To be honest, I've never seen such a crazy side of them since I dealt with them. Although Fu Dong was young, he was very deep in the city. No matter what happened, he could calm down. Even if he became a prisoner of mine, he could still face it calmly. There was no panic in his eyes. But at this moment, Fu Dong was like a cold, calm, crazy and flustered. His eyes were full of panic and his look was full of sadness Is desperate, limped to my side.

The Buddha has never been so out of control. All along, he has always regarded himself as the king who dominates everything. He can judge the life and death of others at will. His expression is always so arrogant. No matter what happens, he is calm. I want to see him eat shriveled, but I have never seen it. However, he is the same as Fu Dong. At this moment, this is the moment Arrogant incomparable person but strange panic, like by the door clip tail like, fight for life to rush to me.

The two masters, who were in a hurry to kill their father and son, all of them were scared.

The wasabi beside me was afraid that I might miss, and immediately pulled me behind. Xie Yu and Qiqi also stepped back in silence under the protection of bodyguards.

When we all retreated to one side, the Buddha and his son had already come to the woman who was still in a state of deep sorrow. At the moment, the father and son's faces showed a very unified expression, and their pain reached the extreme. Fu Dong, in particular, kept his tears flowing out, wailing and crying, and kept shouting a word in his mouth, Ma!

When I heard Fu Dong say this word, my head seemed to be a little enlightened. I finally reflected. It turned out that the woman buried alive was no other than the Buddha's wife and Fu Dong's biological mother.

I didn't expect that the man buried alive was not Ziyi, but his own wife. This dramatic scene was unbelievable. I don't think the Buddha buried his wife alive on purpose. It can be seen from his sad expression that he seems to care about his wife very much, and feels that he has more feelings for his wife than for his son Shen, at this moment, he almost collapsed. The arrogant and domineering man in his bones finally showed his grief stricken side. The play became more and more interesting to me.

The scene of their family's parting is really moving, but it seems to me that it is so happy. The haze in my heart has been swept away. What is full of is a great pleasure. It is too exciting. My previous pity has disappeared. I only think that this is the Buddha's own sin, which should be his karma.

However, I am also wondering, the Buddha is always decisive and will not act in front of so many people. He said that the buried one is Ziyi, which must be Ziyi. But why did the person in the sack be replaced, and why did he change to his wife? This is simply a miracle. I am not the only one who shocked. Even Qiqi and Xie Yu were shocked. They may not imagine that things would become this scene. What happened behind all this.

Even the father and son of the Buddha were completely stunned. They didn't know how things had changed so much. Especially the Buddha, after a while of grief, stood up and yelled: "what's the matter? What's going on with TM? "

His voice resounded into the sky. He was so angry that he suddenly rushed to a big man on his side. He raised his hands and slapped them fiercely. The Buddha roared angrily: "tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

At this moment, the Buddha's anger was irresistible, which scared the people around him. Most of the people who acted directly thumped on the ground and prayed to him blankly: "Buddha, I don't know. I really don't know. Please forgive me!"

I am a little familiar with this big man. It seems that he was the guy who carried out the sack at the beginning. He was the one who took the lead. In fact, he was very powerful. But he was scared like a dog when he was questioned by the Buddha. He knew how many mistakes he had made and didn't dare to say anything else. He knelt down and begged for mercy.

He couldn't find the reason. He was so angry that he almost didn't hesitate. The Buddha immediately put out his hand and grabbed the big man's neck. With a click, the living man was broken by the Buddha's neck. To his death, he was full of confusion and panic. He died a special injustice. Even he did not know why he was lying in a sack You will become the Buddha's wife.

After the Buddha killed the man, the whole person seemed to have gone mad. He roared up to the sky and made people feel cold. At this moment, I really felt that the Buddha was not only cruel, but also his strength was really unfathomable.

On the other hand, with the madness of the Buddha, the situation of the war also began to tilt. Originally, the two sides were evenly matched. However, with the occurrence of this incident, the Buddha's men and horses were affected. Obviously, some soldiers were lax, and they were not interested in fighting.

The soldiers of our side were more and more frustrated and braver. They attacked with the strongest momentum and thundered. They broke down the army that the Buddha did not have confidence in. The remaining soldiers of the other side ran and fell down. Finally, because of the sudden accident of the Buddha's side, we won the victory.Although I won, there were countless losses. There were only 200 people who could still stand, and almost no one was able to find a healthy person. We can see how fierce the battle was, but in the end, we were lucky to win.

The people who saw the Buddha have been destroyed by us. Don't mention how happy I am. They are in the end. Although there are more than ten experts around him, his army has been defeated. Even if those people are fierce, they are not our opponents.

However, there are only 200 people left in my side. Although they are seriously injured, their momentum is still strong and their combat effectiveness is also very high. When these 200 people come to me, my confidence is surging out, and the hatred in my heart is also expanding. Even if I know that Ziyi is not dead, I will not share the hatred with their father and son. I won this battle, but, Blood debt must be paid with blood.

So, when the Buddha was angry, I took all the people who could fight with me, and slowly approached him. As I walked, I faced the Buddha who was full of the pain of his wife's death, and solemnly said, "Buddha, you are the end of your own sin. A man like you who is so mean as to stay in this world is just a waste of air, and death is a mercy to you!"

I thought that the Buddha, who was in the end of his life, would not be afraid, but at least he would be a little flustered. However, I was wrong. In this situation, the Buddha is still not afraid of me at all. Even so many of us do not seem to pay attention to him. Now, there is only anger in his eyes.

He used the pair of glowing eyes to scan all of us. Then, he opened his mouth and yelled at us: "tell me quickly, which one of you changed it, tell me quickly!"

Obviously, what he meant was that our people changed Ziyi, because he certainly didn't believe that it was the people on his side who dared to do such things. In this city, no one but us dared to offend his godfather, especially his own.

However, for this so-called transfer incident, I am most at a loss. Other people on my side look at each other in the same way as me. They are all ignorant. I also believe that it is impossible for us to do this. Otherwise, they will tell me at the beginning that I will not come here to take risks. Moreover, this kind of thing is not easy for everyone to do Come, so, after a while, I directly replied to the Buddha with disdain: "Buddha, I haven't asked you, where has Ziyi been hidden by you? If you bury your wife now, that's your retribution. If you do all the bad things, you should have such a retribution

My words made the Buddha very angry, and the seriously injured young master Fu was also irritated by me. He growled at me in a hoarse voice: "Suluo, I'm going to kill you and avenge my mother!"

After that, Fu Dong is about to rush to me. His anger is irresistible. Ziyi is dead. He doesn't show much. Now his mother is dead, and he is so crazy. Obviously, in Fu Dong's eyes, his mother is unique and irreplaceable. Of course, this is enough to show that Fu Dong is still a man of conscience, and Ziyi is just for her A woman, no one can look for, but there is only one mother. So, at this moment, Fu Dong, who is extremely calm and calm, is confused by anger and makes a plan to fight with me.

However, before he took two steps, he was stopped by the Buddha, and Fu Dong almost stopped by the reflex and did not dare to move on.

The Buddha continued to scan us with his angry eyes. His eyes were full of murderous spirit. After a while, he suddenly seemed crazy and hissed at a group of us: "I want all of you to pay for my life!"

His words are very severe, and his tone is full of anger and confidence. At this time, the Buddha can say such big words, which makes my heart shake. Is he really crazy, or does he really have such strength?

Just as I began to figure out his mind, the Buddha suddenly ordered a bodyguard next to him: "Xiao Qi, let the members of the dark group come out and kill all of them, whether standing or lying, as long as they are breathing!"

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