How many times, I have told myself, let oneself be like a man, do things not be submissive, to be brave to face, dare to undertake, in any matter with the nature of choice, like my father, decisive, but how many times, in the face of choice, I have counselled.

But his words seemed to wake me up and let me suddenly understand that my mistake was that I was too tangled and indecisive. If I had decided to choose one person at that time, no matter who I chose, I would not have hurt the other person.

But now, my move Wuxi, equivalent to both offended. At that time, I wanted to be with Ziyi. But in any case, I can't do without hesitation to hurt Miaomiao. When I read her diary, I knew her heart. I made her wander for so many years. Today I finally saw her, how could I be too heartless to attack her, I can't do it.

Just, now that I get this situation, I don't want it. I look back at my father standing behind me, and cry deeply: "Dad!"

My father gently touched my head and said kindly, "I can't help you to untie the bell. You have to deal with it by yourself. I can see that Ziyi's child is really good, but Miaomiao is your uncle Yang's daughter. The relationship with you is not general, and you can't be too heartless. It's just that love is not allowed to have any stain, so you need to sort out your own feelings and choose the woman that belongs to you! "

My father's words, amiable and with incomparable dignity, yes, my father has always been resolute in his work, and he is devoted to love. Anyway, I have never seen other women around him. His feelings for my mother are really wholehearted, and only those feelings like him are worthy of respect.

Although I'm confused, my father's words still go deep into my heart. I understand his meaning, so I directly reply to him: "well, I know!"

My father saw me like this, he nodded happily, and then, he said to me in a deep voice: "son, I come to tell you that I am going to leave, and I will go right away!"

Hearing this sentence, my drunkenness suddenly disappeared, my head immediately recovered to sober up, I threw away the bottle in my hand, quickly stood up from the ground, looked at my father and said, "why is it so urgent?"

My father whispered, "there's news from the provincial capital. The specific location of Wu Tianhao has been determined. I have to catch up! "

I'm afraid it's the most important thing for my father. I know I can't delay. I can only say to him, "I'll go with you."

After listening to me, my father gave a bitter smile and said, "what can you do? You'd better stay here and deal with your own affairs clearly. No matter who you choose, I'll support you. Dad is still waiting for your wedding

My father's care for me is really meticulous, he put all the focus on me, no matter what he does, all for my sake, I am really moved, want to say what, and do not know what to say, after a long time, I said: "then you must be careful, deal with things quickly come back, I am here waiting for you to come back!"

My father laughed, patted me on the shoulder and said reassuringly, "don't worry, I'll come back as soon as possible!"

After that, he turned around and walked away. He quickly got into a car not far away from me. Uncle Yang was still driving. I don't know if Uncle Yang met Miaomiao. Anyway, his expression was always so serious. He didn't say anything to me. He just said hello, drove the car and drove my father straight away.

Looking at my father's car gradually away, I also silently pray for his safety in my heart. I also know that I really can't help him. What I can do is to deal with my feelings, so that when my father comes back, he can truly witness my happiness. However, the woman who can give me happiness does not forgive me. I know very well that Ziyi has made such a decision on me However, it is all because she thinks that my love for her is not pure, what she wants is my sincerity, a heart that can't accommodate others but only contains her.

However, how can I define whether emotion is pure? If I am merciless to Miaomiao, who has not been seen for many years, and directly bombards her in front of so many people at the wedding site and makes her leave me in pain, Ziyi will think that I love her wholeheartedly, but I can't really do that.

I don't understand. I don't understand. I spent the night in a daze. Uncle Yang said that Wu Tianhao used to be a driver of my father, and he was also a bodyguard. Therefore, he knew a lot about my father. It may be that he leaked some secrets to Fugang or the Haibang, so that the Hai Gang could make such a big fight.

It seems that Wu Tianhao carefully planned all this. The Buddha is just a cannon fodder, and this Fu was just the real beginning. Wu Tianhao almost introduced my father into this trap step by step.

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