It is in this short period of noise, the soil in the pit has been filled, the whole sack is also completely covered, tight, there is no gap, which makes me directly crazy, all my reason at this moment is all lost, my eyes are red, the whole person is like crazy, called out the name of Ziyi crazily, and rushed to the direction of the pit past times.

At the moment of rushing past, my soul seemed to be lost, almost bumping to the side of the pit where Ziyi was buried. When the big men around the pit saw me rushing over, they immediately stopped me and made me unable to move forward.

These people are obviously not ordinary rascals. They are all practitioners. I beat them with my own strength, but I still have a lot of effort. In particular, I am completely unconscious now, and my limbs are not controlled by reason. I am so worried that I only remember the purple Yi buried in the soil. I am confused with this mentality, and I can't do all the moves. I have to use brute force and force They fought against each other.

I shouted and shovel my feet, and I was totally impatient. I was strong enough to carry their blows, and my brute force was also playing the most important role. In a few minutes, I had knocked down the big men, but I managed to solve the problems. They fought directly against the shovel as a weapon.

But I was still in a violent state. I had no rules and no weapons to fight with them. It was very hard for me to fight with them. My body was beaten by their iron catalpa for several times, and my bones were going to be broken. But I still insisted on gripping my teeth. I was like a madman, not afraid of pain or tired, and my body's strength seemed to be endless, and I kept fighting.

Perhaps, even the God felt my heart desolate, felt sorry for me, the gloomy sky slowly floated a drizzle, the drizzle slapped on my face, let me wake up from a sudden, let me burst out of infinite power, my fist for these people with iron catalpa kept waving, I mercilessly hit everyone's body, the most Finally, unremittingly, I fought with the shovel of those who fell down.

After clearing the obstacles in front of me, I immediately rushed to the pit. At the moment, due to the continuous drizzle, the soil in the pit became moist and more airtight. I yelled in the sprouting drizzle, and my hands kept turning the soil. At this moment, my heart was very painful and my head was about to explode. I dug the soil with my hands and hissed She called out Ziyi's name, hoping to hear her answer.

I hope she can hear my call, but my own strength is still limited. After digging for a long time, I only dug a small part of the soil, and I didn't see the shadow of the sack at all. What's more, those big men who were knocked down by me got up again and continued to pester me. I couldn't let them do anything to me, or stopped My heart was so urgent that I almost tried my best to fight them. When I couldn't get them up, I was already scarred and covered with blood and mud. The whole person looked extremely embarrassed.

However, as long as I have one breath in, I can't stop digging. I lie on the soil and dig constantly. Like a dog, I finally dig out a deep hole in the soil. When I saw the sack containing people, I found that there was no movement in the sack, and the only hope in my heart was suddenly dashed at this moment.

I trembled with the hands covered with soil, touched the next sack, but felt that the people inside, the body has been stiff, for a moment, I think directly in my mind, this woman I love, died, so unjustly died!

Ziyi died like this. Before she died, she didn't say a word with me. She didn't even know that I came to save her. She died in despair. The pain of brain made me suffocate. I looked up and roared wildly. Tears flowed from the corner of my eyes. The rain was holding tears in my face, making me look like More sad, I am too sad, too sad, as if the soul has been broken, the heart of thousands of sad emotions, I have to scream to vent, my voice is very sad, perhaps, now I am the most pitiful person in the world.

Now, all the people on the scene are very indifferent. They stare at the scene coldly without any movement in their eyes. They did not start with me, but they did not pity me. It seems that it is normal for them to die. However, there is a person who is moved and the only one who is moved. He is Fu Dong, his His eyes are also full of sadness, but in the face of the merciless Buddha, he still dare not speak.

In such a big scene, I was the only one who was crying and howling, but I didn't give up completely. My hand was like a machine, and I kept digging. I still held a glimmer of hope in my heart. I prayed that Ziyi was still alive and wanted to dig out Ziyi. I wanted to tell her that I had come here to save her. I didn't give up her. I always loved her all the time I want to tell her.

However, when my hand dug more than half of the time, my hand did not look like, and a bodyguard beside the Buddha suddenly came to me. He gave me a foot without expression. Then, my whole person was kicked away by him just like sandbags. His strength was extremely strong, and I didn't get up for half a day with just one foot.Buddha's side is really a master such as clouds, in the face of such an expert, I have no backhand power, but he can knock down my people, but I can't beat my heart, I fell on the ground my body is aching, but I still insist, like a dog, I climbed to the pit just now, and continued to dig with my hands the sacks dressed in Ziyi.

After two efforts, the man just kicked me out again. This time, his strength was even stronger. I felt that all my internal organs were broken, and the blood gushed out of my mouth. My eyes became blurred, but my heart was still firm. I crawled back with the dog again and continued to move just now For, while digging my tears, I fell down violently, my mouth kept shouting the name of Ziyi, the voice was completely hoarse.

Tears and the blood from the corner of my mouth flowed down my face, dropping drop by drop in the pit. In my mind, all the floating pictures were about Ziyi, and what happened to her. She had laughed at me and looked forward to me. She paid everything for me, which made me have nothing to return. But I have not told her that I still love her and I am willing to do it for her She died, I would like to stay with her for a lifetime, too many regrets, I did not make up for her, I really do not reconcile, do not want to be really easy to leave.

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