In my understanding, although uncle Yang and my father are comrades in arms, he has hardly touched me in front of me, and has never done anything related to fighting. He is an ordinary businessman. Only after my father came back, did he get mixed up with my father. I really didn't expect that uncle Yang's fighting power was so amazing. He fought with men in suits, even silk I was absolutely shocked by my skill.

Not only me, but even the Buddha was surprised at the moment. Maybe he thought that with the strength of a suit man, he could sneak into my father. But he didn't expect that an unknown uncle Yang would be able to block the attack of the man in suit. This made the Buddha's face hang, and a trace of fierce light flashed in his eyes, as if he was going to fight in a corner.

I was as like as two peas in the dark, and I was afraid that Ziyi was affected. He pulled his hand back together. At this time, our surrounding areas slowly came in with many dark shadows. These people were black cloth and black cloth on their faces. They looked exactly like the terrorists seen in the news. But they seemed more vicious than terrorists. Not vulgar, they also have a strong smell of blood, a close to people feel chilly.

Seeing such a group of terrorists around, almost everyone's face changed greatly. Even the man in suit gave up fighting with Uncle Yang and returned to the Buddha's side.

On my side, Qiqi, Bai Qiuyan and Xie Yu, their faces changed when they saw the appearance of these people, because no one knew which side these bloody masked men belonged to. However, when these people gathered around my father, they gradually came to realize that these masked men in black were obviously my father's men. Although their number was not large, they were only There are more than one hundred people, but they are worth thousands of troops and charismatic. Moreover, the knives in their hands are still stained with blood, as if they had just experienced a battle.

All of a sudden, I remembered that my father had already wiped out the last card of the Buddha, the members of the dark group. Is it possible that these people are the ones who annihilate members of the dark group.

This time, the Buddha also seemed to have guessed this point. Suddenly, his face turned pale and cautious. With his deep eyes, he looked at my father tightly and asked in a deep voice, "who are you?"

Through the emergence of Uncle Yang, through the bloody terror of masked men, and through the incomparable aura of my father, even if the Buddha is stupid, he should understand that my father is not an ordinary little man. What's more, he has now been completely in a desperate situation, and resistance is a dying struggle. Therefore, he did not dare to act rashly, but asked his doubts in his heart.

As for the Buddha's problem, my father simply threw a few words to him: "I said, I'm Su Qiyao!"

This answer, concise and clear, seems to be playing with the Buddha.

The Buddha could not help but get angry and roared: "I am asking your identity!"

I'm afraid that's what all the people here are concerned about. Even my son is very curious about the origin of my father. It seems that no one can see through him. However, my father doesn't care about Buddha or anyone. In the face of his anger, he doesn't get angry. He just shows a faint smile and says, "this you No right to know! "

The Buddha, who has always been rampant, is now despised. How can he stand it? His unquestionable dignity has been completely violated by my father. Now he can't control the situation. He is just infuriated. He clenched his fist and clenched his teeth at my father and said, "do you know what the consequences of offending me are?"

I thought the Buddha would see the current situation clearly and be afraid of my father's power. At least, he would be afraid of my father's power when he knew that he was extraordinary. But what I didn't expect was that he would dare to speak out and threaten my father at this time. It's really beyond my imagination.

Of course, my father didn't care about the Buddha's threat. He put away the smile that seemed to exist. Then, his eyes gave out a very frightening cold light. His lips opened slightly and made a very cold voice: "I don't care about the consequences of offending you. I only know that you hurt my brother wasabi and killed my son again. So, knot The result is that you must die

At the end of the day, my father still wanted to kill a Buddha, but I heard a lot of Buddha's expression in my eyes Even Qiqi and Xie Yu were shocked. The whole audience began to hold their breath, waiting for a battle between tigers and leopards.

But the Buddha is still fearless in the face of my father's murderous spirit. This really makes me unable to understand. I thought his final cards were all lifted by my father. He is now isolated and may see the king of hell. How could he show some fear, but he did not. He planned this premeditated war Perfect, even at this point, he can still maintain his confidence. Under my father's killing intention, the Buddha not only did not panic, but suddenly began to laugh, laughing wildly, giving people a very bad premonition.After laughing for a long time, the Buddha looked at my father with his sharp eyes, and said in a loud voice: "no matter who you are, I will let you know that this is my territory, not a place where you can be wild. Today I want you to come back and never come back!"

The Buddha's voice is full of deterrence. His tone is extremely overbearing, and his words are full of fierce murderous spirit. I really didn't expect that even when we were in such a situation, the Buddha could still have such a strong momentum. It was really incredible to me. No matter how you suppress him, you can't make him yield. He looks as if he was born.

Such a person is really too scared, think of his naive want to fight with him, only to realize how ignorant he is. If not for my father came, I'm afraid I would have been killed by the Buddha more than 100 times, but I still wonder why the Buddha still has such a big tone, and his cards are gone, can he move out any salvation?

Just when I was confused, the man in the suit next to the Buddha suddenly stretched out a mobile phone and handed it to the Buddha. The Buddha took the phone and directly yelled to the people in the phone: "director Kang, come out quickly. There's an accident here. Please surround me here and don't let anyone go!"

Buddha's voice on the phone is still very domineering, even can be said to be overbearing, as if director Kang at the other end of the phone is his subordinate. When I heard the Buddha's words, I couldn't help but tremble in my heart. Now I understand why he still has such confidence. It turns out that his black forces have been wiped out, and he still has his last hand, the white forces, that is, director Kang. Now what the Buddha is fighting with us is not the energy in the underworld, but his energy in the white way.

Now I finally figured it out. On the eve of the war, director Zhuang was transferred and Kang Ming's father took office. It seems that all this is not a coincidence. It is all carefully arranged by the Buddha. He has paved more than one way for the war. First of all, what kind of secret group was there, and even Bai Dao had done it in advance. He knew very well that if director Zhuang was still in office, then this one would be If there is too much noise in the war, it is hard for him to excuse himself. After all, director Zhuang is on my side. However, the situation would be totally different if director Kang had been changed.

Obviously, the relationship between director Kang and the Buddha is not ordinary. It can even be said that his official career was promoted by the Buddha. He will certainly help the Buddha. When the time comes, we can be killed by placing any accusation. This old fox's calculation is very good.

It's no wonder that the Buddha can still maintain his dignity and momentum no matter how he gets to the end of his life. His existence in both black and white is really extraordinary. He has made today's plan perfectly perfect. He really intends to crush me completely and take advantage of this struggle to become the absolute urban overlord.

Thinking like this, my heart is bound to panic, I think my father will also panic, at least he should try his best to stop, but I was wrong, my father did not show any expression, his expression is still indifferent, his eyes straight staring at the Buddha, the eyes seem to take some fun.

I really don't understand how my father can still maintain such a calm momentum. When I was full of doubts, suddenly, the Buddha's original proud expression changed a lot. He yelled at the other end of the phone: "what do you say, traffic jam? Where are you now? "

This time, I finally saw the Buddha show a look of panic. This panic is really flustered. It can be seen that director Kang is the last trump card of the Buddha. He thought that director Kang and they were on standby nearby, but in fact they did not. Now there is a problem with this level of security, leading to the Buddha's uneasiness.

Next, I don't know what director Kang said on the other end of the phone. Seeing the Buddha, he was like crazy. He yelled at the other end of the phone again: "what, are you still in the city? What the hell are you doing? "

This time, the Buddha's face has become pig liver color, ugly.

From the beginning to the end, the Buddha regarded himself as the heaven and could overlook everything. It was because no one could do anything about him. Even if we forced him to a desperate situation, he was still very domineering, because he had prepared several things to deal with us. At the moment, the opposite situation happened. What he thought was the last trump card, director Kang, also had an accident!

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