When my father heard Wu Tianhao's three words, his indifferent expression immediately became serious again. He once again gave a cold light in his eyes. He said in a cold voice: "what happened today is almost caused by him. Your little girl friend, under his threat, agreed to marry Fu Dong. He is just to stir up the friction between you and the Buddha and lead me out of the mountain !”

Sure enough, it's similar to my guess that Wu Tianhao is the villain behind the scenes.

Although I have already guessed this point, my heart is still shaking when I hear my father say it. How can I think that Wu Tianhao should be so mean that I almost lost my life in the first battle with the Xuanwu society. Unexpectedly, he has not planned to let me go, or even destroy the innocent Ziyi and let Ziyi be me Through so much pain, we almost made a pair of desperate mandarin ducks.

I really don't understand why Wu Tianhao did this? What's good for him?

After hesitating for a while, I asked my father again, "what's his purpose? Is it to use your hand to destroy the Buddha

Hearing this, my father's eyes full of cold light suddenly showed a trace of pain. He gently opened his mouth and said, "you are wrong. He wants to take the Buddha's hand to get rid of me!"

My father's words directly knocked me over. My eyes couldn't help but stare at me. Some inexplicable words said: "your strength is much stronger than the Buddha. Wu Tianhao is your old friend. He should know your ability. Then he knows that the Buddha can't fight you! Why should he use him to kill you? "

My dad shook his head. "Let the Buddha deal with me is just the first step of his plan. His real purpose is to let the Buddha's elder brother deal with me!" he said

Hearing this, my heart was really shaken again and again. Suddenly, I felt a chill in my body, and I couldn't help shivering. It turned out that the Buddha really had a background. No wonder he told my dad that he couldn't kill him when he was dying. He said that my father should know his background. His words were not a threat. He did have a backstage.

A Buddha has been so terrible, he even has a big brother. What kind of existence will his elder brother be?

Suddenly, I think of the dark group, the name of the dark group even Qiqi heard it color change, it must be extraordinary existence, and dark group is not the power of this city. That is to say, it may be the foreign aid invited by the Buddha, that is, his elder brother's person. So to think of it, this elder brother of Buddha is absolutely not simple!

Wu Tianhao, this seemingly kind-hearted bastard, is really a big schemer. He should also know the background of the Buddha. Therefore, he deliberately uses the Buddha to lead my father out of the mountain, let my father destroy the Buddha, and then let my father fall into crisis. This guy is really terrible.

Thinking of this, I can't help but ask my father: "since you know the Buddha's background, why do you want to kill him?"

In the face of my question, my father just said, "if I don't kill him, he will kill you!"

In a very simple sentence, it is full of deep father's love. My father is not a fool and will not fall into other people's trap so easily. At this time, I finally know why my father has not taken action. He has been investigating and preparing all the time, because he knows that what he has to face is not only the Buddha in this city, but a bigger conspiracy.

It was my impulse that made his plan start ahead of time. My father would not show any affection for me. Even though he knew that killing Buddha would cause trouble, he still did it without hesitation. He just wanted to help me remove all obstacles, so he would not allow my life to be threatened.

However, since Wu Tianhao chose to use the Buddha's background to harm my father, it is obvious that the elder brother behind the Buddha has the ability to deal with my father. At the thought of this, the chill in my body suddenly became very cold, and I was inevitably flustered. I looked at my father nervously and asked, "Dad, what is the origin of Buddha's elder brother? Is he really that good? "

In the face of my worry, my father slowly raised his head, looked at me through the mirror in the car, and said solemnly to me, "Arlo, you don't need to know about this, you don't have to worry about it. This is my business, I'll take care of it!"

My father always gives me absolute assurance. Every time, I feel that there is nothing he can't solve. But this time, I can tell that my father's confidence seems not to be full. This is definitely not easy to solve.

However, since my father didn't want to say anything, I didn't need to go into the details, because he didn't want to say what he didn't want to say. When he had time to ask Qiqi, she should know the details of the Buddha. However, I had a doubt in my heart. I was in a panic when I didn't ask. So, I hesitated and asked my father, "Dad, isn't Wu Tianhao your friend? Why did he hurt us? "

To tell you the truth, when I first met him, Wu Tianhao really had a good feeling for him. He didn't look like a mind Teaser at all. However, my father had already reminded me. Let me use this man, but I don't rely on him. But I was too dependent on him in the battle of the basaltic society. As a result, he stood me up. Now, he has carefully planned this plot. Ziyi and I almost died, and my father was involved in the resentment.So, up to now, all of us have been played by him. It's just one of his pieces, just. I am more puzzled, why does he have to deal with my father so deliberately?

However, I did not wait for my father's answer. Suddenly, the car stopped suddenly. I didn't pay attention to it, and my body leaned forward. The doubt almost broke out of my body.

When it slowed down a little bit, I immediately turned my head and looked out of the window to find that the place where we parked was Wu Tianhao's nest, heaven and earth.

I was so impressed by this place. The first time I came to visit Ziyi, I met her old classmates. At that time, Gao Fu Shuai's idea of fighting Ziyi was mixed up by me. He tried to bully me. Finally, Wu Tianhao came out and gave me a good first impression of him.

But people's hearts are always unpredictable. How can I know that Wu Tianhao is such a sinister villain? I really don't know why he has to make every effort to deal with my father, and why my father came here? Is he so eager to find Wu Tianhao to set up a teacher and make a crime?

In my doubt, my father's voice suddenly came over: "OK, don't ask so much, get out of the car!"

After that, he got out of the car first. Obviously, my father didn't want to answer my question. But I felt that Wu Tianhao's betrayal of my father was not caused by my appearance. They should have had some kind of grudge a long time ago, so he has been waiting for the opportunity to deal with my father. After my father was released from prison, he stayed in his hometown, and Wu Tianhao used me To take my dad out of the mountains and deal with my dad.

It's just that I don't understand what kind of disputes they had in the past. My father doesn't tell me about the past, even about my mother. Therefore, he doesn't want to talk about the grudges between him and Wu Tianhao. I also understand. Or, my father himself is not very clear. After all, if he had known that Wu Tianhao was going to deal with him, he would not let me in The city is looking for his help.

I do have too many doubts about Wu Tianhao. However, my father doesn't say that I'm too lazy to ask. Now that we have come to our door on our own initiative, the truth will come to light. Then, I took Ziyi and went in behind my father.

But to my surprise, when I walked into the nightclub, I found that the most luxurious nightclub in the city had been closed. It turned out that it had become my father's territory, and the old fox Wu Tianhao had already run away in advance.

It's true that Wu Tianhao can control all this and play the wise Buddha father and son between applause. Then, the smart one will certainly not sit here waiting to die. If my father catches him so easily, my father won't be so angry when he was on the phone just now. However, since my father knew that Wu Tianhao had run away, why would he bring me here?

For a while, I was a little confused, and my father seemed to see my doubts. He suddenly said to me very seriously: "Arlo, you stay here tonight. At present, the situation outside is still quite chaotic. I'll deal with the external affairs first."

After hearing these words, I understood that my father was still worried about my safety. Indeed, the war was just over, the Buddha and his son were all killed by me, and there were still some evils in their family. If I ran around at random in my current state, there must be danger. My father thought that it was safe to bring me here. The most important thing is that the aftercare work has not been finished It must be very complicated and difficult to implement. My father should wipe my ass as soon as possible, otherwise, I can't get away easily.

Since my father was able to stop director Kang and let the director who was promoted by the Buddha dare not bring people to help him. It can be seen that my father's face in the white world is not ordinary. However, these things are certainly not easy to solve. The follow-up matters that my father has to deal with are still very complicated. Moreover, even though my father has great ability and extraordinary military force, I still worry about my father. After all, the people behind the Buddha will not ignore his death. There are still dangers outside. If my father appears openly, there will be absolute danger.

But what my dad decided would not change easily. This is what he had to do. So, I said with worry: "I will stay here, Dad, you should pay attention to safety."

My father is always my God to me. I'm afraid that this piece of sky will collapse. As a son, I'm worried even if there is a little danger. However, my father's expression is still firm, and I can't see any worry. After hearing my words, he promised to me: "Arlo, you can rest assured and have a good rest. Since your father and I are here, I will ensure your safety, Don't think about anything. I'll take care of things here. "

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