The purpose of my trip is not to see Bai Ling, but to ask for help from my grandfather, because he is the only one who can help me. When I say this, my eyes once again radiate a firm light, and my expression is extremely solemn.

However, after listening to my words, grandfather Bai was not very happy. He looked at me with a little surprise and asked, "you don't want me to help you save Su Qiyao, do you?"? I'm sorry, I don't have that ability. I haven't been involved in the disputes in the world for a long time! "

Without waiting for me to tell him what to do for him, grandfather Bai refused me. Obviously, it was impossible for him to wade in this muddy water for fighting and killing outside. When Bai Ling saw that her grandfather refused me so categorically, she was not happy immediately. She said to her grandfather, "grandfather, can you let people finish talking?"

No matter when, Bai Ling stands by my side without hesitation. She hopes her grandfather can help me from the bottom of her heart.

White grandfather saw Bai Ling speak for me, immediately compromise, immediately asked me: "go ahead, what's the matter with me?"

Without hesitation, I directly told Han Bai what I had thought in my heart: "now the people of the Haigang are hunting for me. I can't show up casually, or I will be arrested. I come here to ask you to help me and change my face so that others can't recognize it. In this way, I can do things easily."

White grandfather a listen, full of surprise, said: "you really when I am a fairy ah, will change face? If you want cosmetic surgery, you can go to country h, where you can get everything done! "

White grandfather always speak straight, he does not care if he will be wrong, think of what to say, and I heard his words, the face became more serious, I look at grandfather white very seriously, a face resolute said: "since there is no way, then there is no need to have a facelift, please help me disfigure it!"

My last words, let white grandfather and white Ling almost at the same time. White grandfather directly said to me: "Suluo, are you crazy?"

Bai Ling also said to me in dismay: "yes, why don't you think about it?"

I made up my mind after careful consideration. Since grandfather Bai can't help me with cosmetic surgery, I can only choose disfigurement because I know what the enemy I am facing. He is not the local emperor who is deeply rooted in this city, but the whole sea gang. The power of this organization is all over the country. They want to arrest me, and I have nowhere to escape If I hide and live in darkness, there is only one way to change my face and make people completely unable to recognize me. I can be open and aboveboard, in order to have a chance to save my father, even if not, at least not to my father, not to let himself into danger.

However, my face has been adjusted once. If I want to make it unrecognizable, unless I change my face and go abroad again, it will be a waste of time. I really don't have the spare energy to do this.

If I don't have the time, I can't finish it even if I have time It's all different. Besides, grandfather Bai said that he won't, so I won't change my face. Now, the only quick way is to disfigure.

Although this idea is crazy, it is the most effective way. So, when they were surprised, I calmly explained to them, "I am not crazy. This is the result of my careful consideration. Grandpa Bai, I know that you have a medicine that can rot people's faces and change their face after smearing them. Now, I need it!"

White grandfather saw that I didn't look like a joke. He frowned again and said to me in a deep voice: "why do you do this?"

I solemnly explained with the white grandfather, said my inner thoughts, more expressed my urgent heart to save my father. After listening to the white grandfather did not say anything, seems to agree with my idea.

But Bai Ling was reluctant. She asked me in a hoarse voice, "why must you be so extreme? There must be other ways. Why do you want to make fun of your appearance?"

Bai Ling's tone is a little anxious. I can see that she is worried about me.

"I don't want to do this either, but in order to save my father, I have no way to decide," I explained to the sad white Ling

After hearing this, Bai Ling's face became more sad, and her voice became more hoarse: "however, you will no longer be a normal person after applying that medicine. It has a lot of side effects, do you know?"

After listening to Bai Ling's words, I gave a bitter smile and said, "as long as I can go back to my father, I don't care about anything. Besides, this is not my real appearance. It's very good to destroy. Let me show you the real me. The leather bag I'm wearing is really tired!"

Life, always have to live to know whether it is good or not. Once upon a time, my appearance caused me to feel inferior to myself. I was eager to be good-looking and to stand on the same level with ordinary people. However, when I changed, my life was not as good as expected, but added a lot of troubles, especially in emotion, I became almost lost my original intention.Since I became handsome, there are more and more girls around me, and Ziyi, the girl who didn't care about my appearance and I was with her. However, she became more and more uneasy. She was afraid that I would change my mind. She didn't want me to be too nice and gentle to other girls. Maybe Ziyi thought I was becoming handsome, so she suspected that I had changed my mind.

Miaomiao, on the other hand, thinks that when I become handsome, I don't want to read the old love and find a new one. I can't explain to them clearly, because the appearance is better, some things can't be controlled at all, you can't make others dislike you, you can't control your superiority, which makes the feelings more complicated.

I don't like this, even miss the original me, at that time I was so simple, even if looked down upon, that is me, solo. A boy with unsightly appearance but perseverance, I want to be the real self. At least, I can live a down-to-earth life, and I can get rid of emotional worries, get rid of all the shackles, and try my best to save my father.

And Bai Ling seemed to understand my heart and didn't persuade me again.

Grandfather Bai said to me as a doctor, "since this is your choice, I respect you, and I tell you the truth, that medicine can really change your face. It can corrode your skin, erode your cells, and make your face change beyond recognition. Even your father can't recognize you, but the side effects of this medicine are too much, which is more terrible than sulfuric acid erosion. Once you use it, even if you go to cosmetic surgery, it will not be good. However, if you come back to me for treatment in a short period of time, I'm sure I'll give you 70% recovery. But if it takes a long time, I'm afraid the gods will not be able to save you. Therefore, I want to ask whether you have considered it

I have made up my mind that there is still a chance to recover. Even if I can never recover, I will not regret that my father is suffering in a dark world. Would I linger on my looks? In order to be able to walk freely in the provincial capital, in order to be able to let my father out of the bitter sea early, I will not care about any. So, I said directly to my grandfather Bai, "don't think about it. I've already made up my mind."

White grandfather got my affirmation, can't help nodding, and even showed a little appreciation in his eyes. He looked at me deeply, and then said in a deep voice: "you go to wash your face first, and I'll adjust the medicine for you!"

Bai Ling interrupted at this time and said, "grandfather, is there no other way?"

Bai Ling didn't answer Bai Ling's question. He just shook his head helplessly. Then he left, leaving Bai Ling and I alone to gaze at each other.

Bai Ling looked at me, reluctantly asked, "do you really want this?"

I nodded solemnly and said, "in order to save my father, I will!"

Bai Ling didn't say anything more after hearing this. She just came up to me and hugged me tightly. After a while, she left and went to fetch water and wash my face.

After I washed my face and cleaned it up, my grandfather came over. He first gave me a bowl of medicine and said to me, "drink it. This medicine can stimulate your throat. Let your voice change. Since you want to change your face, you should be comprehensive, so as not to expose flaws and lose your life! "

Grandfather Bai is worthy of being an old man in the world. He is considerate in thinking about things. I didn't hesitate to drink the medicine directly. After drinking the medicine, I lay down on the bed where grandfather Bai treated the patient. I lie on my back here, my heart is strangely calm, clearly know what is going to happen, but my faith is still fixed.

White grandfather holding the ointment in my bed, he before I apply, but also carefully reminded me: "Suluo ah, I do not have anesthetics. You have to be prepared to endure the pain, don't shock yourself

Over the years, what kind of pain I have not experienced, I have hovered on the edge of death for many times. It can be said that now I have no fear of any pain. Therefore, I directly said to grandfather Bai: "I can carry it. You can come here!"

White grandfather listened to my words, suddenly grinned, showing a strange smile, with this smile, he bent over to apply ointment on my face.

When this more stimulating than sulfuric acid things contact with my skin, I finally realized what is called inhuman pain, this pain really has no limit, this pain is not ordinary people can bear, the more white grandfather applied, the more I hurt, the pain almost fainted in the past, and I was forced to endure, back and forth torture, let me out of pain 。

I felt as if I was in the alchemy stove of the Supreme Master. My painful nerves were almost broken. The whole room was echoing with my terrible cry. My voice was broken. But there were scenes of the past in my mind. From the original solo who was slaughtered, I became the leader now. At this moment, I had all the deep memories, All reverberate in front of my eyes, I saw all ye Zixuan's experience, but all this is far away from me. Suluo, ye Zixuan, these two names are slowly disappearing, getting farther and farther away from me, and finally completely disappeared.

As the memory dissipated, my miserable cry directly reached the top. The sound of pain through the sky indicated that my appearance was being eroded and changed little by little, and a brand-new solo was about to be born.Three days later, a middle-aged woman was cleaning the bus at the long-distance bus terminal in the provincial city of H. When cleaning up to the rear of the car, the middle-aged woman suddenly cried out in terror, because she even found that there was a person sleeping in the last row of seats. The man was plain, smelly, and his clothes were ragged. He was a typical beggar. When he was old, he was disgusted. The frightened middle-aged woman stopped for a long time, and then she used it with disgust When the broom slapped him up, he woke up and yelled at the beggar: "Hey, wake up, the bus has arrived at the station, get off the bus quickly!"

At this time, the sleeping beggar finally woke up. He slowly opened his bleary eyes and stood up from the seat. Then, he said politely to the middle-aged woman: "Auntie, I'm sorry!"

With that, he put on his back and got out of the car.

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