After sending this message, I put up my mobile phone, and I was almost dark in the middle of the day. The time had come to the evening. Yangshudu could not wait. He ran to urge me to come. "Alo, we should go, don't delay in it!"

Look at Uncle Yang this anxious appearance, obviously is to advise me to escape faster as soon as possible, more one second, there is a second of risk.

I looked at Uncle Yang very seriously, and said in a hoarse voice, "Uncle Yang, you should wait downstairs for me first, and I will be down immediately!"

Uncle Yang also knows that I have a reluctant emotion, he is not good at demanding, but again urged to say: "well, you also hurry!"

After that, he left, and saw Uncle Yang leaving me. I immediately took out the paper and pen from the drawer, and then wrote quickly on the paper:

uncle Yang, sorry, I may let you down. I can't walk with you, escape, I can't really do it. Before, when facing the Buddha, I didn't escape. Now my father was caught, and I couldn't escape. Living in such a meticulous way, I was more miserable than death. My dad told me to do what he wanted to do. Don't be afraid to be afraid. He taught me to be brave and taught me to face the reality. I hope you can forgive me.

Uncle Yang, I am not a child anymore. I know what I should do and what I should not do. I have a sense of measure. I want to save my dad. I must rescue him. But I will not blind death. Please believe me. But, I can't rest assured that there is something I can't worry about. That is Miaomiao's problem. I am sorry for her. I am very sorry. I hope you can find her , let your father and daughter relationship return to the original, I hope you can apologize for me, I am not to abandon her, but I have Ziyi, if she appears earlier, I will not hesitate to choose her. It's just that she's too late to appear, and I'm sorry for that. After writing this farewell letter, I put down my pen and gave a long breath. Then, I went straight out of the office and went down the stairs and turned directly to the back door.

After I went out from the back door, I saw Shen Muchen waiting for me at the back door. There was a motorcycle that had already been prepared for me by his side. I took the key from his hand and sat on the motorcycle immediately.

After getting on the car, I was preparing to go. Shen Muchen said to me worried: "alo, are you really going to take risks yourself, don't you think about it?"

I looked at Shen Muchen, and said with a serious expression: "don't think about it. You should know my character. I will never hide in a nest. No matter what, I will try bravely. Maybe I really succeeded!"

Shen Muchen certainly knows me, he knows that he can not persuade me, can only sigh, deep way: "OK, then you must take care of yourself!"

I reached out and patted Shen Muchen on the shoulder, and said solemnly, "rest assured, I will. Besides, when I am away, you must follow the sunflower training well, strive to get the organization on the right track, and don't be as weak as before. I hope to wait for me to come back and see a new fire of war. If I can't come back, you will be the boss in the future! "

Hearing my last words, Shen Muchen's face suddenly changed and became very sad. His clear eyes seemed to have been stained with light fog. But behind the light fog, he was firm in attitude. He also reached out and patted my shoulder. Then, he said to me solemnly and seriously: "don't say bad words. The position of the boss will always be yours. I look like you Believe you will be OK. If you need a hand, let me know. I will kill them with me! "

At this moment, Shen Muchen also showed the most man's side. Although we are all weak at this time, we all have the blood of no one, and the spirit of not losing.

I looked at Shen Muchen with a burning eye, and said heavily, "well, I know. Goodbye!"

After that, I decided to start the motorcycle, a blow of gas, and go out of dust.

With the determination to die, I am brave and brave in the wind, the wind is very big, but I can not shake my inner beliefs. I have seen unprecedented perseverance in my eyes.

I have lived for so many years, I have experienced what is called strong, but every progress depends on others. Every time I fall, I am helped by others. My so-called change is that with the help of my father, I become more and more different. I am the dust of this city, and finally I become the king of the city. So great reversal almost depends on me Dad's power got it.

I never learned to walk myself, always need my father to support, to move forward. Now, my father collapsed, my sky collapsed, I should have collapsed, but I did not, I forced myself to support, forced myself to learn to be independent, forced to make a real change.

This time, my bravery is to send my heart, but also from my father's love. This deep love, I must pay back with my life. I just want to pass this time, let my father know that his son has grown up and learned to be independent.

From now on, I am no longer the child who knows to enjoy my father's work achievements, no longer the sulo who is tangled with love, no longer the one who let go of my father, I will be a broken solo. I will change myself completely from tonight to become a really strong man.The first step to change is to be brave, but to be calm, resourceful, and to do things with my mind. I will not be the same as I did to save Ziyi. I only have courage and no brain, and I just want to die one life for another, but I almost lost two lives.

Now, it is more difficult to save my father than it was to save Ziyi. However, the Hai Gang and I have not the ability to fight against each other. The most important thing is that I have been the key wanted object of the maritime gang. Let alone save my father, it is a big problem that I can protect myself now. If I just rush to the provincial capital, I'm afraid I will be arrested as soon as my foot lands. At that time, not only can I not be rescued Out of my father, but let people catch my father's weakness, implicated my father.

Therefore, my destination at the moment is not to go to the provincial city of H, but the direction in my heart. I have already made a preliminary plan. With this plan, I gallop in the night on my motorcycle.

At 9:30 in the evening, I came to my destination, Bai Ling's hometown, Bai grandfather.

This small village is very quiet, only the sound of birds can be heard. Most of the houses in the village turned off their lights and went to sleep. Only a few of the houses were still on. The people in this village were relatively simple, like living in a paradise.

I had been in this place for three months, but now I come back again. With some emotion, I came to the old house of Bai Ling's family.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I saw grandfather Han playing Tai Chi in the courtyard. He was still an old man who loved Tai Chi. He was not changed at all.

I quietly went to him, with a sense of respect, called: "white grandfather!"

No matter how many unreasonable things grandfather Bai has done to me, in my heart, I always regard him as an elder and a respectable master. He has been kind to me and I will never forget it.

At this moment, I suddenly appeared in the courtyard and called him old man. But grandfather Bai seemed not to hear me. He completely ignored me and immersed himself in his own world of Taiji. His heart was quiet, his movements were steady and his movements were slow. Maybe this is the true meaning of Tai Chi.

After a long time, grandfather Bai finished a set of Tai Chi. Finally, he turned his eyes to me. He didn't see me for a long time. When he saw me, he even showed a sly smile. Then, grandfather Bai joked: "Suluo, have you figured it out, are you ready to accompany ling'er to have a baby?"

I was not shocked by his words, but said firmly on my face: "no!"

Hearing this answer, white grandfather stopped smiling and became a little unhappy. He said directly to me, "what are you here for?"

Before I had time to answer, Bai Ling in the room seemed to hear something and suddenly ran out of the room. She ran very slowly, because at this time, she was already pregnant, but obviously, her mood was very nervous, and her eyes seemed to shine.

When I touched her light, I couldn't help shaking my heart. No matter what time, Bai Ling gave me the image of that big sister. However, at this moment, she was more attracted by the charm of a young woman, but still could not stop her pure and beautiful temperament. She gave me a warm feeling, and it was like seeing a stable home.

I know Bai Ling, and I know that she is considerate and considerate. She will not bring me troubles, but will eliminate them. When I stay with her, my heart will be very relaxed.

We looked at each other for a few seconds. The light in Bai Ling's eyes became more and more intense. She was really excited to see me. However, Bai Ling was a pregnant woman after all. Even though she was excited, she controlled herself. She just walked up to me slowly and whispered, "here you are!"

I nodded at her and said, "Well!"

At this moment, there seems to be only one me in Bai Ling's eyes. She has no taboo, and her eyes are fixed on me. Her lips move slightly, and she wants to say something. However, Bai Ling's ignored grandfather coughs a few times. Then Bai Ling regains her consciousness and ushers me into the room.

Entering the living room of the house, Bai Ling and I sat opposite each other, while Bai grandfather went to the kitchen behind. The light in the living room is very warm. It gently sprinkles on Bai Ling's face, which makes her look very beautiful. However, at this time, I have no mood to appreciate her beauty. I just keep silent and don't say a word.

Bai Ling didn't speak either. She had been looking at me for a long time before she finally made a voice and said softly to me, "I heard that when you and Ziyi got married yesterday, someone interrupted you. What happened later?"

As for my marriage, I didn't inform Bai Ling at all. I was too embarrassed to inform her, let alone tell her. However, Bai Ling even knew this. She didn't blame me at all. She was just worried about me. She was moved by her understanding. I looked up at her and said, "it's OK. It's just a misunderstanding, Just explain it clearly! "

I don't want to talk about yesterday, especially for Bai Ling. No matter what I say, it's a kind of harm to her. Even if she is magnanimous, she can't really let go. What's more, I've made up my mind not to worry about the love between children and girls. My heart is on saving my father.Bai Ling seems to know that I am insincere, and my answer sounds like nothing, but she is not a fool. She knows that I fell a big fall in love this time. Therefore, she does not care about her own mood and just cares about enlightening me. She told me that yesterday's incident can't blame me. If you want to blame me, it's because I'm too likeable for women, with irresistible personality charm and easy to let girls fall in Enter.

Her meaning is to let me be more leisurely in the future, don't be too nice to women casually. If I have no feelings for others, I must be absolutely heartless. Don't be indecisive and let more girls fall.

After listening to Bai Ling's advice, my heavy heart also unconsciously eased a little. Indeed, the more gentle I am to women, the easier it is for women to have feelings. I don't want to hurt any woman who is good to me. But it is just in this way that people feel that I have abused love and hurt all the women who love me.

Bai Ling is a woman who is open-minded and considerate of me. She doesn't blame me. However, I don't know how much pain she has in her heart. However, I don't need to worry about Bai Ling at any time. She is a strong woman who can survive without me. Even without my promise and without my guarantee, she can still live a strong life, Maybe, that's why I became stress free when I was with her.

Unconsciously, more than half an hour passed. Bai Ling and I were still chatting. At this time, grandfather Bai suddenly brought me a bowl of noodles to eat. I'm not polite about this. I ate noodles quickly. When I was eating noodles, grandfather Bai asked me: "Suluo boy, I heard that your father is out of the mountain, so he helped you sweep the whole city and let your boy get along well now. Why, you don't live your good life in the city, but come to my small mountain village for what?"

Obviously, the smart white grandfather had already seen that I had something to do, and I did come because of something. Therefore, I did not hide it and quickly ate it. Later, he said to grandfather Bai, "my father has an accident."

When I heard this, I couldn't believe it. But when I heard this, I couldn't believe it

Seeing grandfather Bai like this, my heart is suddenly, as if in the eyes of white grandfather, my father is also no one can exist, even he thinks no one can move my father, and listen to his meaning, he seems to know my father very well, I feel a bit messy.

Although grandfather Bai didn't admit that he knew my father last time, I could tell from the conversation with my father that my father knew him. Obviously, they must know each other. However, I don't want to worry about their relationship now. I just said solemnly: "it's true. He was ambushed by the experts of the Hai Gang, but they caught him !”

This time, a calm white grandfather frowned, and his expression did not have a trace of fun. He obviously believed what I said. Therefore, he directly asked me, "in this case, what do you want to do here? Is refuge here? "

Finish saying, white grandfather with his sharp eyes keep looking at me, see his appearance as if can penetrate everything, in front of him I suddenly become helpless.

I didn't have any careful thinking. After listening to the words of grandfather Bai, I immediately put down the dishes and chopsticks, stood up and said solemnly to grandfather Bai: "I'm not here to take refuge, I'm going to rescue my father. I come here today to ask you to help me!"

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