Miaomiao is uncle Yang's only daughter and also the only family member in the world. However, the only daughter of Uncle Yang is rebellious and unreasonable. It is precisely because of her rebellious personality that she finally runs away from home. Although Miao Miao was beaten away by Uncle Yang at the beginning, he is also very regretful and worried about this treason from his later performance After all, his blood is thicker than water. Because Miaomiao ran away from home, uncle Yang has become much older. It is conceivable that he missed his daughter.

Now, after many years, uncle Yang is certainly excited to see Miaomiao again. However, he is a figure who has seen the world and will not show his emotions on his face. Moreover, there is still a gap between him and Miaomiao. Therefore, although he is shocked, he still sits still. Only when the security guards want to stop Miaomiao from advancing, uncle Yang orders the security guard to retreat. Later, he Looking at Miaomiao with affectionate eyes, he said nothing.

Miao Miao didn't know if she had untied her heart knot. Anyway, she saw Uncle Yang's rescue for her, but she didn't show any difference. She was wearing sunglasses, and I couldn't see her eyes. I didn't know what kind of feelings she had for uncle Yang, the father who hadn't seen for a long time, blame him or miss him?

At this moment, the whole audience's eyes are still focused on Miaomiao. Many people are surprised. Some even can't help talking. Although most people don't know Miaomiao's identity, from Miaomiao's domineering words and Lin Yang's actions, everyone knows that I have a certain relationship with this girl.

Ziyi beside me is also clear, although she does not know Miaomiao. But she knows Xie Yu, and she knows that there is a person behind Xie Yu who has been hindering me from being with her. Now, Miaomiao suddenly appears and says such words as soon as she appears. Even if Ziyi is stupid again, she should understand what is going on.

This wedding, can be said that both of us have been looking forward to for a long time. What's more, the whole city is peaceful now. My father is here again. We all think that there is no one who can hinder us from getting together. But now, there is a Miao Miao Miao who is so domineering and powerful. How can we not let Ziyi worry about this bride, who originally radiates the most dazzling light in the audience In a flash, it's dark.

Perhaps, she felt the pressure from Miaomiao, and the happy smile on her face disappeared. Instead, she was full of worries. She looked at me in a confused way and asked, "who is she?"

Ziyi's words let me finally come back from the past memories, I immediately returned to the reality, turned to look at Ziyi.

Seeing the sad Ziyi and the worry in her eyes, I suddenly became a little guilty. I didn't know how to explain it. After brewing for a long time, I didn't have the strength to reply: "she is the daughter of my adoptive father uncle Yang, Yang Simiao!"

On the surface, Miaomiao and I have no special relationship and no emotional entanglement. She is just my nominal sister. Of course, from my inner feelings, she is my sister. No matter how much I hate me, I care about her. Even so, it's just my one-sided emotion. Miaomiao should have no affection for me. She hated me since she was a child because I robbed her father's love. She hated me for many years. Later, she thought that I betrayed her and told uncle Lin about her. Finally, she ran away from home indignantly.

It was because she left with hatred that I struggled to find her, to explain clearly to her, to apologize to her, especially after seeing her diary, I was more understanding of her heart, I just wanted to find her to explain to her, but now I didn't explain anything, she should still hate me, how could she suddenly like me? Even say that I can only be her man? It makes me really confused and messy.

I can't understand. I don't know how to explain to Ziyi. I can only tell the superficial relationship between Miaomiao and me. But Ziyi must have misunderstood her. She paused and asked me, "what's the relationship between you?"

This question, I am afraid, is the confusion of all present. The last time Ziyi married Fu Dong, I made a scene, and a third party stepped in. Now, at my wedding, Miaomiao, who has been missing for many years, is making trouble again. However, facing the silence of others, I am really entangled. Especially seeing the worried color on Ziyi's face, I am even more entangled. On one hand, I really have different feelings about Miao Miao Miao's sudden appearance. On the other hand, I'm also worried You can't hurt Ziyi. Just as I'm preparing to answer Ziyi, Miaomiao has come to me. She is very aggressive and says to Ziyi: "he and I are childhood sweethearts."

Miaomiao pointed to me and said this to Ziyi. Miaomiao's personality is like this, which is both publicity and rebellion. She always exudes self-confidence. Facing Ziyi, she has a unique advantage. Even if today is her big fuss about other people's weddings, her attitude and tone have a sense of pride. She feels that she is right and the protagonist of attention 。

After listening to Miaomiao's words, Ziyi's eyes become more sad, and her eyes are red. I can't help but feel heartache when I see her. Although Miaomiao and I have very special feelings, I want to say a lot to her, but this occasion is not suitable.

Now she is making trouble without reason, especially Ziyi who makes trouble will cry, which inevitably makes me unhappy. Therefore, I can't control so much, and directly says to Miaomiao dissatisfied: "you don't talk here!"In the face of my dissatisfaction, Miaomiao turns a deaf ear to her. Her hand suddenly reaches out to me. She holds my collar in a domineering way, and says to me forcefully: "didn't you TMD say that you want to support me and be responsible for me? Why, now that there are new lovers, we can talk and not count? "

At the moment when Miaomiao's voice just fell, I felt as if I had passed through. The time suddenly went back to many years ago. At that time, Miaomiao was also so arrogant and domineering. She always spoke impolitely to me, which was almost familiar and could not be familiar with any more. At this moment, I felt as if I had seen the original Miaomiao 。

But at the moment, it is a strange Miaomiao. Her facial features become more delicate. There is a fatal attraction in her eyes. Her beauty is a kind of domineering beauty, which makes me unable to extricate myself for a while. However, no matter how to change it, the familiar taste on her body has not changed.

My mind floated back to the scenes before, when I was with her.

Among all the women I know, Miaomiao should be the one I have known for the longest time, and also the one who gets along with me for the longest time. We grew up together when we were young, and we were under the same roof. Although, in front of her, I never dare to raise my head, but for her, I have always had an unknown emotion. I tried my best to discuss it Good for her, but no matter what I do, it's the life she dislikes.

That is to say, when I ran away from home, I ran into Miaomiao who was lost in the hotel. It was from that day on, my feelings for Miaomiao gradually changed, and I hope she can change. I even wanted to be responsible for her and support her for the rest of her life. But Miaomiao hated me and didn't accept me. But I didn't think that Miaomiao could still remember this sentence, remember this ridiculous promise, and even take it seriously!

I was speechless. In the face of serious Miaomiao, my brain was in confusion. I opened my mouth, and there was a paste in my head. I didn't know how to refute her. My silence can be regarded as tacit to Miaomiao's words, this time, my side purple Yi changed more depressed.

Miaomiao is a little proud, as if in her eyes, I am her bag of things, no one can take away, so, see I did not speak, she was very satisfied to touch my face, and then said sharply to Ziyi: "Suluo, he is my man, can only be my man, for you, you'd better give up quickly!"

Miaomiao's words are very serious, which doesn't seem to be a joke. Her aura directly suppresses Ziyi and forces Ziyi to step back. Miaomiao's hegemony completely reflects Ziyi's weakness. In an instant, Ziyi's tears can't help but collapse.

At this time, there was a lot of discussion from the audience. They heard Miaomiao's words and saw my silence. They immediately realized that the relationship between the three of us was no longer clear.

The miscellaneous voice makes Ziyi more miserable. She looks at me with tears in her eyes, waiting for my explanation. Her eyes are full of too many complicated emotions. Although she is sure of the feelings between me and her, Ziyi certainly has no confidence in the face of such a domineering Miaomiao. What's more, Ziyi has been hurt by my confused feelings for many times. The first time is Bai Ling. I hurt her heart heavily, which leads to the following things. This time it is Miaomiao, and I do it again Hurt Ziyi.

Now, I have a hard time explaining Bai Ling's case, and I get Ziyi's understanding, but suddenly there comes another domineering Miaomiao. How can Ziyi accept this? Helpless, she can only look at me, hoping that I can explain clearly in front of her.

But I was just like a fool. I was in the same place. In fact, I didn't want to retort, and I didn't want to drink back the person who disrupted my wedding. But the person in front of me was not someone else, but a woman who had an indissoluble bond with me and I was sorry for, Yang Simiao.

We haven't seen each other for so many years, and we suddenly meet again. It's hard for me to beat her in front of so many people, so that she can't get off the stage. I've fantasized about a lot of scenes when we meet again. I've also thought about a lot of lines after seeing her. The most I want to say to her is that I'm sorry for many things. I want to say a lot to her More.

However, today, I finally met Miaomiao. I'm sorry that I didn't miss her. Let me open my mouth and say something that hurt her heart. How can I open my mouth.

When I was in disorder, Ziyi saw that I had not moved for a long time. She was disappointed with me. She was completely disappointed. She did not even ask me what to do. She turned around and left because she didn't want to stand on the stage to lose face and suffer other people's gossip. At this moment, she gave up.

Seeing Ziyi's desperate turn, my heart was suddenly stabbed. Immediately, I woke up, and I knew that, in any case, I should not be immersed in the past, but face the future.

For Miaomiao, I do feel guilty for her, and have a vague love and missing, but she is always in the past. I can't hurt Ziyi just because of the past. Ziyi is innocent. She has gone through a lot of hardships to get together. I can't hurt her heart any more.

In fact, I also know that Miaomiao should not like me. How could she like me? After all, she never had feelings for me. She didn't look me in the eye before. She only hated me. It was impossible to love me.She sent Xie Yu to stop me and Ziyi for many times. It should be that she couldn't see people like me talking about girlfriends. She felt that I didn't deserve to have a girlfriend. She didn't want me to be happy. Today, she came to disrupt my wedding on my most important day. Maybe, she wanted me to completely break up with Ziyi. She still hated me. She just wanted to take this opportunity to revenge me.

Although, this is just my guess, but I can understand her hatred for me, but I can't let her hurt innocent Ziyi. If she hates me, I can let her beat me, scold me, even kill me, after all, I owe her. But if Ziyi is wronged, it will not work. We have gone through a lot of hardships and come together. I can't let her suffer any harm any more.

So, when Ziyi was about to leave me disappointed, my body suddenly moved, and the whole person rushed to Ziyi in front of her, holding her hand tightly. Although I didn't say anything, I proved everything with my actions. I was committed to Ziyi, and my attitude was also clear. I stood by Ziyi and would not leave her in any case.

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