I didn't expect that my father would accept the challenge from the Buddha. His words shocked all the people at the scene. Once again, everyone's eyes widened, revealing the incredible. This man with white hair has subverted people's world outlook again and again.

This time, my father's words broke through everyone's thinking limit. If Bai Qiuyan didn't say that the Buddha was the first expert in the city, you might understand that my father underestimated the strength of Buddha and was arrogant.

But now, he is also aware of the Buddha's ability. He is an impossible existence. However, in the face of such a figure, my father can still say these words. How can the audience not be shocked.

Although, my father's performance before repeatedly showed his outstanding points, all of which were admirable. However, from the beginning to the end, my father did not show his military value. Now, it is really like an Arabian Night Dream to fight Buddha with one hand when he speaks. Even if many people believe that my father should be very powerful, they don't think he can accomplish such a thing 。

Even I can't believe my father. I once thought my father was mysterious. He had reservations about me in every aspect. Therefore, I don't know his real details, and I don't know how deep his strength is. Only last time I heard Yamaguchi say that he admired my father first. I knew that my father should be more powerful than wasabi It's hard to believe that my father can beat Buddha with one hand.

However, when I saw the firm eyes of Uncle Yang and wasabi, my heart also slowly changed to look forward to it. After all, I still want to see what extent my father's strength can play. I can't help but stare at my dad, eyes are full of expectations for him.

Other people were also staring at the two people in the field with different attitudes. In this moment, this place suddenly became a martial arts competition arena which was expected by all people. The momentum of the two people in the arena was extraordinary.

In the face of my father's contempt, the powerful Buddha didn't even say anything to refute. Maybe, for the Buddha, life is more important than his favorite face. Even if my father refutes the face, he will not give up the chance to fight alone. This is the only chance to let him live. So he didn't turn down my dad's offer.

But the Buddha didn't refute, but his son Fu Dong was a little impatient. He might have believed too much in his own Lao Tzu's strength, or he could not tolerate my father's arrogance. He couldn't help interrupting and saying, "it's really like father, like son. Two people have one virtue. Don't be ashamed of your words!"

This young master is used to eating honey. He has been in high places for a long time. He is used to being looked up to. Therefore, he can't bear to be despised by others, and even more, he can't stand being despised as a god like father.

But in the face of Fu Dong's disdain, my father just glanced at him casually with his eyes. Just one look, the Buddha was filled with endless energy, which made Fu Dong's eyes dim, and he did not dare to speak at will.

The scene immediately fell into a dead silence. Time, as if fixed in this moment, messy battlefield, full of a thick smell of blood, standing people, all like sculpture, nailed to the ground, motionless. Everyone's eyes are focused on my father and Buddha.

After a long time, the Buddha's eyes also sent out a frightening light. He yelled at my father: "I hope you can count your words!"

With the fall of Buddha's voice, I saw with my own eyes that the two walnuts originally in his hands were crushed by him.

Then, the Buddha threw the crushed walnut fragments into the air. When the walnut was flying, his body shape instantly hit my father.

Generally speaking, if a person's speed is too fast, he will bring out a strong wind and roll up a pile of dust, but the Buddha doesn't have it. His body seems very light, just like a leaf, floats to my father. He flashes in front of my father and starts a thunderbolt on my father. He has no mercy at all.

Until this moment, I really saw the strength of the Buddha. This resourceful fox showed his unknown side. His speed was extremely fast, his moves were strange, his momentum was like a rainbow, and he was an expert at a glance.

As soon as he made a move, the Buddha gave full play to his most violent side and did not give people a chance to breathe. What's more, he knew that my father was not allowed to use his left hand, so he chose to attack on my father's left side. He wanted to solve the battle as quickly as possible.

To be honest, I couldn't help sweating for my father when seeing the Buddha's amazing power. All the people on the scene were staring at the two people in the field. What shocked everyone was that my father didn't feel any tension in the face of the ferocious attack from the Buddha. He just waved his only active right hand and blocked the Buddha's attack at the moment of the Buddha's attack.

You know, the Buddha himself is not bound. He almost uses both hands and feet. Even, his moves are very cruel and lethal. His hands are fist like and full of strength.

But my father did it with only one right hand. His left hand was always behind his back, and he could resist all the attacks of Buddha with his right hand. This is really amazing. Almost all the people present are dumbfounded. Some of them can't keep up with my father's rhythm. It seems that my father's right hand can be illusory. It is clearly that one hand is swinging, but it seems that countless hands appear in front of us. The speed is simply beyond the limit of human body.What is fast? My dad's speed is faster than the limit. Anyway, among the people I saw, there was no such speed.

Originally, following my grandfather Bai, I naively thought that Taiji could be regarded as the most powerful Kung Fu. Although the action was slow, it contained the effect of stormy waves. Taiji could overcome rigidity with softness, brake with stillness, and respond to changes with constancy.

But at the moment, seeing my dad's hand, I found that the speed of action reached the extreme speed, which also has infinite power and can play an amazing effect. All of us were stunned by the shock of the contest. The two masters' moves were extraordinary. They didn't use any weapons, but we could still hear the sound of clang. It was as if there were iron objects colliding together, and their arms were equivalent to sharp weapons, which were incomparably hard.

Looking at the two men's fight, many people can't help but make a cry. I'm afraid not many people on the scene have seen such a strong master duel. I have seen the most wonderful duel, that is, wasabi and white grandfather that time, but it is far less than my father and Buddha this to the thrilling, especially, one of the scene of the confrontation, is my biological father, watching him fight, I feel as if I am in the general, a heart has been holding, did not dare to put down, and my body blood is constantly rolling boiling, my eyes In the middle, exuding a fanatical light, staring at the scene of the fight, afraid to miss a little bit, the same, the heart is also silently praying for my father.

Although, so far, it seems that the two people have drawn, regardless of the autumn, but careful people will observe that the Buddha is more and more violent, his face is worse and worse, and his hand is more and more fierce. He has no moves at all. Just like being possessed by a devil, he wants to kill my father and his death.

My father, with his left hand behind him, did not move at all. His face remained normal without drastic changes. On his body, he really showed the demeanor of a martial arts master.

Buddha, as the godfather of the city's underworld, is also the first expert in the legend. After several crazy attacks, he didn't get the upper hand. He didn't even force my father to use his left hand. I'm afraid it's a great shame for him. How can he suffer. In the end, the Buddha broke out completely. Suddenly, his legs pushed hard on the ground, and the whole person rose into the air. With invincible momentum, his right leg directly hit my father's chest. The speed was almost the same as that of a shell. It was just a matter in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, I was shocked with cold sweat, because the Buddha's move was too fast. I'm afraid that my father can't stand it, or I'm afraid that one of my dad's hands can't hold on.

The other people around also showed a look of horror, even the eyes of the wasabi all changed, it seems that even he also felt that this move is really too fierce.

However, I can't look down on my father. He is a man who doesn't play cards according to common sense. Every time, my father always makes people unexpected. This time, he also does.

In the face of the Buddha's fatal blow, my father not only did not avoid, but directly squeezed his right hand and met him. He even used his fist to resist the Buddha's foot, which was full of endless power. It was astonishing to everyone.

My father's fist, in the panic of the whole audience, met with the Buddha's foot, and hit the Buddha's foot heavily on the soles of the Buddha's feet. With a click, we all seemed to hear the sound of fracture.

At first, I thought my father's arm was broken. However, when the Buddha fell to the ground, he screamed, limped and retreated, and almost fell to the ground. Then I knew that the injured person was not my father, but the Buddha himself.

How could you think that the Buddha's powerful foot could not defeat my father's random punch. What's more, my father's punch could break the Buddha's fracture. What's more, the result was unexpected.

This time, the arrogant Buddha finally showed a look of panic. He didn't seem to believe the situation. After a pause, he looked at my father in panic and murmured to himself: "impossible, impossible, how can this be possible!"

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