Director Kang, who was regarded as the last card by the Buddha, seems to have made some mistakes. Otherwise, the Buddha would not have been so angry. He had always been calm and calm. Suddenly, I realized the change of things. At the same time, it can be seen that there must be something wrong with director Kang. At this time, my silent father suddenly became angry He said to the Buddha at will: "OK, don't fight, he is afraid to come!"

My father's voice was not loud, but it shocked all the people at the scene. Everyone could hardly believe that he looked at the man with white hair. Who could imagine that my father's means to deal with the Buddha would be so decisive. He could say that he completely blocked the Buddha's back road, that is to say, even the police were leveled by my father. This is really amazing.

We were shocked. The Buddha was even more shocked than we were. He put down the phone and looked at my father. His eyes finally showed despair. He said to my father in disbelief: "did you do it again?"

At this moment, the Buddha's voice is no longer arrogant, and has become a little bit groundless.

And my father, his face finally turned from indifferent to fierce. He looked at the Buddha with sharp eyes and said in a cold voice, "you are right. I did everything. I just want you to recognize yourself. You are nothing in my eyes. There are any moves before I start. If you don't, you will die!"

When I heard my father's words, I was completely surprised. I said that my father suddenly became so patient. He even made several words with the Buddha. According to his past character, he would never reason with others. In his way of doing things, he was determined by whose fist was hard. Especially against those who bullied me, my father would retaliate fiercely, even if you were the king of heaven He will try his best to kill him, but today, my father did not immediately start to the Buddha, and even patiently answered the Buddha's doubts.

At first, I thought it was the Buddha who had too much background and high status. My father always took care of him in his territory, so that he could bear his rudeness and bargain with him here. But until this moment, I understand why my father's sexual transformation is today. He must have known that my hatred for their father and son is not only to kill them, but also to relieve their anger.

This father and son hit me most cruelly, is my heart, my dignity, they constantly trample on my dignity, and constantly hurt my heart, robbed my beloved person, and finally killed her, took my and Ziyi's lives as grass roots, but always regarded himself as the day of this city, thinking that they can call on the wind and rain, can control the fate of all people.

Of course, what I can't stand most is Fu Dong's attitude towards me. He always despises me and satirizes me. Hit me, look down on me, even if become my prisoner, his attitude to me has never changed, think I am a humble mole ant, I and his identity is too far, he will never pay attention to me. In fact, the reason why he has such confidence is completely dependent on his lawless father. He may have already determined that his father behind him can help him solve everything.

Now, my father's appearance is not only to avenge me, but also to redeem my trampled dignity. My father's purpose this time seems to be to let the arrogant Buddha fall into despair and die in despair. This is probably the most painful thing for the proud Buddha.

At this time, my worship of my father was deepened by 10000 times. His means were really too anti hateful. His work was really beautiful. He was quick and resourceful. He almost pushed the Buddha into the abyss step by step. He first changed Ziyi and let the Buddha kill his wife. Then he quietly solved the problem that the Buddha left in the last trump army After that, he solved the problem with the police. He was such a fool. His mind was really meticulous. Compared with my father, I was still a child in kindergarten.

Of course, his power not only shocked me, but also shocked the whole audience. The whole audience could not help but look at me with a new look. Everyone's eyes were filled with awe and worship.

And the Buddha father and son after listening to my father's words, the face is even more ugly, they rampant life, perhaps, in the next second will also say goodbye to the world!

After all, he was not able to maintain his composure in this situation "Su Qiyao is right, yes, it's really good. I paid someone to accept the planting here today, but I didn't accept it, because it's not you who defeated me today, but all of you who are standing here. In the final analysis, this feud is the business of my son and your son. Now, the son's business is so big that I should wipe their ass for them, OK Do you dare to accept the condition that we can choose once to decide whether to win or lose? "

This crafty Buddha is really very intentional. He knows that now we have an advantage in the number of people. If we really want to do something, he will surely die. And he also knows that my father is not only going to kill him, but also to convince him. Therefore, he came up with such a move. He wanted to force my father to fight with this method. In order to defeat my father, he would catch a thief first To capture the king, he is really calculating. I can't let him succeed.So, I stood out directly and said scornfully to the Buddha: "hum, Buddha, who do you think you are? You want to fight with my father. Do you think you deserve it? Now you are just a turtle in a jar. Why should we play with you? You are ready to die

As soon as I finished my words, Bai Qiuyan also stood up and said to the Buddha, "Buddha, don't think we don't know that you are the first expert in this city. Your ability to fight alone has already reached the peak. Do you think it's appropriate for you to challenge others openly like this?"

Although, I also guessed that the Buddha's strength is unfathomable, but I was shocked to hear Bai Qiuyan's words. I really didn't expect that the Buddha was the first expert in this city. However, it is also said that since the Buddha can firmly take the throne of overlord in this city. It's really difficult to do without some skills. Some things can't be solved only by wisdom and ruthlessness, and their own strength is also very important. It seems that this extraordinary Buddha has really reached the top in every aspect. He can be regarded as a real hero. No wonder he is so arrogant.

Fu Dong seemed to know his father's strength very well. So, when Bai Qiuyan and I refuted the Buddha, he also stood up and said to me in a provocative tone: "Su Luo, isn't your father very strong? Why don't you dare to fight alone? "

Obviously, the father and the son are united. They all know that there is only one chance for them to get out of the body. This is the only chance for them to survive. But the people on our side will certainly not let their wishful thinking come true, and they will not do things to let the tiger return to the mountain.

Although most of us know that my mighty father has a stronger attitude than the Buddha, his kung fu is first-class and powerful. What's more, it is clear that there are many people in our side. We have the advantage. There is no need to fight with them. Therefore, many people in my side can't help blaming him Son, tell them not to play tricks, quickly admit their lives, may leave a whole body.

The scene, for a while, became a bit chaotic. At this time, my father, who had been silent, suddenly raised his hand gently. Suddenly, the noisy scene was silent. Everyone looked at my father and waited for my father's next words.

Even I looked at my father with a dignified face. I could never understand my father's mind, but Uncle Yang seemed to understand my father's mind very well. After seeing my father raise his hand, he immediately and consciously backed away. Those terrorist like subordinates saw Uncle Yang's retreat, and they all consciously backed away.

The wasabi beside me seemed to know my father very well. He also motioned to me, then pulled me back to disperse.

After I got the idea, I immediately took Ziyi back again, and my brothers, Qiqi, Xie Yu, Bai Qiuyan and others, who saw this scene, seemed to understand it. They all took the inexplicable and expectant heart and slowly retreated away.

Just in an instant, my dad's surroundings became empty, he stood alone in the cool wind, white hair trembling with the wind. Although my father did not speak, all the people on the scene understood that he should accept the challenge of Buddha. Of course, Foye, the wily fox, must have understood my father's meaning, so he consciously let Fu Dong and his bodyguards step aside.

In this way, with our retreat, the original place full of troubles turned into an open space. There were only two people left in the field, my father and Buddha. They stood in the wind and formed a relative momentum.

Under the breath holding gaze of the crowd, my father suddenly put his left hand behind him, and his right hand was spread out in front of him. Then, he looked at the Buddha in front of him with sharp eyes, and said in a sharp voice: "Fu Da Fu, I think you are also a character, so I give you such a chance to fight alone. As long as you can force me to leave my left hand, I will let you go Your father and son, including your men, leave, but if not, you will end up with only one, dead

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