For a long time, I thought Miaomiao hated me. So, when I saw her show up today, my first thought was that she was coming to revenge me, to deliberately destroy my good things. I never thought that Miaomiao had other feelings for me, but until now, my heart was touched by Miaomiao and completely touched. It was a feeling that could not be expressed in words Mixed with too much emotion.

I don't feel, my eyes are a little hazy, and at this time, Xie Yu suddenly opened her mouth. She has been the spokesperson of Miaomiao for a long time. Every time something happens, she comes out directly. This time, Xie Yu seems to be the clearest. She still speaks a lot for Miaomiao and tells me what Miaomiao has done for me 。

Xie Yu expressed Miaomiao's concern for me, her love for me, and all kinds of help to me. She said a lot of things that I didn't know. I didn't know at all. Miaomiao, a stubborn girl, paid so much attention to me behind my back.

The beginning of everything was after I jumped off the building. Miaomiao began to pay close attention to my every move. At that time, she just didn't hate me, but she couldn't talk about love. However, she didn't allow me to fall in love with other girls. She thought that I would either not talk about a girlfriend. Even if there was a woman, it could only be her. She didn't want other women to get me, so she would have more Interfere with Ziyi and me.

Later, as time went on. Pay more attention to me, Miaomiao's feelings for me have changed slowly unconsciously. She saw my courage, my tenacity and my courage in the dark. She was more and more interested in me, but she didn't want to meet me, because she was still testing me. She wanted me to continue to transform, and she could accept me. She reappeared to meet me.

However, the last time I went to the Buddha alone, which showed my courage as a man. Miaomiao changed her outlook on me and even loved me. But she didn't intend to see me so soon, until I suddenly wanted to marry Ziyi, which forced her to show up.

For Miaomiao, my solo belongs to her. She can't allow me to marry other women. Therefore, when she comes, she wants to find back what belongs to her.

At this moment, I completely understood Miaomiao's heart, understood a kind heart hidden under her strong appearance, and I also believed that she was sincere to me.

She never shows up, but pays attention to me all the time, helping me in my most critical moment. Today she was forced to show up, but also because she identified me and her baby kiss, that I was her life's man, she could not let others take me, so she insisted on here.

I understand Miaomiao, but I also love Ziyi. She has suffered too much and has been hurt by me again and again. Now it is not easy for me to give her a stable promise and a happy marriage. Just last night, Ziyi said to me that if I get married, I will not regret it. I also promised to take care of her for the rest of her life.

In this city, I thought no one could interrupt my wedding and take Ziyi home. I wanted to let people all over the world witness us, but things went against our wishes. When Ziyi and I were in full swing, Miaomiao came. Ziyi, who was immersed in happiness, fell into the abyss of pain. However, I, the bridegroom, could not preside over the ceremony for her Just, I can't bear to hurt Ziyi, but I can't hurt Miaomiao cruelly.

In my life, I have had an extraordinary relationship with many women, but they are different from each other. For Xu Nan, I regard them as passers-by in my life. Because my feelings for them are short-lived and have not yet penetrated into my bones. I can definitely give them up and only devote myself to Ziyi.

But Miaomiao is different. She is really different from Ziyi. She is not a passer-by in my life. She is the guide of my life. She was buried in the bottom of my heart. Now, her appearance has inspired the deep emotion and shaken my heart. It is really difficult for me to refuse her cruelly in front of so many people.

My heart seems to be pulled by Ziyi and Miaomiao. My heart is almost torn. Miaomiao seems to see my tangle. She also knows the feelings between me and Ziyi. It's impossible to give up easily. Therefore, Miaomiao doesn't tell me any other truth, and directly uses her domineering tone to say to me: "Suluo, I know you like me, and always do I, we grew up together since childhood, and even have a prior engagement. You must belong to me and only to me! "

Miaomiao's tone is always so strong. Her strength has worn off my momentum and made me become very weak again. I have no words to refute her. But by holding Ziyi's hand, I feel her shaking heart, and my heart can't help shaking. I know that I can't let Ziyi down, let alone hurt her.

After a long pause, I bravely raised my head, looked at Miaomiao firmly said: "but you appear too late, I have Ziyi, she has paid so much for me, I can't let her down!"

My words are very difficult, but for the sake of Ziyi, I still want to say it. However, no matter what I say, Miaomiao doesn't give in. She is directly dissatisfied with me and asks, "Suluo, do you dislike me because your identity has changed?"Miao Miao's voice is full of resentment, but the tone is still so sharp, straight trembling my heart. At this moment, in the face of Miaomiao, I seem to be back to the past, that humble Suluo, I dare not refute her, dare not contradict her, even, my eyes dare not look directly at her, just silently lowers my head.

In the face of life and death, I can have no hesitation. But at this moment, in the face of feelings, and Miao Miao's feelings, I feel like I'm in a dead end, suffering from pain and helplessness. I don't know what to do. I don't want to choose. I just want to shrink my head to escape from reality like a turtle.

But Miaomiao's pressure everywhere makes it clear that she wants me to face the reality. So, at the moment when I look down, Miaomiao raises my chin again and makes my eyes aim at her. Then, she asks me very seriously: "OK, I'll ask you for the last time. Would you like to be with me?"

It seems that Miaomiao doesn't want to procrastinate here. Today she shows up and asks me to make a choice. Maybe, in Miaomiao's opinion, she is determined to get something for me, but in fact, I really have feelings for her. We have been separated for such a long time, but the difficult reunion at this moment will let me plunge her into the bottom of despair after a short meeting I can't bear it.

But on the other hand, it's even more impossible for Miao Miao to hurt Ziyi, so that she has just recovered and become scarred. But the realistic choice forced me to gasp, this is really too uncomfortable, I can only look at my father in confusion, I want this omnipotent dad to make decisions for me.

But obviously, my father's life is also lost in a love word, where he will deal with this matter, so, without waiting for me to speak, he directly said to me: "I can't manage this matter, you'd better deal with it yourself!"

Although Miaomiao and I have a marriage engagement made by him, my father still respects me. What's more, he knows the feelings between Ziyi and me. Of course, he can't separate us. All he can do is not express his opinions and let me make my own decisions.

At my most difficult moment, Ziyi suddenly pulled her hand out of my hand. This time, she seemed to have made up her mind. Ziyi's expression became firm. After she took out her hand, she said to me decisively: "I quit!"

A short three words, her grief but powerful, immediately revealed her determination, her voice full of bitterness, obviously, this is the choice she does not want to make, but Ziyi is also a stubborn girl, she certainly does not want to be like a clown, in this suffered criticism, more importantly, she saw my tangle, know my moving, she can not tolerate half of this love She didn't want the love between me and her to have a little impurity.

Therefore, she was disappointed with this love and gave up on her own initiative. She did not want to fight with Miaomiao any more. In other words, she knew her own conditions, but she could not compete with Miaomiao. Her only advantage was that my heart was there. But now even my heart moved. What advantages did she have? Ziyi had no choice but to give up.

But she said these three words, but also stabbed my heart, smashed my soul, my face seems to be heavily slapped, hot pain, this pain stimulates my nerves, let me slowly sober up some, I more and more understand that I can not live up to Ziyi.

I also deeply remember that day, I saw Ziyi buried alive. At that time, I didn't know how sad and desperate I was. I didn't even have the desire to live. I just wanted to die with her. At that moment, I didn't fear. Instead, I felt happy. I knew that as long as I was with my beloved woman, life and death didn't really matter. Ziyi and I didn't care It's really inseparable.

Although sometimes I can't help making mistakes, after the war, Ziyi and I solved all the misunderstandings. Ziyi also learned to tolerate, forgave all my faults, and was willing to entrust it to me for life. Now that we have entered the palace of marriage, can I still apologize to her?

After thinking so much, I quickly looked at Ziyi and said apologetically, "Ziyi, don't misunderstand me. I won't give up you, never!"

In front of the whole audience, in front of Miaomiao's face, I once again made a promise to Ziyi. I just want to let her know that my heart is still there.

Although my words are very sincere, but at the moment, Ziyi has been deeply hurt by me. She would not believe what I said. She shook her head in despair to me with tears in her eyes, and said painfully, "Suluo, I can see that you still have her in your heart. Since you are green plum and bamboo horses and have a engagement, you should choose her. In fact, I know you want to marry me, More or because you pity me, because of your sense of responsibility, so I want to be responsible for me. But have you ever thought, in fact, we are not worthy, I will only bring you trouble, do your stumbling block, so that you continue to be hurt, constantly bound. But this girl can help you silently behind your back, pay for you, let you out of the desperate situation, she and you are a real pair

Ziyi's words are very sincere, like the words from her heart, but her tone is so sentimental. Listen to my heart is broken, I feel that Ziyi's words are a severe blow to me, every word can be cold to my heart, how can I accept such words, I almost did not hesitate to embrace her, said solemnly to her: "Ziyi, you have to believe me, not what you said, I love you, my heart to you has not changed, forever It won't change! "When I said this, my voice was very hoarse, just like a child who had done something wrong. I really didn't want Ziyi to misunderstand me, and I didn't want this bride who belonged to me to despair.

But Ziyi really made a great determination to say this. She didn't want to be involved in the triangle relationship. So, when I held her, she pushed me away. Then, she said to me heartlessly: "sorry, Suluo, I don't like this kind of love full of impurities. I only like pure love. Let's break up!"

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