Mr Loser,Fight back!

Chapter 338-378

At this moment, my heart was extremely hard, and the pain reached the limit. But for them, as if nothing had happened, they couldn't understand my pain at all. The people who beat me just now continued to hit me, and then they punched and kicked me again, which was very fierce.

Finally, after several rounds of beating, my body still couldn't carry it, and I couldn't resist any more. My whole body was paralyzed. I had no strength. I could only lie down beside the pit like a dead dog. Looking at the sack which was half cut by me, I knew that at this moment, the person inside was dead, completely from my life It's gone.

I reached out my hand in despair and touched the sack showing the corner. I felt my heart was dead. My throat squeezed out a very hoarse voice: "Ziyi, I'm sorry, it's all I've done to you and let you down, but don't worry, I won't let you alone, you wait for me to come down with you!"

Said, I directly a turn over, will my tired body, rolled to the earth pit, I took the initiative to lie next to the sack, supine. Since I couldn't give her anything and let her down when she was alive, then, when she died, I only wanted to be her companion, which was not my wish.

Anyway, I can't live today. At this moment, I don't even hate the Buddha, and I don't want to revenge. Because I know that these are all Arabian Nights. I don't want to resent the injustice of God or the cruelty of reality. I don't need to struggle with death any more. I don't want to be played with as a dog. At this moment, I just want to be quiet with Ziyi Side, let her from this moment on, no longer lonely.

I lie on this wet soil, feeling very warm. Ziyi and I have experienced countless hardships and hardships. We thought we could live together forever. But in the end, I still failed her and made so many conflicts. Finally, I didn't know whether Ziyi had forgiven me. But now, some things can only go down to the ground and explain to her, since we, we are I can't be together before I live. After I die, I will use my heart to pray for Ziyi's forgiveness. We can't live together, but we can only die together.

With Ziyi beside me, I suddenly feel that death is not terrible. The drizzle is still falling. I look at the gray sky powerlessly. I seem to hear the call of death to me. At this time, the Buddha's cold voice suddenly floated into my ears: "bury him with me!"

immediately, someone took a shovel and threw the soil on my body. My whole body was slowly covered by the earth from below to bottom. I closed my eyes involuntarily, my eyes were constantly flashing, and I was happy with the purple together. My mouth was unconsciously rippled with a happy smile.

Gradually, the weight of the wet soil is getting heavier and heavier, and the pressure makes my heart beat abnormally. When the soil completely buries me, I can't breathe oxygen. I just feel a deep sense of suffocation. I'm extremely lack of oxygen. My brain can't move. But in a trance, some pictures still flash into my mind. From small to large, the experience is small A reflection in my mind, let me deep aftertaste, let me regret is that only I have just lived a normal life, bad luck will come, I know, there are always ups and downs in life, I am on the road full of thorns, constantly fall, and constantly climb up, go around, walk this way, only to find that his life is so short, in this short life, I The scenes I went through, just like shooting TV series, have all kinds of bullshit, constantly flashing in my mind. Finally, in this rolling picture, my memory fragments were frozen, and I completely stopped thinking.

I thought I was dead like this, but at this last moment, I suddenly heard a little noise, which seemed to be unfolding around me. The fighting sound, with magic power, made my body stiff and my blood frozen, and I was boiling again, feeling my dead heart beating again. I seem to be back to the days when I was young and frivolous, fighting side by side with my brothers. I was brandishing a knife and slaughtering crazily. At that time, I was so heroic and warm-blooded, and the tacit understanding and integration with my brothers.

Breathing the fresh air of this moment, muddleheaded I finally found a trace of sober consciousness, I quickly opened my eyes, saw a familiar face, those people into my eyes, gradually become clear.

At the moment, the person holding my hand is the mountain anemone which is as stable as Mount Tai. At the moment, his eyes are red, and his whole body is full of anger. It can be seen that he came here all the way through all kinds of difficulties. In addition to the wasabi, there are also six tigers around me, and all the members of the fire led by Shen Muchen. The number of people here is as much as 800, as if all of them were successful All the staff are here. Looking at these brothers who are willing to share life and death with me, I gradually regain vitality, my body is no longer rigid, and my limbs can move slowly.

However, my brothers watched me buried alive, covered with mud and blood on my face. They couldn't help but red eyes. All the brothers became sad at this moment. They almost squeezed out two words from their throat: "brother!

This voice is full of sadness, but the momentum is also different repercussions, so that my spirit can not help but cheer up, even so, I did not go down to accompany Ziyi, my favorite woman, on the contrary, let more brothers come to die for me, I deeply know that my brother is not afraid of death, no matter how hot blood, no matter how lofty, it is also unable to defeat the Buddha's tens of millions The army, they came here just to fill in more cannon fodder. They couldn't save me at all. They also hurt themselves. So, after a long pause, I made a hoarse voice and said to them in a cold voice, "how did you come?"My whole person, or seems to be powerless, I am very tired, just the reflexive excited blood, let me solidify again, the mood in the heart is also replaced by anxiety and self blame. However, when people face my problems, they are all resolute, especially my best brother Shen Muchen. He stands up directly and says to me in high spirits: "alo, all brothers can't bear to fight alone. All of you have to follow me. I can't stop you!"

Shen Muchen is very straightforward. Obviously, it is not Shen Muchen's personal meaning to appear collectively, but the meaning of all brothers who are in the fire of war. From the beginning of the organization, we have been adhering to the principle of sharing weal and woe with life and death. At this moment, all members have reflected this spirit. After Shen Muchen finished speaking, other brothers also echoed him At this moment, everyone showed the spirit of fearing death.

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