After he got out of the station, he lost his direction completely. When he got out of the big city, he was like a lonely traveler. He entered the prosperous city like a lonely traveler. As a young man with shabby clothes and ugly appearance, he was so out of place with such a prosperous metropolis. Yes, I am the same person as this beggar.

H Province, a super prosperous metropolis, I am in it, like a drop in the ocean, very small, but my heart has a vast ambition, with this determination, I take a slow pace, constantly shuttle in the crowd.

Even the appearance of beggars are not as good as me, walking on the broad streets of this big city, it seems unusual. Many passers-by can't help but look at me. Their eyes are full of contempt and disgust.

For me, it is a very familiar look. When I was still nothing, I had to face it almost every day. At that time, I thought it was an insult and a fatal injury to my heart. But now, this kind of look has no effect on me.

Now I, mood has been different, this is a kind of calm mood that can ignore everything, no matter how others dislike me. I don't care. From the bottom of my heart, it doesn't matter. I just immerse myself in my own world and walk alone with my head down.

For three days, I was with Bai Ling all the time. Although I couldn't watch her give birth, she was satisfied. The trip to grandfather Bai's house is a double blessing to me:

1. My child is about to be born, and our family has a future.

2、 That is, my face is not as bad as I thought. Grandfather Bai is worthy of being an old miracle doctor. My face is not disfigured. Relatively speaking, it is just adding a layer of skin on the original one, that is, changing face.

But this is not so simple as a layer of skin, but through this drug to stimulate my skin, so that they integrate into a real skin, so that it is not easy to damage, this is its advantages, but there are still some side effects, from the beginning of implantation, the poison of this drug began to erode my body, a long time will be life-threatening, but I do not Care.

At that time, grandfather Bai said to me, let me control myself not to sleep. If I fell asleep, there was a 99% chance that I would not wake up. This is the biggest side effect of the drug, but he did not really experiment. Fortunately, I survived, and this case was relatively successful.

When I was leaving, there was a moment when Bai Ling's words touched me. She said that she would wait for me to name the child. But when I heard this, I stopped for a moment, and then I decided to leave as if nothing was heard. However, behind my back, I still heard Bai Ling's cry.

The craziness of the city was beyond my expectation. When I was distracted, suddenly, a car shot out of the air, driving fast, and the harsh brake sound still failed to stop the inertia of the car. It was still driving forward rapidly. Suddenly, I knew what was a sudden disaster. I was directly hit and flew, and fell heavily in a few meters On the ground outside.

Although I'm strong, I still feel a lot of pain when I'm hit by a car like this. Involuntarily, I coughed, and what I didn't expect was that I was knocked to the ground, not only had no one to help me, but also ushered in a ferocious curse: "I'm NIMA's, stinky beggars, walking TM doesn't have long eyes?"

This vicious voice is extremely domineering. I can't help but look up and find that the person who scolds me is a handsome little white face, a typical rich second generation. Behind him, there is a car, a red Ferrari, which is very attractive. People and cars together have an invisible sense of hegemony.

Before I came here, I heard that the city was chaotic, very, very chaotic, whether it was the underworld or the white, the personnel relationship was complicated, and the style of conduct was weird and abnormal. I thought that as long as I was low-key enough, I could avoid some unnecessary troubles, but I didn't expect that you would come to you instead of asking for trouble.

The little white face in front of me, a pair of my father is Li Gang's virtue. He is obviously using his own power to play prestige and bully the weak. But I, just came to this city, have a task in my body. For such a person, there is only one attitude, that is to avoid being afraid and not to cause unnecessary trouble.

So, in the face of his rebuke, I didn't answer back, just wanted to get up from the ground, but my body just moved, and my nerves were about to break. My body suddenly shivered and I couldn't help moaning.

However, my pain can not be replaced by other people's sympathy. On the contrary, I also annoyed the second generation of rich people. He strode to my side and gave me a hard kick. While kicking, he scolded: "do you want to touch the porcelain, are you a fuckin 'beggar? Today I will teach you a lesson!"

The rich second generation's tone is not good and his behavior is arrogant, but he can get the approval of passers-by. All the onlookers point at me, as if I had been hit just now and my fault was all mine. For a moment, I became a street mouse yelled and beaten by everyone.

Although I'm used to the indifference of human feelings in the world, I feel uncomfortable in the face of such a thing. Suddenly, I feel that the bigger the city is, the more indifferent and ruthless people are. This is the reality of society, where the weak eat the strong.When I was feeling about the world, a beautiful woman of the red sports car co driver mumbled and cried: "God, don't waste time here, you give him 200 yuan, quickly send him away!"

After listening, the second generation of the rich looked at the time and then. Reluctantly, he took out 200 yuan and threw it on me. After the second generation of the rich got on his sports car, I picked up 200 yuan from the ground and got up angrily. Then, I trembled and walked to the red sports car. The money in my hand was thrown to the rich second generation named Tiange along the window, and said, "I'm not a porcelain touch!"

My throat cracked because I drank the medicine of white grandfather, and the voice was too loud when I was disfigurement. My voice became very hoarse, just like the voice of an old man with old age. After saying this, I left in despair.

Although, I don't want to cause trouble, I don't want to live without dignity. Even if the whole world looks down on me, I also want to keep the integrity in my heart. I can not care about other people's eyes. I don't care about other people's pointing, but I have to care about my own nature. Despite the muddy world, I still want to do not forget my original heart. I can have nothing, but the only dignity I can't be trampled on at will.

Holding this belief and the determination to save my father, I will live well. No matter how much pain and suffering I face, I can bear it. Now, nothing can change my determination. Since I came to this city, I will let it become bloody because of my appearance.

In the disdain of the crowd, I unconsciously walked out of the downtown area and came to an alley. There are restaurants and shops on both sides of the street. At this time, it's time for a meal. The alley is full of delicious food. It's like a snack street with all kinds of snack stalls. When I come to this street, my stomach can't help but growl, and my saliva is almost from my mouth It's coming out.

Although I don't lack money, I'm playing a migrant worker from the countryside to the city. I'm going to play a vivid performance. It's absolutely not allowed to show a trace of horse's feet. Therefore, I can't go to a high-end hotel to stay in the presidential suite. Now it's not the time to enjoy it. I can only choose a relatively clean small restaurant here and prepare to go to eat first.

However, I didn't step into the threshold of the hotel. A man in uniform stopped me. He said to me fiercely: "go out quickly, ask for food and go to someone else's house. We don't accept begging here!"

It is true that my image is not misunderstood as a beggar. I was originally dressed in rags and was hit by a car just now. I was lying on the ground. I was really in a mess. It was reasonable for people to dislike me. But I didn't blame the manager like figure. I just looked at him and said, "I'm not a beggar. I'm here to eat. I have money!"

After that, I went over him and went in. I found a table in the corner of the hall and sat down. I didn't ask for anything to eat. I just ordered a bowl of noodles and two small dishes. The boss hated me. Now I only ordered vegetables, which made me even more unhappy. However, I was always a guest It's hard to say anything.

However, when my order just came up, a table of people came to the hotel. They sat at a big table. All of them were strong. There are also several shirtless, showing their tattoos, extremely domineering. When the boss saw them, he met his father with a smile and was very considerate. His attitude towards me was very different.

These people also regard themselves as a wrist guard. Their attitude is particularly arrogant, and their mouth is always swearing and swearing. They are not good at this kind of small place. People who really mix the society despise such small places to pretend to be forced. People will not come to this small restaurant to eat. In front of them, these people are just street thugs who bully some small bosses People.

The guests nearby looked at them a little more, and they would clap the table and scold others, frightening people to look at them. Even, they would make a lot of noise in such public places. Talking about some pornographic things, many young guests, because of their behavior, scared to check out and leave.

But these bastards still don't know how to restrain themselves. They continue to talk about their anecdotes and where they fight in the Fengyue place. They eat and talk and spit. The boss's smile is still maintained, but there is unspeakable bitterness and helplessness in that smile. And I really can't stand them, directly speed up the speed, Hula Hula two times, all the food to solve.

Then I dropped the money and was ready to leave. But as soon as I got up, I found that the men with tattoos in front of me had a conflict with the staff in the shop. Maybe the employee accidentally bumped into one of them while serving the food. Let this gang of thugs get angry directly and scold the waiters.

The villain boss came to adjust with a smile and said that he would give them a free bill, but this could not stop their anger. Obviously, this gang of thugs came to find trouble on purpose.

I only saw her back, but I could see that she was a middle-aged woman. I thought to myself, these gangsters really have a strong taste and like to flirt with elderly women? Whether it is or not, their bullying behavior is unbearable to those who have a sense of justice.If I was still in Suluo, I would certainly help others in the face of injustice. However, even if I have the heart of justice, I can't meddle in my business. I'm a newcomer, and I dare not make trouble here. It's not like my territory. The heroes of H Province are close together. A district's boss is probably comparable to that of my city. Moreover, the power here is complex Miscellaneous, I can't tell what trouble I'll encounter. Compared with them, I'm just a scum. Therefore, I can't despise even the little bastards here. In case their backstage is hard, I'll scrap it directly.

Of course, even if this gang is not a small gangster, I will not be involved in this business. My primary purpose here is to hide my identity and keep myself in a low profile. So, I didn't see their vexatious behavior. I went straight to the door of the hotel, but when I got to the table, my feet suddenly stopped.

Just in this moment, the middle-aged woman's apology broke through the noise of the scene and directly pierced into my ears. Her voice was very weak, but it could absorb my soul. I couldn't help looking back at the middle-aged woman.

When my eyes touched her face, my heart suddenly trembled wildly, jumping very fast, because she was no one else, just the one who looked like my mother and I was looking for, Ziyi's mother, Luo's mother

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