When I first came to this prosperous city, my first feeling was strange. The hypocritical people in the beautiful city made me feel a little frustrated. But what I didn't expect was that in this strange city, I could see the familiar people, which made my heart surge.

For Ziyi, I always felt guilty and promised to help her find her mother, but there was no news. Now the relationship between us is in a deadlock. Instead, I met mother Luo. I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. Their mother and daughter were originally dependent on each other. They had a hard life, but they were also warm and happy, but eventually they were scattered because of me.

I felt guilty about their mother and daughter, but fate liked to tease me. I left Ziyi and came to this city alone. On the first day, I met mother Luo, whom I hadn't seen for a long time. My happiness and concern arose spontaneously in my heart.

Mother Luo's face seems to have magic, and it can easily attract me. Especially in this strange land, I feel more familiar and intimate when I see her. It seems that I find the warmth of that kind of home in an instant. Only when I see mother Luo's face suffering and submission, and even kowtow to the gang of gangsters, my heart is pricked again, a kind of uncontrollable anger It's burning.

I had made up my mind that I would not mind anyone's business, but the one who was bullied was not someone else, but someone like my mother. Moreover, as the mother of my beloved, how could I have watched her wronged, especially one of them, who was bald and rough, went to pull mother Luo's clothes.

This moment, my step followed my heart, almost in the blink of an eye, I flashed in front of mother Luo.

Bareheaded saw me come out of the sky, not afraid at all. Instead, he swore at me in a sharp voice: "where's the beggar? Get out of my way!"

The other people in the restaurant were surprised to see me come out so boldly, especially the owner of the restaurant, who was even more surprised that I should not have been involved in such a thing.

Originally, I did not want to offend these ruffians when I first arrived here. If I could not make trouble as far as possible, I couldn't help it now. This bullied person is very important to me. I absolutely don't allow Luo's mother to be hurt. The premise is to be active and not to do anything. So, I still accompany smiling face to say: "everybody eldest brother, just a little trifle, or forget it!"

I really don't know how to make a comeback. I can only hold out such a sentence. But the bald head saw that I didn't know what to do, and immediately got angry and scolded at me: "get out of here, you fuckin 'meddle, I'll throw you out to feed the dog!"

The tone of bald head is very rampant, obviously, he is disgusted with my hindrance, as if I want to say one more word, he is going to kill me.

I can see that this bald man should be the leader of this gang. When he gets angry, the whole audience is silent, and even the restaurant owner is afraid to speak.

Looking at the mother Luo, she may be afraid of implicating me. She hastened to dissuade me and said, "young man, it's none of your business. Thank you. You'd better leave quickly!"

Mother Luo has not changed at all. She is always a Bodhisattva. Even though she is in danger and needs help very much, she doesn't want to involve other people. But I can see that her voice is full of bitterness.

Seeing her like this, I feel more and more distressed. Mother Luo's life is down and out, and her life is always so tight. But even such a life, she has to be disturbed. She never asks for great wealth and wealth, but only wants to live in peace and stability. Even if she is poor, she still insists bravely. But in this world, there are some villains who do not let go of the weak and use their own strength to bully the weak for no reason.

The gangsters in front of me were obviously trying to find trouble with mother Luo. Since the trouble doesn't make sense, it can only be solved with fists. So, I coughed gently, then straightened my chest and calmly said to these gangsters: "I said, brother, in this broad daylight, you old men openly bully a woman, right It's a little too much! "

At this moment, I didn't put up with it any longer. I became a thorough bird. I just wanted to let these people know that with me, they didn't want to embarrass mother Luo.

However, my words not only didn't shock them, but also angered them. Almost at the moment when my voice dropped, the leader grabbed a bottle of wine and smashed it heavily on my head. At the same time, he swore: "tell your mother to mind your own business and die for me!"

The next second, just listen to a bang, the bottle in my head split, the scene of shock many people have called out, but I still stand in place with chest, motionless.

I've been hit by a bottle of wine. I don't know how many times. Long ago, the bottle couldn't break my head, and now it can't hurt me any more. However, their behavior still touched my scales, which made my whole person crazy slowly. The blood kept rolling in my body, and my eyes became more and more red. I knew that this time I can't promise to keep a low profile any more. I'll do it anyway. Otherwise, this matter can't be solved. I'll do anything for mother Luo.

When the wine bottle broke to the ground, and the whole audience was stunned and dazed by the undamaged me, my bald head also held half of the bottle and opened my mouth in a daze, I suddenly punched. A blow hit him on the chest.As soon as the bald man retreated in fright, I rushed forward and mended his chest. After a while, the bald man and the wine bottle in his hand fell to the ground at the same time.

The other gangsters looked more and more stunned when they saw me. However, when they reacted, the gang immediately rushed to me. To them, I did not change my face, calmly fought back, for the master of my father's level, I was a rookie, but to deal with this street thug who mixed in the bottom of the society, I was an expert.

Although, in addition to their bald heads on the ground, there are seven people on each table, and all of them are vigorous and vigorous. In my eyes, they are totally vulnerable. Their actual combat experience is not good, and they are not practitioners. They just rely on brute force. Their strength can bully ordinary people, but bullying me is obviously a fool's dream.

It's not a problem for me to fight seven with one enemy. Even if there are another ten such people like them, I'll be fine. Just a few minutes, I put this group of domineering tattoo men to dry lying down, but I am very measured. Just give them a little lesson, will not cause much serious injury, after all of them fell to the ground, I said a word to them coldly: "get out!"

This group of people saw that I was extraordinary, and they did not dare to use force against me any more. They just got up from the ground and were still in the same way. They put down their cruel words to me: "there is a kind of you. Wait for me. I want your life!"

With that, a group of them ran away in confusion.

The battle was easy. I didn't even finish the warm-up, but all the people present were startled by my force. The restaurant was also in a mess because of a fight. Fortunately, the restaurant owner knew that I was a rescue move, and it was not difficult for me. Only after the surprise, she said to me and mother Luo in a calm voice: "you go quickly, and they will return soon If you come here, you will be in trouble

The boss's words, listen to my ears, I take it for granted. Even if he didn't say it, I would have left, but it was a big deal to mother Luo. She works here. The implication of the boss is to fire her to prevent future gangsters from finding trouble. If she wants to leave, she will lose her job When Luo's mother's mood calmed down, she still tried to ask the boss: "boss, I can't go, I have to work, I can't do without this job!"

Although this is an ordinary job, but mother Luo cherishes it very much. However, the boss doesn't care what Luo's mother thinks. With a cold face, he is not happy with her and says, "do you still want to work? Do you know that it's because of you that gangsters often come to make trouble. If you stay here, my shop will be demolished! "

After listening to the boss's words, Luo's mother also realized the seriousness of the matter. She knew that the boss was determined to let her leave. More importantly, she knew that it was really dangerous for her to stay here. Therefore, she did not continue to stay, but said to the boss pitifully, "look at my salary this month."

Luo mother's words have not finished, was interrupted by the boss: "you still want to pay, my shop lost a lot, did not let you lose money is good!"

It's true that people's small business can't stand such a fuss. Although the boss's words are heartless, they are reasonable. For this, mother Luo had no way to fight for anything, so she had to pack up her things and left the small restaurant with me.

Outside, mother Luo took a deep look at me. Her eyes were full of worry. Although she also saw that I was good at it, she seemed to be more afraid of those gangsters. She knew that I was weak and their power was not comparable. Therefore, she kindly said to me: "young man, thank you for today's affairs, but you'd better leave as soon as possible When they find it, you can't leave if you want to! "

If I said to go, I could have gone long ago, but I didn't leave. I couldn't bear to abandon mother Luo like this. I can see that the gang of thugs were definitely aimed at mother Luo. But I don't know what the reason is. Now, mother Luo lost her job again. How could I bear to leave.

After listening to mother Luo's kind reminder, I directly asked her, "Auntie, I have nothing to do. You don't have to worry about me, but I feel that the gangsters are deliberately targeting you?"

Mother Luo listened to my words and sighed. Then she explained the reason to me while walking.

It turns out that, as early as a long time ago, someone went to Luo's mother and said that she liked her daughter. However, mother Luo didn't agree, so she began to be harassed one after another. Today's matter Luo's mother also knew that it should be related to that person.

After listening to Luo's mother's explanation, I immediately thought of Ziyi, but on second thought, how could this be possible? Ziyi is now the city, and who is the daughter of naluo's mother? I am also very confused about this. It seems that if you can bring difficulties to mother Luo, the girl in her mouth will certainly look extraordinary.

Since. Now that I know this, I don't have the mind to leave. I haven't seen mother Luo for such a long time. Now I finally meet her. I know that they are in crisis. I really can't ignore it. Besides, I also want to see the girl in mother Luo's mouth, where she lives now, what kind of living conditions she lives in, and what opportunities she has in the future She.Since I met mother Luo, because she and my mother are somewhat similar, so I almost always treat her as my mother. Even if there is no Ziyi relationship, I can't help but want to help mother Luo. At the moment, even if mother Luo repeatedly advised me to leave, I did not go. Instead, I found an excuse to help others to the end. I wanted to escort mother Luo home.

Mother Luo couldn't beat me, so I had to compromise. I don't know whether I have the halo of the leading role, or whether mother Luo is a rare good person. It seems that no matter what I look like and how shabby I wear, mother Luo's attitude towards me feels that kind of intimate care, which is very special. Therefore, I deliberately approach her, she does not have any vigilance to me 。

Along the way, we have been chatting with each other. We talked a lot. I felt that my relationship with mother Luo was closer. This feeling was very good. It was an emotion that I dreamed of but could not get. It made my heart get a short-term peace.

However, the good time is not long, the happy time is always so short. When the crisis comes, we can't stop it. On the way to the middle of the road, two minibuses suddenly come out and block our way. Even before the car stopped steadily, the door was opened. In a moment, a group of people poured out of the car and rushed towards me quickly

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