Nevertheless, the spirit of the brothers can only move me, that is, simply moved me. But he couldn't move the people from the Buddha's side. When he saw my reinforcements coming, the other side was not worried. Especially the Buddha, his face was still light, and even his eyes were excited. He seemed to be looking forward to someone to help me. In this way, he would not waste the grand play he had carefully arranged. He could kill more people to fill his heart gratification.

When the others saw my arrival, they were filled with indignation and yelled at each other and raised their voices: "hahaha, finally someone is coming. It's more fun!"

"Yes, it's good to save us a trip in vain!"

"My knife is almost rusty. If there is no blood today, it will sell scrap iron!"

"Come, come, come, come, come, come, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

Their voice aroused the wave of my desperation, which made me feel angry again. In fact, I didn't want to kill the Buddha father and son, these two insidious and crafty men. But I also know that these clamoring people are just vanguard troops who put on airs in front of me. People like Buddha must have hidden a large army secretly, because, Buddha will not fight unprepared battles, even if we are a group of ants, he is not easy to relax. We're going to fight him right now, hitting the stone with an egg.

The only thing I lack now is the strength to compete with the Buddha. But a trace of scorn suddenly appeared on the Buddha's ancient face. He stood in the same place, shook his head in disappointment, and then said to us, "are you so few people here? Is it a little too shameless? "

as like as two peas in my mind, he has been waiting for his people to come. He is waiting for a big massacre. Realizing that Buddha is such a person, my heart is colder, that kind of tangled helpless mood is simply entangled with me, I am about to suffocate. Maybe, it is better to accompany Ziyi to death just like that, then I will be free, and everything is over. But now, if so many brothers are needed to accompany me to bury me, I can't feel relieved when I die.

However, when I was struggling with pain, my remaining light suddenly caught a glimpse. In the direction of my coming, there were a group of people rushing to come. These people had special marks on their bodies. At a glance, I recognized that it was Xue Ning's people, and it was she and Bai Qiuyan who took the lead.

The two of them are dressed in formal, unified western cowboy costumes. They look cool and fashionable. There are at least 500 people behind them. Although the Xue family has been washed white, their influence is still extraordinary. Their fighting capacity is also famous for their bravery. They have 500 or 600 people. It's no wonder that the Buddha dare not pry Xue The status of home in this city.

With their arrival, the momentum of our side rose abruptly, and the people and horses on both sides rose to a height in an instant. This large team, which gathered forces from the eastern and southern districts, can be said to have a foot stomp, which can also make the whole city shake.

Bai Qiuyan walked up to me and said directly to me: "Arlo, I didn't come late!"

There was no sense of tension in his expression. In front of the arrogant Buddha, he could be so casual. It can be seen that he was not afraid of the cruel Buddha. However, when Bai Qiuyan finished speaking, I didn't have time to respond. Xue Ning on one side couldn't help interrupting and said, "it's still necessary to say, it must be late. Look, it's all beaten into a pig's head!"

Xue Ning's words didn't hurt me, but eased the atmosphere of the scene, which made my heart not so heavy. It's just that I was very strange. Bai Qiuyan knew that this was a big trap. He knew the Buddha was lying in ambush. Why would he come here? He saw through everything with his ability. Thinking of this, I moistened my throat and asked him, "Qiuyan How can you come here? You should know that this is a trap

I can still understand my people when they come here. After all, my relationship with them has long been in the realm of life and death. My brothers can't bear to abandon me, which is the elder brother. But I don't quite understand Bai Qiuyan's practice. The Xue family is the overlord in the South of the city, and the relationship with me is not so good. There is no need to help me. He can stay out of the way, even if I am destroyed Nothing to do with him, the Xue family behind him can still live in the Southern District. There is no need to wade through this muddy water. But even then, he still risks for me, which makes me really puzzled.

However, for my doubts, Bai Qiuyan just said: "I promised you!"

A few simple words have already expressed his meaning, so I really don't know how to answer him. For a while, all kinds of emotions in my heart surged up again. On the other side, the Buddha didn't feel strange when he saw Bai Qiuyan leading the team. Instead, he showed a little gratification. His left hand kept holding two walnuts and spinning, and his mouth was still meaningful Said: "did not expect ah, did not expect, the Xue family's people all came, is good, is really very good, but, your person is unfortunately still a little less?"

His tone is still so arrogant, as if there is nothing in the world that can enter his eyes. Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say so. However, since the Buddha can say this, he is not exaggerating, because we all believe that he really has this ability.So, hearing the Buddha's words, my heart became more and more tangled, and my heart was still like a big stone, which made me breathless. Bai Qiuyan seemed to see my embarrassment. He immediately whispered to me, "Arlo, don't worry. On the way we came, I saw another army, which should also come here to help you!"

Sure enough, as soon as Bai Qiuyan's voice dropped, I saw another large army, from the direction I had come to, once again, with great momentum. These people were also very powerful. They were many, and like Bai Qiuyan's people, there were at least 500 people. With the appearance of this foreign army, I felt that the cemetery was now a graveyard The point is not terrible, the popularity of the Yin Qi are covered, my heart also with the emergence of this army, in the non-stop rolling, my waist seems to also slowly straighten up, my eyes, also slowly hot up, their own state also recovered a lot, this moment, I am thoroughly excited, because, in front of the army I know, they are not others, it is Xie Yu's people 。

And walking in the front of that, is exactly what I am familiar with can no longer be familiar with people, bath center miss, Xie Yu. At the moment, she is still wearing a tight red leather dress, which makes her whole person full of Queen fan. Following her, there are several security guards in suits and leather shoes. Obviously, these people are some experts. This time, more people come than each time. Obviously, Xie Yu should have attacked the whole army in order to save me.

Before that, I really didn't expect that Xie Yu and Xue family could find so many people. Now, seeing such a huge team appear in front of me, I seem to see the hope of victory. At the beginning, my brother appeared, and I only felt anxious that I would implicate these brothers. At this moment, with the emergence of Xue family army and Xie Yu, the number of people in our side It seems to be a mighty army with great momentum. So, when Xie Yu led people to join us, my confidence rose, and I suddenly felt that I had a glimmer of hope of victory.

But Xie Yuyi approached me and saw that I was seriously injured. Instead of comforting me, he satirized me and said, "Suluo, didn't my sister tell you? If you need to call me in advance, why don't you call me? Now it's OK. You've made yourself like this, but it's OK. I'm not dead! "

Xie Yu is a woman who doesn't forgive people, but I can tell that her words are full of concern. I also know that her meaning is the meaning of the people behind the scenes, and that mysterious person behind the scenes absolutely does not want me to die. Although I couldn't remember her, I couldn't remember her.

So, I directly in front of Xie Yu sincerely said: "really thank you, today can come over!"

Human beings are creatures that can only be seen in a desperate situation. Now, all my strong brothers, Bai Qiuyan, Xie Yu and her people behind her, are obviously sincere to me. At this critical moment of life and death, they stand up without fear of danger and share the same fate with me. What else can I say? By this time, my heart is finally at last No longer discouraged, I did not want to die, my heart that desire for revenge, more and more intense. Until I can't stop it, I want to revenge, I want to revenge for Chen Haoran, I want to revenge for Ziyi who left me, I want to kill Fu Dong, I want to kill the Buddha. The more I think about it, the more excited I am. My eyes are full of strong murderous spirit and stare at the Buddha in front of me.

However, the calm Buddha was still unmoved by my murderous spirit. He just used his deep eyes to explore our team. Then, the Buddha himself showed a sly smile. This smile has the flavor of conspiracy to me.

After a long time, the Buddha suddenly nodded, and then, to all the people behind me, he said forcefully: "good, very good, very good, as expected, you still appear after all. Over the years, my biggest headache is the Eastern District and the Southern District. I have long wanted to take away your hidden power, and today it is It's a good opportunity for you to gather together these problems that have troubled me. I can just wipe you out at one stroke, and the city will be completely under my control in the future! "

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