Xie Yu finished saying this, and then Bai Qiuyan on the other side also followed me and said to me: "I haven't started yet. Who will laugh to the end? I believe everyone, there is nothing impossible!"

The words of the two of them also ignited the blood of me, including other brothers, and was recognized by all of us. Indeed, when fighting a war, it is important to have momentum. There are countless examples in history that a few beat many. At present, such a massive group war is not momentum. As long as we hold the mentality of winning, we will not be easily knocked down. Even if there is only a chance, we should not give up lightly. Maybe we will win and miracle will happen!

In this way, my confidence, which was just about to fall, rose abruptly, and the blood in my body gradually began to boil.

The drizzle continued without stopping, and I, too, were slowly regained consciousness by the rain. My brothers and my allies were not afraid of evil forces. They were brave enough to face the cruel reality and were confident in fighting against the God of death. Then, as the core figure of the whole matter, how could I be so cowardly? Next, no matter whether I was alive or dead, I would like to fight for it.

Unconsciously, I took a knife from my brothers. Then, my eyes were shining on the Buddha and his son. My eyes were red and locked tightly. My body was full of momentum. Then, I whispered to the people around me: "catch the thief first, catch the king, as long as you do down the Buddha, the other party will surely lose without fighting!"

After listening to my words, we all nodded and praised, and agreed with my idea. But it seemed that our careful thinking was also seen through by the Buddha. He did not wait for us to make any action, and immediately cried out: "listen to me. Those who follow me will prosper, those who oppose me will die. Those who surrender will not die. Those who are indomitable will be killed."

The Buddha's words are particularly dignified, which frightens everyone's mind. His voice is like a sword, which instantly destroys the burning ambition of the army on our side. Our army's heart is not stable at once, and many people's expressions are uncertain. As expected, he is indeed an old man in the world. He knows the tactics of mind very well. The most important thing for the two armies to fight is to stabilize their morale. Only in this way can we achieve twice the result with half the effort. Now, before the battle starts, the Buddha's words directly disturb our military spirit. I think his purpose is to let our army lose heart and try to defeat us one by one The fox is really mean.

And in our side of the military wavering, suddenly, the sky floated a gentle and melodious familiar female voice: "Buddha, where come from such a big tone!"

This decadent sound, like a dream, makes people relaxed, unconsciously feel comfortable, her voice is not big, but can continue to reverberate in the sky above our heads, invade everyone's ears, almost at the same time, all of us turn our heads and follow the voice.

My eyes also unconsciously stare at the source of the voice, I saw that in the direction I came in, there were two familiar figures floating in, and one of the cold faced men was cold, the other was slow and weak, obviously Miss Qiqi.

I have known Qiqi for so long. Every time she appears, she always gives me hope. At this time, Qiqi's sudden appearance not only shocked me, but also shocked everyone in the audience. Everyone's eyes were focused on her body. Even the crazy Buddha was stunned at this moment. For a while, the Buddha Deep eyes produced a slight change, it seems that Qiqi's arrival is not in his expected range.

However, the Buddha is a Buddha after all. How could he be frightened by a little girl? His surprise just flashed by. After a while, his expression returned to normal, and his momentum was still arrogant, but I was different. My gray heart had been illuminated, and my heart was full of moving.

This time, I came to this trap alone, that is, I didn't want to implicate anyone, and I didn't inform anyone. The arrival of Bai Qiuyan and Xie Yu has made me very surprised, but I didn't expect that even Qiqi came in time. This courage is not comparable to that of ordinary girls. Her spirit is almost completely inversely proportional to her appearance The shape looks so weak, but the heart is so strong.

No matter whether her arrival can help or not, just by her coming, just this point, let me be grateful.

When the Buddha saw Qiqi coming, he couldn't help but ask: "Miss Xia, why are you here today?"

The Buddha knew that he had come to help me, but his tone was obviously displeased. At Fu Dong's wedding ceremony last time, the Buddha was reasonable to Qiqi. But this time, he only resented Qiqi. As a godfather of the underworld, he had given the little girl a face. But after that, Qiqi helped me to deal with his son continuously. Even when he captured his son, Qiqi helped me secretly. Now, Qiqi came back again. How can the Buddha not be angry.

However, Qiqi didn't care about the Buddha's attitude at all. She didn't even look at the Buddha. She went straight to me, looked at my injury and said to me, "Suluo, are you ok?"Her voice is very beautiful, it sounds very comfortable. I looked at her with affectionate eyes and sincerely said, "I'm ok!"

My tone can not hide the sad color, because, although I am not dead, but my beloved is no longer there. Qiqi sees that I have nothing important to do, and her worried face also returns to calm. She does not say anything, but nods to me in good faith.

And the Buddha saw Qiqi ignore him, his face also became bad, he said to Qiqi again: "Miss Xia, I already know the relationship between you and Suluo, it is not a real relationship between men and women, last time I have given you face, let him go, this time, I hope you don't have to meddle in your business!"

Now, the Buddha simply pointed out everything. His meaning is very obvious. This time, he will never tolerate Qiqi interfering with my business. If so, he may clean up with Qiqi. However, after listening to the Buddha's words, Qiqi still looks indifferent. She just turns around and looks at the Buddha behind her and says to him gently "Suluo's business is my business. Today, I have to take care of it."

Kiki's voice was quiet, but it was a direct expression of her determination, and as soon as she finished saying this, the chill beside her suddenly reached to her mouth and whistled. As soon as the whistle sounded, a group of people flashed around the jungle. These people had the same rhythm, uniform clothes and extremely fast speed. They were well-trained people. Although the number of them is not large, they are all as fast as a tiger. The leading individuals are those fierce generals headed by the four major bodyguards.

Qiqi's strength is not much in essence. Her most powerful advantage is that her masters are like clouds. With her people, our side is not inferior to the Buddha on the master. In terms of the number of people, Qiqi brought in only about 200 people, but people with a clear eye could see that her two hundred people were not at all involved in the battle against four or five hundred people, because these people are all elites among the elite, and I don't know what background Qiqi has in the end. But from these people, I can feel a sense of military atmosphere. They seem to be all warlords and ordinary people You can't match it.

Although the elite troops brought by Buddha are powerful, they are still made up of gangsters. They have only experienced life and death battles and blood tests, but they rarely experience professional training. And these people brought by Qiqi are those who have received professional training. Therefore, with the Qiqi army's joining, our forces are even more powerful. Now I am not here at all I'm afraid of Buddha.

However, as for the involvement of Qiqi, a powerful team, the Buddha is just displeased, but his dignity is still there. It seems that even if Qiqi leads the team to help, he doesn't pay attention to it. He just says in a sharp tone: "Miss Xia, I'll ask you for the last time. Are you sure you want to be the enemy of me?"

When he said this, the domineering spirit of the Buddha showed incisively and vividly, completely exposed his ferocious nature like a tiger and wolf. It was not hidden at all, as if Qiqi really dared to fight against him and would be eaten by him.

But for the Buddha's question, Qiqi was obviously ready, not afraid of him, decisive and resolute reply: "I said, I will not allow you to hurt Suluo!"

Qiqi's words are simple and clear, but once again shows her unchangeable determination. But it's also Qiqi's women's power that makes me more moved. At this moment, I worship her.

Hearing Qiqi's firm reply, the Buddha has no patience any more. This cunning fox is completely angry. In an instant, he becomes a tiger all the time. In such a moment, on the silent sky, the Buddha's roar roars: "OK, OK, OK, since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for bullying the weak, Miss Xia I let you go several times because I don't want to offend your Xia family, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you! "

As soon as the Buddha's voice fell, he waved his hand without stopping. At the same time, he gave orders and said, "you can do it, don't leave any alive mouth!"

The Buddha's words were gloomy but full of momentum. At once, his army swarmed directly towards us.

A battle, so quickly launched

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