My father is always so confident. For him, the most worried thing is always my safety. He will not care about himself. Through his skills, I also understand that there are not many people who can hurt my father. He is just trying his best to ensure that he will not be hurt. He is protecting me and creating a stable environment. In the face of such a father, I really don't know what to say. I just looked at my father with moving eyes and nodded his head heavily. After that, my father told the people who took care of me here and then left.

Looking at my father's big but slightly vicissitudes of life's back, I can't help but feel a sour feeling in my heart, and gradually rise up a very firm idea in my heart. I will certainly grow up quickly, and I won't let you worry about me any more!

Dad, it wasn't long since I was escorted by wasabi. After listening to my father's words, I didn't leave here. I just called Shen Muchen and asked him to deal with the injured brother. He must pacify the injured brother. I also gave him all the details of the gang. After this call, I finally got a breath. Later, Ziyi and I found a room to rest.

Quiet down I, also from the confusion of thinking back to normal, to this time, Ziyi, my favorite woman, really integrated into my vision.

At the moment, in the huge room, there are only two people, I and her, four eyes opposite. However, both of us look down and down. I don't need to say, dishevelled and bruised. Ziyi is also very upset. She has been locked up for a day and has experienced so many things. She has witnessed the death of the Buddha and his son. Her mind has certainly not recovered. The whole person looks tired, like eggplant hit by frost, listless 。

In this quiet space, our breath sounds as if we could hear it. The silent atmosphere made us a little unaccustomed. Both of them were a little worried. Unconsciously, I took a cigarette out of my pocket and smoked it in front of Ziyi's face.

After taking a few puffs, I relaxed my mind for a while. I finally opened my voice and asked Ziyi with concern: "Ziyi, are you ok?"

For this girl who only wants to be stable, what happened today is really cruel to her. She doesn't like to fight and kill at all. She wants to have a peaceful day. But now, it is because I let her get involved in this cruel catastrophe. I really can't bear it and feel more guilty in my heart.

In the face of my question, Ziyi still didn't make a sound, she just shook her head blankly, said nothing.

Since I saw her, Ziyi has never said a word. Even if she is alone with me now, she doesn't make a sound. She just stares at me with complicated eyes, just as if I am a stranger in her eyes, which makes her feel unclear and can't see through.

Perhaps, for Ziyi today, the most shocking thing may not be the bloody scene, but the appearance of my father. What my father did on the scene completely shocked everyone in the audience. Even my son, my father broke the daily concept, let alone her. How can she accept it all at once? I have such a fearless father.

At a very early time, Ziyi only knew that I had a father who was still in prison. Until later understanding, she had a slight change in her impression of my father. Especially after listening to the conversation between Wu Tianhao and me in Wu Tianhao's office that day, she was even more curious about my father's ability. However, she must think that my father and Buddha are incomparable, Ziyi would persuade me many times to leave this city, and let me not fight against the Buddha, because in Ziyi's eyes, Buddha is heaven in this city.

Now, everything has been reversed. My father's birth has made Ziyi completely subvert the previous concept. The lawless Buddha is just like a mole ant in front of my father. How can this be accepted by Ziyi? Maybe Ziyi thinks that I cheated her and hid her from her and thought I was playing a pig and eating a tiger.

But for my father's matter, I am as at a loss as she is. I don't know how to explain it. I don't want to tangle too much in this matter. For me now, I have to deal with the relationship between her and me first. I don't want to keep such an irreconcilable relationship with Ziyi. It's very awkward and uncomfortable. Of course, I hope Ziyi will not be entangled. I want her to return to her former pure and kind girl and look forward to a happy future with me.

Therefore, I directly threw away the cigarette end in my hand and went to Ziyi. I held her hand tightly. My eyes looked at her deeply and said softly, "Ziyi, since you were forced by Wu Tianhao to marry Fu Dong, it proves that you don't really like him. Now, their father and son are dead. You are free. No one can stop us from being together. Ziyi, don't be angry with me again. Let's make up

My words are completely from the bottom of my heart. The tenderness in my eyes is a complete reflection of my heart's world, which is slow love and sincerity. This time, Ziyi was really moved. Her expression was changing and her eyes were flashing. Slowly, a few tears fell from the corner of her eyes. With these tears, Ziyi finally began to speak. She asked me in a hoarse voice: "have you married Bai Ling?"Hearing this, my heart suddenly trembled a few times, and my head seemed to be shaken by something. I opened my eyes and looked at the purple in front of me. I was a little surprised.

I never thought that Ziyi knew that Bai Ling and I were married. Now when she said that, it suddenly occurred to me that Ziyi and Fudong were secretly threatened by Li Shuhai. On the one hand, and on the other hand, she was desperate for me. She knew about me and Bai Ling. Originally, it was difficult for a woman to accept that I made Bai Ling pregnant Even if I killed the child, I would leave a knot in my heart. But at that time, I not only did not kill the child, but also married Bai Ling. How could Ziyi still hope for me?

No wonder, that day at her and Fu Dong's wedding scene, I said nothing to restore Ziyi's heart. Originally, it was not Ziyi's heart that changed, but her complete despair of me. But how could Ziyi know the secret of my marriage with Bai Ling? It seems that this is another masterpiece of Wu Tianhao. He really tried his best to deal with my father.

I didn't have time to think about him. Now it's not the time to say this. I quickly explained to Ziyi, "no, you misunderstood me. I was forced to have a ceremony with Bai Ling. It was a fake marriage. Besides, I didn't get a certificate."

After saying this, I was afraid Ziyi didn't believe me. I told Bai Ling everything about me. I have explained almost everything clearly. When I say these words, my attitude is very sincere. Of course, although I have a lot of bitterness in many things, I still make mistakes. This is an unchangeable fact. So, let's finish this. I still keep apologizing to Ziyi, just ask for her forgiveness. Finally, I sincerely tell Ziyi that she is my favorite woman, unique existence.

After listening to my words, Ziyi has already burst into tears. Her tears are full of too many emotions, and her eyes are mixed with a variety of complex emotions. This kind of emotion almost broke her down. After a long time of delay, Ziyi cried to me and said, "what I hate is why you didn't tell me earlier, why did you hide from me, why can you leave me alone for three months?"

At this moment, Ziyi was finally willing to tell me the truth, and she finally told her grievances. Indeed, I had a conflict with Ziyi before, but I prayed for her forgiveness with my sincerity, and the soft hearted Ziyi finally forgave me. But this time, I really hurt her, and most importantly, I didn't explain to her in time, and I didn't have a chance to explain it to her Only when we explained with her did we have a deeper misunderstanding.

So, after listening to Ziyi's words, I immediately continued to explain to her, said my helplessness, and also told her what I had experienced in those three months. Countless times I ran away for her, thinking about her all the time. As soon as I came back, I couldn't wait to go to her house to find her. I told her all my heart words without reservation.

Slowly, my true feelings influenced Ziyi, let the purple Yi who was immersed in sadness stop crying. She stared at me with that pair of blurred eyes, and the meaning in the eyes was elusive. But I thought that the look was forgiving me and willing to be with me again.

But I didn't expect that Ziyi directly took her hand out of my hand and stepped back two steps. She said to me bitterly, "Suluo, even if I forgive you, we are impossible. No matter what reason, I married Fu Dong. We are legal couple. This is something everyone knows. Do you want to marry a widow?"

Ziyi's expression is so sad and helpless, and I feel a burst of heartache. Originally, Ziyi still cares about this matter. Indeed, Bai Ling and I held a wedding ceremony, which is an illusion in the dark. In the valley, not many people know. But Ziyi's wedding is a sensation in the city, the city's dignified figures all attended. If I married Ziyi, she would be married two times. This is not a good reputation for a girl. However, Ziyi probably doesn't care about this, but the last thing she wants to say in her heart.

And I, have long been open to this matter, I like her, as long as I can be with her, I don't care about anything, so I directly and decisively said to Ziyi: "I don't care!"

These four words express my determination. What I have experienced and what I have done is because of Ziyi, who has experienced many obstacles. Now that we have a chance to get together, I will not care about these rumors. As long as Ziyi is willing to be with me, I will be satisfied.

I thought that such determination would make her feel relieved, but she still couldn't let go. Her eyes were still dim. She looked at me blankly and said, "even if I had a relationship with Fu Dong, do you care?"

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