Although, I don't know what kind of organization the dark group is, but from the Buddha's voice, I can hear that this dark group should be very powerful, and Qiqi standing beside me seems to know what it is, and their faces have changed. They seem to care very much, especially cold. After hearing this, they immediately became vigilant.

My heart also followed up, feeling like it was really going to face the storm, but to my surprise, the man next to the Buddha, holding his mobile phone, said to the Buddha: "Buddha, contact, can't contact!"

This sentence made the originally furious Buddha's face fuse. He widened his eyes and roared at the people around him: "how can it be? They are waiting for orders around here

The Buddha is indeed a wily fox. He is not only insidious but also cautious. No wonder he can keep his dignity at any time. It turns out that he not only prepared the army of more than 2000 people, but also set up some organizations similar to trump cards. He is really well prepared. However, he sounds like a very powerful secret group, Why did you suddenly go missing?

At the moment, the red clothes of the Buddha suddenly came out of the forest, and I was dazzled by him.

As soon as the Buddha saw him, his face changed violently again, and immediately asked, "what's the matter? Where have all the other members gone? "

When I heard this, I immediately understood that the man in the red windbreaker was a member of the hidden group in the Buddha's mouth. However, it seems that the value of force is really high. If they fight, we will be wiped out. However, this little worry of mine was just formed, which was offset by the man in front of me. He stammered to the Buddha:“ Dead, we've been attacked, all the members are dead! "

His words directly shocked the Buddha to pieces. His eyes were dull and even showed a flustered look. The thunderbolt seemed to break his heart. He could not believe it. It seemed that these members of the dark group died, which was a very unthinkable thing.

The people on our side, though not quite sure what was going on, were still shocked, especially me. My mind was still confused. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Who replaced Ziyi and slaughtered the members of the dark group. At this time, the Buddha came back from his astonishment and directly asked me the doubts in my heart. He was facing the dark group "Tell me, who did it?" the member asked

Before he could speak, suddenly, there was a loud roar of the car engine in the air, which made us all look at the source of the voice involuntarily.

At this time, we saw an SUV driving towards us at a flying speed. After a while, the SUV stopped in an open space not far away from us. At this moment, almost all of us held our breath and opened our eyes, staring at the car.

I saw that the back door of the car first opened, and a person came out of the car. When I saw this person, I couldn't help but take a breath. My heart was beating wildly. I almost flew out of my mouth. Because, the person who came down actually made me yearn bitterly, Ziyi!

Her appearance directly made the audience dumbfounded. Who could have thought that Ziyi, who should have been buried alive, would suddenly appear in this car. Just as we were all surprised, the driver's door of the SUV opened, and then another person came out of the car. Seeing this person's appearance, my heart beat rhythm could not be stopped, and two eyes almost jumped out of mine Eye, I can't imagine that the man who came down from the driver's seat actually raised me since I was a child, uncle Yang.

At the moment, Yang Shu is dressed in a suit and his hairstyle is extremely exquisite, which makes him look very sharp. His temperament has changed so that I don't know him. However, as soon as he came out, he didn't take a look at us. He ran to the front passenger's seat and opened the front passenger's door respectfully.

The man in the co driver's seat came out quickly. After a while, he was in the eye of all of us. He had white hair, a firm face, and was dressed in cheap street goods, but he could not hide his kingly spirit. This man with white hair, not to mention others, is my father, Su Qiyao!

My dad came. It's so sudden and so clever. It's just like a dream to me. I can't imagine it. I haven't seen my dad for a long time since I separated from him last time. I didn't even go back to reunite with him for the Chinese New Year. However, it doesn't matter how long we separated.

At the moment of seeing him, my whole blood was boiling, and my heart was filled with a strong sense of security. For me, wasabi is just my talisman, but my father is different. He is my real sustenance and dependence. There is no matter that can not be solved if he is there. He can support the whole day for me alone.

When my father came slowly to me with Uncle Yang and Zi Yi, my short-circuit head suddenly opened my mind and seemed to understand what was going on. Just now, all of us were wondering who changed Ziyi and who killed the last trump card that Buddha thought was the last.Now, with Ziyi's appearance, the truth seems to be in front of everyone. It's my father who did all this.

Originally, I always thought that my father was powerless in the face of the Buddha. I thought that even if he moved to save the soldiers, he would not be of great use. But now, he can save Ziyi in the presence of God and even help me eliminate the hidden man and horse of Buddha. This directly makes me subvert the world outlook and makes me incredible.

Although, through some people who have helped me, I know that my father is not an ordinary person, I also know that he is just low-key, and his real ability is immeasurable, but I really didn't think that he was as good as this, which was beyond my imagination.

Of course, in addition to the shock, my heart is more joy, that kind of unspeakable joy, because I thought the dead Ziyi, now not only is not dead, but also safe in front of me, how can I not be happy, especially just now I personally tasted the feeling of losing her, I suddenly become good cherish her, I do not allow the feeling between us If there is an accident, Ziyi's life will not be threatened any more. I will protect her and never experience the pain of losing again.

When my father and the three of them came to us, my body was shaking unconsciously, and my eyes were full of tears. One of them was my adoptive father, one was my father, and the other was my favorite woman. These three people can be said to be the most precious people in my life. They are now in front of me at the same time. How can I control my emotions. If an accident happens, I will never see them again.

Although, at this moment, I want to be close to them, but in front of outsiders, I still won't show my child's side, let them see my vulnerability, but for Ziyi, I really can't control it. Since knowing that Ziyi was arrested, I've always been worried. Since I came here, I've been more worried about the pain of my heart, even more think of her He died in front of me.

Now, Ziyi came into my sight. I couldn't bear it for a moment. I ignored the whole audience and ran directly to Ziyi. When he ran to her, without saying a word, he hugged her and said excitedly, "great, Ziyi, you're OK, you're really OK, I'm finally relieved!"

At this time, I can't help but take my voice as my own.

While looking at Ziyi, her face is still a little haggard, her body is depressed, and her holding feeling is very thin, as if she has experienced endless torture. However, she is also very excited to see me now. Perhaps, she has already understood that I am risking my life to save her. For her, I dye all the red here, and many brothers have been injured and fallen, just for her peace Ann, and I was so embarrassed, almost buried alive, the beginning of all this, all because of her purple.

However, Ziyi's love for me is more inclined to me, but what can't change is her identity. After all, she is still the daughter-in-law of Fu Dongming media. If we are not well-known together, we can't express her deep feelings for me. Now she is still very embarrassed to be hugged by me in front of the public, and she can't push me away.

In this way, the two of us, in full view of the public, tightly embrace each other. For those who have nothing to do with this move, at most, we will be a lively spectator, unable to arouse their emotional fluctuations. But for Fu Dong, it was a great shame. His proud heart rose suddenly at the moment I held Ziyi.

At the moment, he, no matter what kind of situation he is in, directly rushed over regardless of what kind of situation he was in, trying to pull me and Ziyi apart. At the same time, he kept cursing: "what the hell are you? She is my wife now!"

Fu Dong, a childe born with a key, has lived under the compliments of others since he was born. It is because of living in such an environment that he is extremely proud. His self-esteem can not be trampled on by others. Even if he is in the end, he will not allow his dignity to be insulted.

Therefore, he couldn't bear to have his wife and other men cuddle in public, especially with me, the person he despised most and despised the most.

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