The matter has gone to this point. The Buddha has become a lamb to be slaughtered by others, but he still can't accept it. My father has such terrible strength. A man like him who always thinks that he is invincible in the world, how can he accept a man who emerges casually. So easy to beat him, he seems to be in an instant, become a madman, crazy without reason.

When the Buddha fell into madness, my father finally opened his mouth and said, "now, it's my turn to do something!"

My father finished speaking, immediately, his body seems to be covered by an invisible force, let his whole person look more unfathomable, his voice is not big, but can reverberate in everyone's ears for a long time.

It turned out that my father didn't give his all just now. He was only in the defensive state. At this time, he was ready to take the initiative to attack. Sure enough, when we were very surprised, my father suddenly moved. His steps were a little weird, but he could reach the Buddha in a blink of an eye.

As soon as I arrived in front of the Buddha, my father was not polite. His right hand immediately hit the Buddha, and the Buddha in a state of panic immediately reached out his hand to resist. But my father's right hand quickly danced a few times and beat his hands off. Then, my father's right palm hit him on the chest without any hindrance. This move seemed quite powerless, because the Buddha did not regress, but only Just this time, the Buddha's eyes widened and his body was soft.

But my father did not take back his arm, but slightly shrunk his hand. Then, he put his palm toward himself, and continued to pat the back of his right hand on the Buddha's chest. After several times of beating, the back of my father's hand turned into a fist and hit him again.

This series of movements are very fast and coherent. The three strokes almost all hit the same position on the Buddha's chest. Each time he finished, he took two steps backward, and my father took two steps forward.

After several rounds, my father still didn't stop. He kept hitting him with the same action, while the Buddha kept going backwards. My father just hit the Buddha on the chest with three rotations of palm, hand and back fist. He didn't expect this simple move. He didn't have any backhand power to hit him, but he didn't fall down. He just kept going backwards until the Buddha retreated to Fu Dong At the same time, my father took back his right hand, which seemed to have magic power. It was loaded on his back and intertwined with his left hand, which had never moved from beginning to end.

He stood in front of the Buddha with a negative hand. At this time, the breeze blew and hit my father's body, which made his hair vibrate again. At this moment, my father was really like the heaven would come down to the earth. He was so brave. However, although the Buddha had been hurt, he didn't fall down. He still stood in front of my father, just as all of us accepted Stuffy, why did my father suddenly stop his hand? Just for a moment, suddenly, we saw the Buddha's tightly closed lips suddenly opened, puff, his mouth spouted a big mouth of blood, almost at the same time, his legs were soft, could not hold his body, directly in front of my father, heavily knelt down.

This time, the whole audience almost exclaimed with one voice. All the people were shocked and staring at the scene in front of them. This scene is really weird. A generation of hero Buddha knelt down in front of my father. If he had not seen it with his own eyes, no one would have believed it.

The Buddha, who has always looked higher than the sky, becomes a dead dog in this instant. He is exhausted and has no strong spirit. It seems that his bones are all softened. Even his eyes are lax, he tried to open his lax eyes, powerless to raise his head, unwilling to look at my father, hoarse voice said: "who are you?"

When he said this, it was so hard, as if he didn't believe it at all. How could he meet such a powerful opponent.

However, in the face of the Buddha's question, my father is still indifferent, he looks like a mole ant, looking at the embarrassed Buddha, his voice indifferently said: "I said, you have no qualification to know!"

The Buddha still wants to continue to ask, but it seems that he has nothing to do. He is really injured and can't speak any more. He falls down in front of my father.

Seeing this, Fu Dong rushed forward and yelled: "Dad, Dad, are you ok! Dad

Saying, he immediately crouched on the ground in a panic and took the Buddha in his arms.

This pair of arrogant and vicious father and son, at the moment, seems to have evolved into a pair of affectionate and pitiful father and son. When my father looked at such a father and son, there was no sympathy in his eyes, only indifference. There was a trace of fierce light in the indifference, which was full of killing intention.

Perhaps, this is the effect my father wants to achieve. He makes the Buddha father and son step by step into despair, let their proud heart sink slowly, let them lose face in front of everyone, he deprives them of what they think is important, dignity.

Sure enough, my father's eyes in the flash of this fierce light, suddenly to the Buddha issued an extremely cold voice: "you can go on the road!"

In a few words, I directly sentenced their father and son to death, that is to say, my father's goal has been achieved, and there is no need to waste time with them.

Although the father and son of the Buddha are no longer able to do so, they are still there. They are loyal guards who can die for the master. Therefore, after my father sentenced the Buddha to death, they did not hesitate to step out and block the Buddha.These people don't have a straw bag. They are all masters. But in my father's eyes, they are obviously out of class. He is almost too lazy to start with these people. He turns his head directly and signals to Uncle Yang.

Yang shulingyi immediately took a group of masked men behind him and rushed to kill the Buddha's bodyguards. Although these men had extraordinary military force, they could not resist the attack of so many people. Moreover, the skills of Yamaguchi and uncle Yang were not comparable to those of ordinary people. Only in a moment, these loyal bodyguards were slaughtered with blood, and none of them survived.

Until this time, the audience recovered from the shock. Everyone's faces seemed to have the same expression, which was unbelievable.

They looked at my father's eyes as if they saw the gods, full of respect. My father once again proved himself with his actions, showing his powerful and domineering side. Compared with the Buddha, they were really too small. In the desperate situation, the Buddha father and son watched their own bodyguards, one by one, and fell into a pool of blood, and their looks had already reached the limit It's the contrast between heaven and hell. No matter how calm they are, they can't stand such a continuous attack, and their remaining strength has been gradually worn away. Now, in their eyes, my father is like a devil, which is extremely terrible.

Originally, Fu Dong, a very deep villain in in the city, is proud of his life experience. He has a father who can communicate with heaven. He used this background to develop his own influence, and he thought that he was also great. Therefore, since I knew him, he has been trampling on me as a mole ant.

Now, his father who covered the sky with his hand fell down, which proved that his sky was broken. At last, he lost his courage completely. At the same time, he was frightened and despairing. After all, the man in front of him was not other people, but the father of Suluo who was despised by him. I was regarded as a waste by him How can he be reconciled.

My father can't breathe as much as I can. I can't breathe more than I can. I can't breathe any more. I can't breathe any more. I can't breathe any more. I can't breathe any more. I can't breathe any more

This simple sentence is not a plea for mercy. It has the smell of threat, but it is also mixed with a certain meaning, which is hard to understand.

However, my father seemed to understand the connotation of his words, and said frankly: "I know, does it have anything to do with me? All you have to do is know you have to die

My father hates being threatened most. What he decides will not be changed easily. Besides, if he offends me, it is impossible to change it. Buddha must die. It's possible that my father had been well prepared for his coming this time. He was not afraid of anything. After saying this, he took a step forward with fierce spirit, as if he was about to put the immortal Buddha to death.

I know, once my father made up his mind, he would be clean and clean when he started to move his hands. So, when I saw my father sending out killing intention, I had already picked up a knife on the ground quietly. At this moment, seeing my father step forward, I immediately called to my father: "Dad, let me come!"

After shouting words, I walked towards the father and son who had a deep blood feud with me step by step. Although I was still seriously injured, my wounds were completely healed by hatred, and I was filled with endless momentum from the inside to the outside. The seeds of hatred in my body finally exploded.

My father saw me approaching, immediately turned his head to look at me, eyes complex said: "are you sure you want to come by yourself?"

Although my father's words to me are short, his eyes give me a lot of information. I can read out what he wants to say. He is afraid of my accident. If I want to kill ordinary people, he will never stop me. But the Buddha has a special identity. If I kill them myself, my father must be worried that hatred will be attracted to me, so he wants to do it himself Start to solve the trouble for me and pave the way for me. All the consequences will be borne by him.

For my father's idea, I understand, but, in front of these two people are my big enemies, because, I have also made a poison oath, in any case, I have to personally kill them, in order to ease the hatred in my heart. After a while, I looked at my father with bright eyes and said forcefully: "well, I think well, only in this way can I revenge for my dead brother Can solve the pain in my heart

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