In fact, I always know that Ziyi wants a spotless love. She has a clear love habit. She can't share my love with others. Therefore, Bai Ling's affair hurt her, because she felt that her love was polluted.

But I explained with Ziyi for a long time, and finally she chose to forgive me. She even apologized to me and said that she should not be willful. She felt that as long as I was with her sincerely, she would be the only one in my heart, and she could ignore my previous mistakes.

But now the situation is different. Miaomiao is the girl I grew up with. The relationship between us is not that we can be completely cut off by giving up. Even though I don't know what kind of feelings I have for Ziyi, at least, when I face Miaomiao, I obviously hesitated. I can't bear to hurt her. I don't want to let the girl who met again after many years leave in despair. But just this, Ziyi can't stand it, she feels I have feelings for Miaomiao. She can't accept me again.

But just when I wanted to explain to her, Miaomiao, who was ignored by me, couldn't stand it. Miaomiao of a single parent family was not good at all. She was also arrogant. Now she would put down her body and come to tell me on her own initiative, which was a breakthrough in her bottom line. However, she said that, I still chose Ziyi instead of accepting her, or even ignored her How can Miaomiao bear it? She grabbed my collar directly and said to me in a bad tone: "Suluo, you son of a bitch, you think you will read the old love, so I ran over in person, but I didn't expect that you were so ungrateful and ungrateful. When you had a new love, I forgot my old man. I misread you, and I was blind. Man, as expected, there is not a good thing

With that, Miaomiao resolutely turns around and is about to leave.

Miaomiao, who has a strong attitude, is really sad at this moment. Her self-esteem was deeply hurt by me. She lost all her aura in an instant like a queen and became dim, but she didn't want me to see her tarnished side. Only left me seemingly free and easy but extremely sad back.

Seeing Miaomiao like this, my heart is also as hard as being torn. It's hard for me and her to get together again. However, I didn't recall the old days with her, and I didn't sincerely apologize to her. On the contrary, I let her leave with despair. How could I accept it.

It is indeed that I ignored her. She has always been a strong person in my eyes, and I seldom see her suffering. Therefore, I only wanted to comfort the weak Ziyi, but didn't take Miaomiao into consideration. What's the difference between this and rejecting her directly?

In any case, I should not be so cruel to her. After all, she is also a girl, a girl who has the right to pursue happiness, a girl who has the courage to pursue love, and a girl who wants to take back her own things. Her last words may show that she has long had no hope of other men, but she has hope for me. She hopes that I can understand her love and accept her Confession, but in the end, even I also ignored her love.

I know Miaomiao's temper very well. She has made the greatest determination if she can pull down her face to look for me. If she leaves like this, she will never appear in front of me in the future. I am equivalent to taking her out again and letting her drift away without family affection and love. How cruel it is.

I don't want to be like this. I can't suffer from Miaomiao any more. After Miaomiao had just taken two steps, I immediately took her hand and whispered to her, "Miaomiao, would you listen to me explain it?"

I know Miaomiao's temper. I don't ask her to forgive me. I just hope she can calm down and listen to my explanation slowly. But I didn't expect that she seemed to have seen my heart clearly and knew that I would not choose her. Therefore, she didn't bother to say anything more to me. She just shook off my hand and even threw her old hairpin to the ground "You TM give me to die!" I scolded fiercely

With that, she stepped on her high-heeled shoes, in despair, resolutely left.

Miaomiao's back is free and easy in despair, which also has an undisguised arrogance. Even if she loses, she will lose simply and without hesitation. She comes with a strong spirit, but she also leaves with a strong spirit. She just goes with a touch of sadness and deep despair.

Xie Yu sees Miaomiao leave, and immediately. She also scolded me and left with her. Looking at Miaomiao's disappearing back, my heart is really painful. I want to go after it, but my feet seem to be nailed to the ground, so I can't walk away. And the expression of Uncle Yang in front of me is also very dignified. But he also watched Miaomiao leave, but did not stop him. Perhaps, he also understood that the farce today can only be stopped if Miaomiao takes the initiative to leave.

Indeed, with Miaomiao's departure, the noisy scene slowly restored the silence. I thought the blossoms had gone, and an episode should have passed by. Ziyi and I would continue our wedding. However, what I didn't expect was that when I was in a daze, Ziyi came to me and said to me, "Suluo, I just want to live a quiet life. I really don't want to get involved in your complicated feelings. Let's forget it! Now, I officially tell you, solo, I can't marry you

Her extremely bitter voice, as if she had made a big decision, was like a bolt from the blue to me. I really didn't think of it. I watched Miaomiao leave and ignored it. Why did Ziyi still sentence me to death?I opened my eyes wildly and looked at Ziyi in disbelief. My voice was hoarse: "Miaomiao has been rejected by me, and now there is no one to hinder us. You also know that I love you, and my heart to you has not changed!"

My voice is such a pain, but Ziyi seems to be unable to see my pain, directly shook his head in despair at me, sad said: "but your heart has changed, I can see that you can't put her down, Suluo, even if you are with me, will not be single-minded, you also know, this is not the love I want!"

Ziyi's words hurt my heart. I'm cruel enough to treat Miaomiao. It's because I don't want to make Ziyi sad, so I let Miaomiao leave in despair. For this sister who hasn't seen her for many years, I haven't chased after her again. I've done enough to be heartless. I can't figure out why Ziyi still does this.

My throat seemed to be blocked. I tried hard to squeeze out the painful voice and said, "she is my foster father's sister. We haven't seen each other for many years. I just don't want to hurt her. Is this all wrong? And in the end, I hurt her, just because I love you. Anyway, I will devote myself to you, and I will love you wholeheartedly! "

I thought that her sincere words would exchange for Ziyi's understanding. But how could I think that Ziyi was so iron hearted this time that she didn't want to forgive me at all. Or, she thought that there was something between me and Miaomiao in her heart. She thought that my love for her was no longer pure. Therefore, she almost did not consider it, and she despaired to me: "now, I have already I can't believe you anymore! "

After that, she resolutely left. I almost reflexively stretched out my hand, took Ziyi's hand, and yelled: "Ziyi, can you give me another chance? I will prove myself with my actions

Although my voice is full of sadness, my voice is full of sincerity. At this time, my mind is really in a mess. I don't know how to explain it. I just want Ziyi to stay and continue to marry me. Let me prove with my actions that I love her.

Ziyi's eyes were red after listening to my words, but her eyes were still full of despair. She shook off my hand and said painfully, "Arlo, I've given you many opportunities. There won't be another time!"

Said, purple tears can not help but gush out, this is the most desperate tears. Is not willing to forgive the tears, she let the tears wantonly, resolutely turned around, strode away. She who swore to me before, has also become a bubble at this moment, my sincerity still can't get her trust and forgiveness.

Looking at Ziyi's heartless back, my eyes are dull and empty. My feet have been completely fixed and can't move. My body is completely rigid. It seems that someone has lost inspiration in my body. I use this pair of empty eyes to stare at Ziyi's disappearing back, without any action.

Until Ziyi completely disappeared in front of me, the sky was as dark as my heart, and I felt dark before my eyes. When the crowd was talking, I suddenly looked up to the sky and roared loudly. My voice was earth shaking. It was full of frustration and anger, shaking in the sky.

This day, originally sunny, was the happiest day of my life, but in a flash, her appearance, my happiness was destroyed, I was driven into the abyss of bottomless, I could not find a trace of light ahead, the whole person could not breathe in the dark.

At night, I was sitting alone by a moat river in this city. Beside me, there were a lot of wine bottles lying scattered around me. In my hand, I was holding the wine bottles tightly, and I was pouring them fiercely. With fierce drunkenness, I looked at the endless sea, and my heart seemed to fall into endless darkness. I don't understand why God wants this What kind of trick do you have on me? Why give me the most painful blow when I am happiest?

Miaomiao has been paying close attention to me for so many years. Today, she appears in front of me for the first time. However, Ziyi, the woman I want to protect for my whole life, is sentenced to death completely because of my intolerance to Miaomiao. Why can't my feelings leave a trace of room? Why can't I let everyone not be hurt, why should I end up with a result that hurts everyone?

The more I miss, the more melancholy my heart becomes. The more fierce my wine filled, just when I was drinking, a strong voice suddenly came from behind me: "a man should not be indecisive, whether it is doing things or treating love!"

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