The next day was the day when Ziyi and I got married. It was sunny and sunny. On this happy day, my wedding was held as scheduled.

This is a wedding that attracts the attention of the whole city. Due to the influence of my father, there are countless important people invited to attend the wedding. Big people in black and white are all witnessing the grand wedding.

In order to prove my personal charm, but also to completely suppress Fu Dong's popularity, I made this wedding much more grand than he did, and even the wedding procession was much more grand than Fu Dong's. On the street where I went to Ziyi's house, my men and horses had already controlled the traffic flow, just to prevent traffic jam.

Our luxurious and spectacular motorcade, which went around the whole city and passed through the whole city, was so powerful that it shocked the whole people. I was so envious that there was no police to open the way for us.

After I successfully met Ziyi, our motorcade went straight to Xiushui villa in the north of the city. This villa is bigger and more imposing than the one who reported the wedding. It is the best place to get married.

Today, the whole city is boiling because of my grand wedding. The huge back garden of the villa is full of guests. All the people sitting at the table are some people of high status. My brothers have also come. Of course, Qiqi and Bai Qiuyan, who have special relations with me, also attended. However, Xie Yu did not come, which is what I expected, so I did not care.

My mood has been excited since I got up early in the morning. Now, when I come to the wedding site and look at so many familiar faces and so many bright smiles, my heart has become more beautiful. In front of so many people, it is a blessing given to me by God to marry my beloved woman.

The wedding officially began in the expectation of all.

My hero, with the most full of spirit, the most elegant posture, led my bride, accompanied by beautiful and festive music, walked into the red carpet.

Ziyi, as the heroine of the scene, as today's bride. Her face also glowed with infinite brilliance, perhaps related to her mood. It was also a white wedding dress, but today's Ziyi was more beautiful and elegant than when she married Fu Dong. Her appearance was amazing.

The red carpet road is not long, but I seem to have walked for a long time, as if holding Ziyi's hand for a lifetime. The mood in this process is really indescribable. Especially now, we can accept the blessing of so many people. Even my father, who doesn't love the excitement and ghosts, specially stays for me to attend my wedding banquet and act as a witness for me I suddenly felt that I was no longer alone and lonely. I was despised by others. I became the happiest person in the world.

Finally, when we got to the stage, Ziyi and I faced the audience. The MC standing next to us asked me to write a love song for Ziyi in order to adjust the atmosphere.

However, holding the microphone, I did not sing. Instead, I told a story to the whole audience, telling the love story between Ziyi and me.

Our story can really move the earth. I started to tell it from the first time I knew her, but the next detail declined. This time, I repeated the story and told it more detailed and moving than last time. I just want to let everyone know how difficult it is for me and Ziyi to be together. What's more, it is the unfortunate rehabilitation of Ziyi. People with high reputation know that she was forced to get married for the first time. She and I are the real couple. I also take advantage of this grand wedding to completely eliminate those rumors and let Ziyi be at ease with me.

Perhaps, it was my story that was too moving. Maybe it was I who put myself into it to tell it. What I told moved me. Many of the audience were in tears. Ziyi also because of my words, wet eyes, even the host beside us, seems to be moved, the voice is a little hoarse.

It was originally a festive wedding, but the atmosphere was depressed by the sad story. Fortunately, the host had a good tongue and had the ability to activate the atmosphere. After a short silence, he said a few words. Finally, let the whole audience applaud for me, which re ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

In the strong atmosphere, in the light music, the wedding continued to proceed step by step. Ziyi and I ushered in the key points of the wedding. The MC read familiar classical lines to us, and he asked me if I would like to marry Miss Ziyi. I've heard this line before, but at that time I was just a spectator, witnessing others. But this time it was different. I answered it myself.

Now, the bridegroom standing on the stage is me, the host asked me, and I was the one who paid attention to the audience. At this moment, my heart really jumped out of my body. I was extremely excited. I was full of happiness. I looked at my father, uncle Yang, the two most important relatives in the world in the first row. Then, I looked at Shen Muchen, crab, Qiqi and Bai Qiu Yan, Xue Ning all kinds of familiar faces, strange faces, I swept them all over again, seeing their blessing eyes, my heart was more gratified.

With the mood full of expectation, I turned my eyes to Ziyi.

At the moment of touching her eyes, my emotion was surging in an instant. Burning with passion, I opened my voice and cried, "I will!"My voice constantly hovers in the sky, penetrating everyone's ears, listening to Ziyi is smiling.

Then, according to the procedure, the host said a lot of oath to Ziyi, asking her if she would like to marry me or not.

Ziyi, like me, glanced at the people under the stage, and then turned her affectionate eyes to me.

At this moment, all the people were holding their breath and waiting for Ziyi's reply. My heart was even more raised in my throat. But what shocked all the staff was that at this moment, what everyone was waiting for was not Ziyi's voice, but a very ethereal but extremely overbearing female voice: "Suluo, he can only be my Yang Simiao's man!"

This domineering female voice is so familiar that it seems to pierce my heart in an instant. Especially when I hear the three words of Yang Simiao, my soul is shaking. This is a very familiar name. She has been the sustenance of my heart and soul for countless days and nights, and it is the goal I am trying to find. She and I grew up together. Although she was not a childhood sweetheart, she left an indelible memory for me. It was she who completely changed my life and let me set foot on a third class university. Some tragic things happened, and I met the true love of my life, Ziyi.

However, Miaomiao, I have never mentioned to anyone, including Ziyi. She is a wound in my heart. However, at this moment, the familiar voice suddenly stimulates my dust laden memory, which makes me severely touched. I almost have the conditional launch, and quickly cast my eyes at the entrance of the manor, and the scene of the scene Others, like me, followed the source of the sound and looked at the entrance.

In our line of sight, there are two women proud to come out. Xie Yu, a tall and graceful woman in red, has a charming temperament. The other, who is also tall, is wearing a light blue skirt, with long snow-white legs exposed outside and a pair of high-heeled shoes. The sun shines on her body, let her emit endless light, looks fashionable, bright and dazzling, her long hair shawl, in the wind in the wind, bangs cover her eyebrows, under the eyebrows, a pair of big frame sunglasses, looks a little cold, some overbearing, introverted.

This queen like person, with endless momentum, in everyone's attention, domineering toward me, and Xie Yu has been closely following her.

Originally, Xie Yu is a very domineering woman. She is a very powerful woman. However, compared with the queen in front of her, she is just a little bit of a witch. All the light seems to be focused on her. Of course, my eyes are fixed on her. She gives me the feeling that she is too familiar and shocking. Although she has changed a lot, she looks at it for the sake of sunglasses I didn't have a full face, but I still recognized her. She was Miaomiao, the one who bullied me and despised me. She was the unruly and willful Miaomiao. I will never forget her appearance.

Fate is really a teaser. I have been looking for a woman who has been waiting for so long, but I suddenly show up at my happiest moment. What's more, she even appears with Xie Yu. That is to say, the mysterious boss behind the scenes in Xie Yu's mouth is Miaomiao!

At that moment, I suddenly realized why Xie Yu had planned to destroy Ziyi and me at the beginning, but then he kept helping me. It turned out that all this was because of her boss, Yang Simiao.

All of a sudden, I thought of the woman sitting in the sports car in the last battle with the basaltic society. At that time, I only saw her side face. However, due to the poor angle, she wore sunglasses and lowered her head, which only made me feel familiar. At that time, I thought about all the people I knew, but I didn't think of Miaomiao.

Now. When I saw Miao Miao appear in front of me, I suddenly realized that the familiar side face was really her.

Seeing her approaching me step by step, my heart beat faster. I don't know what to use to describe the mood at the moment. I only know that my eyes are blurry unconsciously, and all the memories I once had come out in my mind. Every detail deeply touches my heart and stimulates every nerve of mine.

I am dull, as if the soul out of the body in general, although people in reality, but the heart is back in the past memories.

Similarly, there was a person on the scene, whose shock was no less than mine. He was Uncle Yang.

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