For my actions, Ziyi may feel my choice, and her face eased a little, without so much despair, her hand also tightly held my hand, and her steps stopped consciously.

Miaomiao saw me pulling Ziyi, a strong and unyielding look, and she was slightly disappointed in her look. However, Miao Miao is old Jianghu in any way. Although she has been hit by some, she is still proud and will not retreat half a point. Instead, she strided over to me and pointed at me and said, "I said you are a waste. Do you want to step on two boats?"

Miao Miao is not satisfied with her tone. Maybe she doesn't allow her majesty to be slightly damaged. Today, she is a rare person to show up. If she let her lose to Ziyi, she will not accept it. Maybe, this is Miao Miao's purpose to block me. She doesn't like me, but she likes me to submit to her pomegranate skirt. Indeed, she is such a character and disliked OK.

But for Miaomiao, I prefer it. Since I was a kid, I was used to her character. She didn't scold me any day and didn't hit me. It was abnormal. Only in this way can I be no longer unfamiliar with her.

But, now I am different. I have Ziyi. I have given up everything in the past. I promised Ziyi to take care of her for all my life. I can't hurt this girl who has suffered all the grievances for me. I can't be sorry for her any more. So, even if I don't want to make Miao Miao unhappy for a long time, I will not be silent again. I will stand up my chest directly "I don't want to step on two boats, and I don't have this idea. Now, I just want to be with Ziyi. I promise her, and I will never leave her for a lifetime. Today is our wedding. If you are here to attend our wedding, send me a blessing, I welcome! "

I wanted to say more decisive words, but I looked at Miaomiao so directly. I couldn't take more of my spirit. I lost my courage. Maybe the shadow of Miao Miao was too big since I was a child. In front of her, I was not even a little bit dignified, even a little humble, and her eyes were flashing. I just hope Miao doesn't keep on pestering now, so I can get back from the difficulties.

But Miaomiao's character I know, since childhood is a stubborn girl who can not give up, she listened to my words, only slightly smiled and said immediately: "but you can not be together, because I came!"

Her tone, as crazy and overbearing, but it has a little strange meaning, it is elusive. I don't understand why Miaomiao has this spirit, in the face of so many people, one after another and three shows his bullying side, even if I had promised her before, it was a joke, can not count, she can be so sure she can block me and Ziyi. Now, she really pushed me to rush, I can not do it to her face, only have to have a face "This is my business, you can't stop it!" Li retorted

In front of Miaomiao, I always look down on me. At this moment, I also showed my tough side. Of course, I said this kind of words, which is not what I want to do with Miaomiao. Anyway, she is my little sister. I will not do anything too much to her. I just after finishing this sentence, I will focus on my dad and Miaomiao Uncle Yang, their father, is an elder and has a very dignified existence. As long as they intervene in the face, I believe that even if Miao has any ability, he dare not be fooled in this place.

But what makes me a little confused is that my father and uncle Yang turned a blind eye to Miaomiao's unreasonable teasing. Even if I gave them the look for help, they were indifferent, not showing the meaning of interference.

When I felt speechless, Miaomiao suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed my two gills and forced her to point my head at her. Then she said to me arrogantly: "don't look, they will not interfere with the things here, because you are my person, this is a change!"

Miao Miao's words are very determined. She feels like Buddha. I monkey king can not escape her palm. Her assertive bullying completely dazzles me. I am stupidly looking at the beautiful Miao with clear outline and beautiful appearance. I asked confused: "why!"

Miaomiao heard this, suddenly grinned, and showed a deep smile. She pinched my cheek and turned my face to my father's direction, and let me look straight at my white haired but indifferent father. Then, a leisurely voice came into my ear: "you still ask your father this question!"

This question asked me to ask my dad? What does she mean? Miao Miao asked me what would ask my dad. I just wanted to ask my dad for help. I hope he will come to me to get rid of the encirclement, so that my wedding with Ziyi can go on smoothly. But when listening to Miaomiao, can my father not only help me, but also help Miao?

How could this be possible? Ziyi and I got married with my father. My father also specially stayed in this city for several days because of our wedding. He just wanted to witness my wedding. If he supported Miao, why did he let me marry and let me be conspicuous in front of these dignitaries?At this moment, I was confused, and Ziyi beside me was even more muddled. At this time, Ziyi had a feeling of being played. Her expression was dull and her body was stiff. She felt that her heart fell into the abyss again, and her appearance was particularly miserable.

Some of Ziyi's female classmates in school, seeing that she was so wronged, they couldn't look down. They rushed to the stage, comforting Ziyi and accusing me, saying that I was too irresponsible and too jerky. Even, there was the little black fat man who said that Ziyi and I would not be married.

The scene changed into chaos. I didn't wake up until Ziyi cried. I dodged Miaomiao's hand in a hurry, turned to Ziyi and said affectionately to her: "Ziyi, don't worry, I'll be with you all my life. No one can separate us, even my father can't!"

The last few words I said sonorous and powerful, I was to let Ziyi rest assured, in order to prove my love for her. After that, I didn't care about Miaomiao. I directly took Ziyi to my father's face, looked at the father who was meticulous to me, and asked, "Dad, tell me, what's going on here?"

While I was talking, Miaomiao also stepped on high heels, followed me down, and stood on my other side. The three of us stood side by side in front of my father and uncle Yang.

I am in the middle, Ziyi is standing on my right. She is my bride today, but she looks down and down because of crying. Miaomiao is standing on my left. She is still attractive. Even in the face of my father and uncle Yang, she still has a strong queen style, which is very reasonable.

At this time, my father gently raised his head. He first looked at Ziyi, then looked at Miaomiao. Then, he said to me helplessly: "Uncle Yang and I have made a baby kiss for you two indeed!"

My father's tone is still a little embarrassed. It seems that for him, no matter how big an enemy he is, he can clear it for me. However, my father can't solve this problem. Especially, the person who comes to challenge the library is Miao Miao, the daughter of Uncle Yang. That made my dad even more embarrassed.

Through my father's words, I finally understand why Miaomiao is always so confident. She always says that I am her person, only she belongs to her. It turns out that there is such a bloody plot between us. What's the age of marriage? What's worse. This kind of thing even happened to me, which made the originally broken heart of Ziyi, become more sad. My father's words are like a thunderbolt, the purple of the thunderbolt is totally broken, her heart, at this moment, is really broken.

They may not know what happened to Ziyi and I, and finally got together. In Ziyi's heart, I was the only one of her, which only belonged to her. But now, for no reason, I came out with a fiancee with baby relatives. On my wedding day, she ran over to snatch her marriage. How could Ziyi bear it? She and I were embarrassed. She wanted to go away She tried to pull out the hand I held tightly.

Ziyi's action clearly let me feel her pain and despair. Therefore, I did not release her hand, but held it more tightly. I had the spirit of sharing life and death with her. I faced my father and solemnly called out, "Dad, now you are not going to do anything about parents' orders and matchmaker's words. You should know my character and know it I love Ziyi. I must marry Ziyi. No one can separate us

Although I respect my father very much, I never want to disobey my father in the past, but this time, I am bold, I must do so, or Ziyi will really collapse, her only mother does not know where to go, now I am her only reliance in the world, I can not abandon Ziyi like this.

My father listened to my words, his Gu Jing Bu Bo's face, also showed a little embarrassed color.

Miao Miao on one side seemed to see my father's entanglement. Before waiting for my father to open her mouth, she immediately said to my father, "uncle, you have always said everything. You should not regret it!"

Miaomiao is very smart. She stops all my dad's other words with one word. Indeed, my father does things with great vigour. He never exaggerates. As long as he has promised, he can do it. Now, with so many people present, everyone is watching. If my father turns back on me, he will not only hurt the heart of Uncle Yang, the only daughter, but also beat him His face.

In a flash, my father became a tiger on horseback, and uncle Yang was my father's best friend. Seeing my father in trouble, he immediately got up and yelled at Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, you're enough. Don't make a monkey out of it. You didn't agree to your marriage before, so don't interfere with Arlo's marriage now!"

This is the first sentence that uncle Yang, a father, said when he saw Miaomiao again. Obviously, uncle Yang didn't want to say it, but he had no way. He knew the situation. In order not to embarrass my father, he had to get involved, so he had to stop Miaomiao.

Miaomiao is not angry about knowing uncle Yang. But still very overbearing said: "that was before, now I regret, I come today, just want to be with Suluo, let him become my man, can't you?"

After Miaomiao came, no matter who she talked to, she was so domineering. Even to her father and uncle Yang, she dared to speak up. However, Miaomiao was not unreasonable. Her words were really reasonable. After all, uncle Yang and my father decided the marriage. Miaomiao took it seriously. Of course, they didn't say anything. Even if Uncle Yang was angry, he didn't say anything.After listening to the conversation between uncle Yang and Miaomiao, I suddenly seem to understand something. Originally, Miaomiao knew that I had engaged with her. No wonder she used to hate me so much. There must be this reason. She didn't like my cowardice, so she always scolded me. Even if I looked at her more, she would drive me out of her home. She was so angry with me at the beginning, and now she wants to think about it Come on, it must be because Uncle Yang said that I married her, which made Miaomiao hate me so much.

It's no wonder that a girl like Miaomiao, who hates me so much, could marry me. No wonder she indulged herself at the beginning, and even went to work as a young lady. Maybe, Miaomiao thought it was better to do that than to be with me. Now think about it, I used to be so unbearable in her heart.

When Uncle Yang found out about Miaomiao, he was so angry and ruthless. Maybe, it was also because he thought that Miaomiao did it on purpose. He deliberately walked into the land of fireworks so that I could not have her in the future. Let's blow the hatchet completely. How can Miao Miao's practice not hurt uncle Lin's heart? Even after she was beaten, she still ran away in anger, which made uncle Yang old a lot and became his regret.

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