If he wants to fight, I will fight. As they said to me, no one knows who will win if he loses. Maybe we will be the one who laughs to the end!

If Xie Yu and Bai Qiuyan joined me before, my confidence is still not enough. I just want to fight back like death. Then, with Qiqi's participation, my fighting spirit is directly ignited. My blood keeps rolling and passion is surging. The revenge heart is very strong, and the heroic spirit almost breaks my body Suddenly raised the steel knife in his hand, pointed to the sky and roared: "kill!"

A word, with my endless anger and hatred, this momentum rushed into the sky, but also into the hearts of all of us. All the brothers behind me, with full of excitement, strode forward to rush out, interwoven with the enemy.

In this way, in this city, launched the most grand, the most fierce, the most brutal war in history.

The sky over the whole area was shaking with fierce shouts and shouts of killing. The gloomy land became vigorous, but in an instant, it was stained with a lot of blood. The drizzle washed the blood and dyed the mud land red.

Looking at the brothers' bloody battle, I also tightly held the knife in my hand, ready to rush into the battlefield and fight side by side with the brothers. But as soon as I was about to leave, Qiqi held me, and she was very concerned about me and said to me: "solo, you are injured, you'd better not move around!"

Her eyes were full of firmness and her most sincere concern for me. Of course, I also knew my own body. I had been fighting with the Buddha's men for a long time, and then was beaten by another group of people. Finally, I was almost buried alive. Although the horseradish appeared in time to pull me out, I was still very weak, I'm afraid the combat effectiveness is not much. If I fight like this, I can only drown in thousands of people, and can't help at all. On the contrary, it will become a burden to my brothers. At that time, if I am subdued by the other party, I will be caught by the handle. Therefore, I still listen to Qiqi's persuasion and do not act. I am a bystander on the side.

On our side, there are me, Qiqi, and Xie Yu, all standing in the same place, while those guarding our surroundings are wasabi and Qiqi, their close bodyguards. Such masters are protecting our safety and not participating in the battle.

On the other side, the Buddha himself did not move. Fu Dong was seriously injured, but did not move. He was supported by his subordinates. His father and his son were also masters of the first class. They swore to protect the safety of the Buddha and his son like us.

Those of us standing still are paying close attention to this huge and unprecedented battle. In our eyes, there are rolling crowds and gushing blood.

Seeing the brothers fighting to death, watching them bleed or even fall down, my heart was shaking. I prayed silently, hoping that the brothers could hold on and defeat the enemy without sacrifice.

However, to be honest, although there are many people on the other side, our combat effectiveness is really not inferior to them, because, like those veterans brought by Qiqi, the combat effectiveness is really too strong. More importantly, we work together, we are high spirited, we stand on the side of justice, so, my own brothers, have played a super strong combat effectiveness.

However, the Buddha's side is not a counsellor, but also soldiers who have experienced many battles. Many of them have extraordinary combat effectiveness, especially the pro guards of the Buddha. Their fighting capacity is almost equal to that of our side. It is just a matter of time before they fall down.

Not long before the battle started, the scene has become chaotic. The crowd is mixed together and the blood is intertwined. On such a large land, it is really chaotic. Some enemies and we are not separated. Moreover, the more we fight back, the more chaotic. However, fortunately, the people on the Buddha's side are unified, but the soldiers on the front of the wall are not the same. They are dressed in miscellaneous clothes In order to, or a bit chaotic, fortunately, the brothers are sharp eyed, we are still staring at their respective goals, desperately to kill.

With the passage of time, the battle has begun to become white hot, and more and more people fall down. There are more and more brothers in our blood pool. When we see those brothers who are alive and kicking, they fall to the ground, and some of them are still trying to get up. My heart aches again, and my eyes are dim unconsciously. I don't know what brothers have done for me How does Tao repay.

However, the Buddha on the other side seems to care nothing about the loss of his men and horses. The more fierce the battle is, the hotter his eyes will be. What he wants is this bloody scene. He doesn't care about the life and death of his own people. In other words, he only thinks that his people are slaves who work for him. If they are injured or not, they will not affect his mood. His only hope is to do it as soon as possible Take us down.

When the war was at its most intense, Qiqi, beside me, suddenly opened her mouth and asked me, "where's Ziyi?"

She should know that the purpose of my coming here is for Ziyi. But now, after fighting for so long, there is no sign of Ziyi. Qiqi will be curious.

And Xie Yu on the other side, after listening to Qiqi's words, turned his head and looked at me with complicated eyes. They seemed to wonder where Ziyi had gone.Originally, I had a whole mind on the battlefield, but now I was suddenly mentioned by Qiqi. When I thought of Ziyi, my heart was like a needle prick. The pain was piercing, which made me very uncomfortable.

The field is noisy everywhere, but Ziyi is in the cold pit. She is lying alone in the pit, wrapped by sacks rudely. When she dies, she doesn't see me. When she dies, how sad and sad she will be. Unconsciously, my tears fall again. With this pair of hazy eyes, I look at the earth pit not far away. For a long time, I just sent out hoarse Voice, to them melancholy said: "she was buried alive by the Buddha!"

Hearing this, Qiqi and Xie Yu's faces changed at the same time. Their eyes were unbelievable, among them, there was a faint sadness. These people witnessed me and Ziyi and knew my persistence.

I closed my eyes and squeezed out the bitter tears. Then, I turned to the wasabi, gritted my teeth and said, "wasabi, go and dig out the sack for me!"

When I said this again, my eyes burst out of terror, the seed of hatred in my heart was soaring, and the deep buried in the bottom of my heart also broke out. I didn't let Ziyi die in peace, but I wanted to let her die safely. I would dig her out and let her watch. I killed the Buddha father and son and avenged her She can rest in peace.

Think of here, my eyes are red, eyes are full of red flame, if the eyes can kill people, then they have died a thousand times.

heard me, horseradish picked up their shovel with people and threw them to the ground, and quickly ran to the pit and began digging. They dig the soil movement is very agile, not two times, the sack covered with soil, they were carried up.

Seeing this stiff sack, Qiqi and Xie Yu, as well as all the bodyguards they brought, all showed a dignified face. They did not speak. However, I looked more and more, my eyes became more and more red, and my mood in my heart was more and more turbulent. I did not go down to accompany her. She finally died so lonely. I am sorry for her, I hurt her, everything, even though I did not go down to accompany her No matter how much I said, I couldn't help, and my tears came out again.

Seeing that the sack containing human beings was carried in front of me, my legs unconsciously softened. With a puff, I knelt down heavily in front of the sack. With shaking hands, I stripped away the residual soil on the sack, and slowly opened the sack which made me miserable. In this moment, I felt that I had entered another world, a world only belonging to myself, a world that only belonged to me A world of my own and all the people around me have been ignored by me. Even the bloody battle with loud cries has been ignored by me, and I fell into an irresistible loss.

My heart and my attention are all fixed on the sack. I'm afraid to see Ziyi inside, but I'm eager to see what she looks like now. I've been entangled in this contradictory psychology for a long time. My action to untie the sack becomes very slow. However, unexpectedly, when I completely remove the sack, I can see it clearly When the face of a person, I directly with the soul out of the body in general, the scene in front of me completely let me dumbfounded.

I don't know if I'm going to hell. The woman in the sack with her mouth blocked in front of me is actually not Zi Yi, but a strange middle-aged woman. Her face is pale and her eyes are still open. What appears to me is a pair of death in front of me. This scene makes me sit on the ground and shake The uncertain heart also seems to jump out of my body, not controlled by me. At this moment, my mind is in a mess. Since it is not Ziyi who died, where is my Ziyi now?

This is not my surprise. However, what makes me more surprised is that when I sat on the ground, the pupil of the Buddha standing opposite to me suddenly enlarged several times. His indifferent face turned into a panic in an instant. His steps can not help but move, his whole person suddenly burst out, crazy rushed to my side.

At the same time, even Fu Dong, who was seriously injured, suddenly came to his strength. He yelled loudly: "Mom!"

Then, he got rid of the people who supported him, followed the Buddha with a limp and rushed towards me .

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