My dad has been in this place, his expression has not fluctuated greatly. Even when he wants to kill Buddha, he only shows his murderous spirit, but he does not have much anger. However, at this moment, after receiving the call, my father shows the anger he had not had before. His voice is very angry. He feels that Wu Tianhao would stand here If you say, my dad will tear him to pieces.

Wu Tianhao, who was on the other side of the phone, seemed to have expected my father's anger. He didn't seem surprised. He just said a little proud: "Mr. Su, congratulations on your coming out of the mountain!"

I can hear the strange smell of Wu Tianhao from the voice coming out of the phone. It seems that there is a bit of plot to succeed in the tone.

Of course, my father heard this, he closed his eyes heavily, and then said in a deep voice, "rest assured, I will go to you!"

After that, only listening to a crackle, the mobile phone, actually in my dad's hand directly broke apart, my dad this move let us others can not help but frighten. I can obviously feel the murderous spirit of my father. It seems that Wu Tianhao really let my father angry.

Through their short dialogue, I seem to understand some moral meaning. At the beginning, my dad emphasized Wu Tianhao to me. Now, he suddenly emerges. Obviously, the person behind the control of all these things is Wu Tianhao. But what is his purpose? Is it so easy to force my dad out of the mountain?

When I was in deep thought, my dad suddenly said, "retreat!"

Immediately, I woke up from my meditation and quickly asked people to deal with the post-treatment work.

This unprecedented war, although we have achieved the final victory, but this result is a bit of a sense of fish, the final defeat. The Buddha has been destroyed by the army, but we have suffered heavy casualties and too many serious injuries, so it is very difficult to deal with. My dad brought the people to carry the wounded to their respective cars. This day, it can be said, is the city's biggest bloody day.

It is because the battle is too big and bloody that makes the ending work very complicated. Qiqi, Bai Qiuyan and Xie Yu have come to deal with their wounded. At this time, everyone's expression is heavy. In a war, it is the four shots of passion. But the cruel result can not be avoided. The blood spilled from the fresh life and red is dyed red This land, at the same time. Also infected each of us heart, let the color of the heart dye sad.

Slowly, as the work of the aftermath of the project is approaching the end, these people who come to support come to say goodbye to me, maybe it is the dignified atmosphere on the spot, or I may see my dad in, they are not good at talking to me, I also did not express too much in words, but I just solemnly thanked them.

After they left, Shen Muchen had treated our wounded almost. At this moment, the voice of ambulance was echoing in the sky. Some people were too seriously injured to move easily, and they could only wait for the ambulance to arrive.

I stand on the edge of the pit, looking at this place where blood is red. My heart is very depressed. How much blood is used to win this victory. I sulo, I will remember this feeling, this time of struggle and move.

When the wounded on our side were almost finished, when the police were late, my dad dismissed all the people and took me to the car when he came. I was pulling Ziyi with me, sitting in the back of jeep, my dad was in the vice-driver's seat, and uncle Yang, still responsible for driving, left the bloody battlefield together, and all the other good things remained It's for the late police.

Unconsciously, uncle Yang has driven his car out of this strange forest and came to the big road. When he came here, I felt like I was back in the world, and felt the open and unbearable feeling of a while. Everything was like a dream. I felt that everything happened here was so dreamy that even now, I didn't have a complete slowdown Come here, Ziyi's state is also, her face is always bad, has been in the muddle, from the beginning to the end, she does not speak a word, this scene, for a simple girl, it is really difficult to accept.

But I, after leaving here, reluctantly accepted what had happened, I asked my father, asked all the doubts in my heart, asked how he caught the Buddha's wife, how to dispatch Ziyi, and how to solve the hidden members of the Buddha.

These things are difficult to imagine for me, but they are summarized by my dad's short sentences. He explained to me a few words lightly. As if these things were very easy for him, I was shocked after listening. I really realized the gap between me and my father. Don't look at him as a big old man But he is a man of great courage and a style of doing things.

I know Ziyi has happened. The only idea in my mind is to replace it with Fu Dong, even at last I will come to death for Ziyi. However, my father was smart and decisive. He had been waiting for the opportunity. He had inserted his eye liner in the house of Buddha. My father's plan was not so early. But because of the sudden incident, purple was arrested. My death must have made my father's plan advance. So he took the Buddha's wife secretly by using the undercover who was placed in the Buddha's house, and then at the most urgent moment, secretly exchanged Ziyi from the kidnapper's hand.Of course, changing out Ziyi can be done so quietly, because my father arrested one of the family members who were taking custody of Ziyi's kidnappers and threatened this person with his family's life, so that my father could successfully change Ziyi out. Similarly, the existence of the secret group was also told my father by the bottom. After my father mastered their hiding position, he made a sneak attack on them To wipe out.

My father's methods really make me admire, but also let me learn a lot from it. Sometimes, because of impulse, I don't calm down to think of ways, and do things too blindly, which leads to my own death.

And my dad won the final victory by taking advantage of the advantage and playing a more vicious way than the enemy. My father did it.

At that time, after my father rescued Ziyi, he even called me to tell me not to be stupid, but I didn't answer the phone. When I heard this sentence, I suddenly remembered that when I came, I answered a call from Bai Ling, and then I heard the ring tone of my mobile phone. But I didn't answer it, so I threw my mobile phone away. But I didn't think it was my father's call. Because of this, I almost died. Fortunately, Shen Muchen brought people to arrive in time, and then Bai Qiuyan, Xie Yu and Qi came again Qi, their arrival, if not for them, even if my father could save me, it would be very difficult. After all, there are too many Buddhists. I can recover this life. I really want to thank all the people who helped me. They gave me a second life.

All at this moment has passed, but today I almost had an accident, also because of my impulse, for the sake of Ziyi, I regardless of everything, regardless of my own life, this point, in many people's eyes, may be incomprehensible, but my father did not blame me for this, he just said to me lightly: "this girl is very good, my people specially tested Once she asked her to call you for help. She was also a girl who could not die for you. Cherish it

My father's words showed that she agreed with Ziyi. Before, although my father had heard from me about my girlfriend, he had never seen Ziyi himself, which was the first time he met Ziyi. Maybe, he wanted to know whether Ziyi was worth my life, so he specially tested her!

Although I know that my father will not object to my love, but at this moment, I am very happy to hear that my father has approved Ziyi.

And purple in listening to my father's words, she has been some tangled expression, also become a little relaxed, her mouth can not help but hook up a little smile, smile also a little bit shy.

Seeing Ziyi like this, I feel more gratified. It can be said that the biggest gain for me now is that Ziyi can be safe and sound. She is still alive, which proves that everything I have done is worth it. Although the cost is too high, but I do not experience life and death, how can I know how to cherish this relationship.

In fact, even if there was no Ziyi's accident, the battle between Buddha and me was inevitable. There would be a war between us. It was just a matter of time. But I suddenly felt that all the things were made by someone on purpose. Ziyi was just a pawn that was used by others.

Fortunately, no matter who is the initiator behind the scenes, my goal has been achieved. Ziyi is saved, the Buddha and his son are dead, and the barrier between me and Ziyi is lifted. After today's experience, I also proved my love for Ziyi. I think Ziyi can recognize my heart. It's time to solve our misunderstanding. Anyway, no matter what the marriage between Ziyi and Fudong is How to promote, I will not dislike her, she may be because I will be used, will be so much hurt, so, I more want to cherish her, protect her, love her.

As for Ziyi's willingness to forgive me now, I will not give up her. I believe that as long as I sincerely repent, she will not blame me.

However, it is not the emotional issue between Ziyi and me that needs to be dealt with. Although the curtain of the war is over, it is obvious that the war is not over. At least, there is a crucial enemy that has not been solved, that is, Wu Tianhao.

So, after thinking for a long time, I still couldn't help asking my father, "Dad, what's going on with Wu Tianhao?"

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