buddha didn't listen to me at all. Now his son was OK. He didn't want to look at me more. He just took out a cigar and put it in his mouth. A bodyguard nearby was very knowledgeable and immediately lit it for the Buddha. After taking a deep breath, the Buddha said to me without expression: "this is not a woman's way A woman who has entered the door of my family and has a dispute with other men has violated my family rules and must be buried alive! "

The Buddha said something. I know it was for me, but it was like saying it to all the people on the scene. He felt that no matter where he was, he was heaven. He could judge the life and death of others at will. He was not afraid of anyone at all. His family law was even more severe than the national law. It was a very simple thing. I kissed Ziyi in public This hurt the face of his Fu family. It's impossible to banish Ziyi.

But other people didn't think so. Everyone on the scene seemed to agree with the Buddha's words. In their eyes, whatever the Buddha said was right. So when the Buddha finished speaking, those people immediately agreed, saying that a woman like Ziyi should die because she almost killed Fu. At this moment, it seemed that the whole world hated Ziyi and regarded Ziyi as one Shameless bitch, a man who must be executed.

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