As for Fu Dong, if it was before today, I would pay attention to his propriety and understand his anger. However, up to now, I have seen Fu Dong's face thoroughly. He loves Ziyi, but because of his father's dignity, he can watch Ziyi buried alive without saying a word. His performance really makes me too cold. His love for Xu Nan is not love at all I don't deserve to be with Ziyi.

Therefore, I directly scolded him with red eyes: "do you know Ziyi is your wife now? When Ziyi was buried alive just now, why didn't you stop him? How dare you stop your father? If you have a little conscience, your mother will not be buried alive by your father! "

My voice is full of criticism, and my voice is full of anger. There is no denying that they made everything by themselves, and there is no pity to follow. Fu Dong had been immersed in the pain of losing his mother, but now he still has a sad expression. Ziyi's appearance has diverted his attention. Now, I hold his wife and mention the pain of his mother's loss. Of course, he can't stand it. In a moment, he got angry and scolded me: "you're a waste. What are you qualified to reprimand me? I'm going to kill you!"

After that, he thought of fighting with me again, but at this time, the Buddha rushed out, he grabbed Fu Dong and angrily yelled: "enough, don't make a fool of yourself!"

The Buddha's voice is full of anger. It can be seen that he is angry. Of course, what he cares about is not Ziyi's life and death, but his wife's life. He has always been shrewd and steady. He must have known that all the leaders have something to do with my father. So, after drinking back Fu Dong, the Buddha asked my silent father with some doubts: "did you replace Ziyi? You killed my wife? "

In the face of the Buddha's question, my father's expression didn't move. He just glanced at Ziyi at random, and then looked at the Buddha. Then, he said faintly: "yes, I changed this girl. However, I didn't kill your wife. If you have a little pity, you won't have such a tragedy. The person who really killed your wife is you!"

What is the biggest blow? If my father killed the Buddha's wife, it may not be cruel, but the Buddha killed his wife, especially his beloved wife. I'm afraid that no one can bear the pain.

My dad is right. It's not him who kills people. He is just treating people with his own way. If the Buddha is not so cruel, his wife will die. The real murderer is himself. Even if he has a little pity, he would open the sack earlier and let me see Ziyi. Maybe this tragedy will not happen, but he did not. He is determined to do so He killed people, so he deserved it and could not blame others.

At this moment, the Buddha, who has always been calm and experienced, was shocked by my father's words. However, he seemed to feel my father's extraordinary. He didn't do anything to my father. He just continued to bite his teeth and asked, "so you did the person who attacked the members of the secret group?"

My dad didn't hide it and said, "yes!"

A word, crisp, without the slightest ambiguity.

This time, the whole audience almost opened their eyes and looked at my father tightly. Their eyes were incredibly staring at this white haired man. Their looks were full of shock and awe. It can be seen that they are deeply aware of my dad's extraordinary.

However, the Buddha is not the same, no one can frighten him. When he knew that my father was the culprit who manipulated everything, the Buddha's anger instantly burned up, his eyes showed a burning light, he clenched his iron fist and growled at my father: "do you dare to offend me, do you know who I am?"

Crazy, really crazy, have come to such a situation, his trump cards have been destroyed, but he can still be so crazy, perhaps, because this land is his territory, he does not fear anyone at all, he still regards himself as heaven, and thinks that no one can threaten him.

It's true that the Buddha in a violent state is really a bit terrible. However, my father is standing in front of the Buddha, but he can still keep a motionless posture, as if the Buddha's thunder and fury, for him, is the breeze blowing on his face, which is not worth mentioning at all.

After a pause, my father just said quietly, "who are you? Does it matter to me? The only thing I know is that if you offend my son, you have to pay for it! "

My father's words have become sharp, although his voice is not big, but the courage in the tone can make people feel suffocating.

At this moment, the Buddha was really moved. His angry face showed an unprecedented surprise. After a long time of surprise, he cautiously asked, "who are you and who is your son?"

At this time, the Buddha was also cautious. In other words, he was very curious about this matter, because the white haired man was so mysterious that he could not help but make people have a desire to excavate him. The Buddha's problem is also the problem of other people on the scene. Almost all the people on the scene are suspicious of my father's identity. All their eyes are focused on my father. The central figure of my event has instantly become a passer-by and has been completely ignored. Even the father and son of the Buddha have not paid attention to me. At this moment, my father is the focus of the audience.In the face of the public attention, my father is still a normal face, looking at the Buddha in front of him. Then, the silent scene revealed my father's powerful voice: "I am Su Luo's father, Su Qiyao!"

At the moment when my father called out his name, his hidden momentum suddenly erupted. It was such a moment that my father changed from a sparse and ordinary old man to a hero like figure. His whole body seemed to radiate dazzling light. At this moment, all the people in the audience couldn't help but take a breath. It seemed that no one thought that this white haired man would be my father of Suluo, and even my brothers were extremely surprised. Everyone on the scene had different expressions and didn't know what they were thinking about.

The only brothers I could stand on my father's eyes were as if they had found a new world. They were full of curiosity and adoration. Others looked at my father in awe. However, some of them were just surprised. No one thought that I would have such a strong father.

The Buddha, who has always been arrogant, is full of shock in his eyes this time. It seems that he can't believe this fact. He looked at me in distress and looked at my father up and down. The look in his eyes was changeable. He felt that in his eyes, my father and I were not similar at all, which could be said to be quite different.

Fu Dong's eyes are the same. For him, I am a waste, a total waste, no matter what aspect, he looks down on me, now, I suddenly have an old father, still so mysterious and domineering. How could he not be surprised.

And I, after hearing my father's words, my deep emotion in my heart broke out in an instant. My father's love is boundless. My father's love for me never uses words to express too much. He only uses actions to represent everything. Today, in front of so many people, he says that he is my father. This is a great love for me, which makes me no longer wither. I am not everyone can trample on I also have a background and a father I can be proud of.

With this sense of pride, I went straight to my dad's side and called out to him deeply: "Dad!"

My voice is dry and hoarse, which is mixed with infinite affection, as if to say the words, all into the call inside. And my father heard my voice, immediately looked at me, his expression also changed from indifference to love, as if in this world, the only person who can make my dad's eyes moved is me.

After a while, he gently stretched out his hand, stroked my muddy head, and removed the soil on my head. Then, he said to me, "Dad, it's time to get justice for you, which won't let you suffer."

Although my father's words are short, I can't believe his father's words It means things can be solved perfectly.

Others, seeing that my father and I are like this, they have to believe that I have a father son relationship with a white haired man. However, even if he knows the truth, he can't tolerate the arrogance in my father's voice. He quietly motioned to the people around him.

This man in clothes is a little different from other bodyguards. He feels that he is the close secretary of the Buddha. No matter what kind of work the Buddha has, he asks him to do something. He feels that his strength seems to be able to compete with wasabi. Now he doesn't care what my father is. After hearing the Buddha's signal, he rushed at me without hesitation Come on.

The Buddha already knew that it was no use talking about terms now, and he knew that we and they had reached a point of irreconcilable confrontation. Therefore, he did not talk nonsense, and directly suggested that his people would take the lead in attacking, ready to capture my father.

However, seeing the man in suit attacking me, my father is still calm and calm. He is still standing in the same place and motionless. What makes me even more surprised is that at this critical moment, uncle Yang, who has been standing beside my father in silence, suddenly moved. He flashed in front of my father with the fastest speed and met the man in the suit. In an instant, the two people were intertwined 。

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