With the nature of light language, being forced to rush is really suicidal, but more still want to threaten these guys, because she knows that these people have no human nature, it doesn't matter if they are hurt. Don't worry about her mother. It's also in order to force them back that light language will say such words.

However, the ugly man now comes with a death order. He doesn't care about the light words, and says directly and mercilessly: "you didn't listen to your good advice before, and you don't think about it. It's a blessing that you can't get married to Zhangjia for eight years. I don't know what you're pretending to be noble. Now it's OK. My childe has no patience. He wants it Woman, who can escape? Since you don't want to drink, we can only offer you a fine wine! "

With that, the ugly man immediately reached out and whispered, "take it away!"

His meaning is very obvious. He doesn't care what he comes here this time. He just catches the people who speak light language. Because Zhang Xiong has no patience. This childe thinks he is good enough for light language. He didn't want to be a bully before. He also felt that it was boring. But since he had spent so much effort, he couldn't help it. For such a woman, he didn't want to play He is not willing to die. Therefore, his order to the ugly man is to catch people no matter what method he uses.

The ugly man is used to robbing people's women. For him, this is an easy thing. Even if there are any chaste women who are caught by him and mediate, they can become loose slaves. He believes that light language is also a pure woman on the surface. He has some ways to make light language yield.

At his command, the minions behind him began to move. But at this time, mother Luo suddenly pulled the whisper. Then, she stood in front of the light language and angrily said to the gang of thugs who were going to catch her daughter: "don't mess around. In broad daylight, are you so lawless? If you want to arrest people, you can step on my body

For the sake of others, mother Luo can really die. She just wants to protect the happiness of her relatives. Therefore, she knows that she is very powerless, and she still rushes forward to fight with the gangsters.

But the ugly man who will have what to care about, he did not have a bit of compassion, in his eyes, only think Luo mother is a stumbling block. When he saw his men, because mother Luo stood up and hesitated, he immediately ordered again: "both of them will be taken away for me!"

What he said was an order. After listening to it, the gang did not care about it. They immediately rushed up and arrested their mother and daughter. It can be said that the poor mother and daughter are now in a desperate situation. They are really in a situation where they should not be called every day and the land is not working properly.

Light language is OK, in the face of this group of vicious people, although she can bear to live, but can not be the same mother, she saw this group of people so domineering and dehumanizing, can not help but be impatient, what she still want to say, but unfortunately can not say, can only cough constantly, the body is crumbling, or the side of the light language helped her, did not fall.

Their mother and daughter are so helpless to support each other, like a single sheep, waiting for the invasion of fierce wolves. However, let this pair of swaying mother and daughter be stunned for a moment. The group of people who were close to them were about to fight them, but in the blink of an eye, they were broken up. The men who broke up the gang were men in black suits. Almost no one saw how they appeared. Only when they came, they kept beating them.

These people are all dressed in the same way, and each of them has a Bluetooth headset on his left ear. Their faces are firm and unyielding. They seem to have no soul. All of them have the same expression. Even their heads are almost tall. What's more, their strength is more terrible. Everyone seems to have the strength of one man in charge of everything. They are quick and ruthless Sure, it took all the gang members, including the ugly man, to dry up.

You know, these members of the gang are professional thugs. They have excellent physical fitness and fierce fighting. Especially the ugly man who takes the lead is even more powerful. His skill is very good. But such a group of professional gang members. In front of this group of suit men, but become weak, this how can not be surprising.

At the scene, the mother and daughter of the Luo family had fallen into the most desperate abyss, but suddenly the group of men in suits suddenly made them see a ray of light in the dark, especially when they saw the leaders and their subordinates, they were all knocked down in an instant, which made the hearts of mother and daughter almost bright and the weak mother Luo's mental state improved in an instant A lot.

It's just that the mother and daughter are more curious than gratified. They don't know who this group of strong suit men are and why they suddenly help them. While they were wondering, the men in suits suddenly stood in two rows, as if they were greeting someone.

Sure enough, at this time, not far from the man in the suit, he slowly walked out of a figure. The figure of the man looked thin, but he had the temperament of a Taoist. His old-fashioned Zhongshan suit set off his taste. His hair was dark, but his beard was white, which made it difficult to guess his age.

At the moment, the middle-aged man is one step at a time, leisurely walked towards mother Luo, and finally stopped in front of them. Luo looked at the man standing in front of them inexplicably. What shocked the mother and daughter was that the middle-aged man suddenly made a standard 90 degree bow to mother Luo, and then, he was very respectful to mother Luo Respectfully called out: "Miss Ye!"For these people of unknown origin, all kinds of actions made mother Luo fall into complete shock. However, when the middle-aged man called out Miss ye, mother Luo reacted, thinking that the other party must have recognized the wrong person. So, mother Luo quickly replied, "I'm sorry, you recognize the wrong person, I don't have a surname of Ye!"

Luo's mother's negation does not have a trace of adulteration, but the middle-aged man seems to have completely confirmed that mother Luo is Miss ye in his mouth. Even if mother Luo denied, he was not moved. He continued: "Miss, how can I recognize the wrong person? I am the housekeeper Fubo. Can you tell me that you don't remember me?"

With that, the middle-aged man's pair of eyes that can see everything, just like a scanner, constantly scanning Luo's mother. Luo's mother was even more stunned when she saw the man who claimed to be uncle Bai. She could see that the other party was not making fun of her, but in fact, she didn't really know the person in front of her. Then, without hesitation, she shook her head firmly and replied, "I'm sorry, I don't know you, you may really recognize the wrong person!"

At this time, light language also recovered from the shock. He saw the middle-aged man's first eye, and his eyes were a little shocked, but the shock disappeared in an instant, because he knew the people in front of him, but in order not to expose himself, she still pretended to be a frightened little girl.

then, she became alert immediately and said nervously, "who are you We don't know you at all. My mother's surname is Luo. She's not miss ye in your mouth

After hearing this, the middle-aged man did not answer the phone again, but looked at the mother and daughter seriously. Then, he suddenly took out his mobile phone. After dialing, he said respectfully to the other end of the mobile phone: "master, I found it, but it seems that I have lost my memory!"

The other end of the phone didn't know what to say, but the middle-aged man responded respectfully: "OK, I know. I'll take the lady back!"

After hanging up the phone, the middle-aged immediately said to mother Luo in a sincere tone: "Miss, you go back with me first, after you go back, you will understand what's going on!"

Obviously, for the identity of mother Luo, the middle-aged man has no doubt at all. However, mother Luo is still confused about all this and is more afraid. She is also worried about being trapped by Zhang Xiong. Therefore, she directly took the light language hand and said to the middle-aged man: "you must have recognized the wrong person. You go, I have nothing to do with you. I want to leave This is it

After that, she was about to leave, but at this time, the loud and clear siren suddenly rang through from far to near. After a while, several police cars were killed in the air. As soon as the police car stopped, the door opened immediately, and more than ten policemen rushed down from inside, which immediately surrounded the mother, daughter and middle-aged people.

This group of police will not come out when they are working for the sea gang. However, when someone disturbs and injures them, they come at a flying speed. It can be seen that the water in this city is so deep that the black and white people should also support each other.

Originally, the ugly man lying on the ground had been kicked by a middle-aged man, and his bones were almost dying. But as soon as the police appeared, he suddenly came back to life. Looking at his eyes, it was like seeing the dawn of hope. He raised his head with difficulty, looked at the officer who took the lead, and then pointed to the middle-aged man and said, "Captain Wang, This guy leads people to hurt us for no reason. You should catch him and make decisions for us

Although the ugly man's voice is a little weak, but his tone is very rampant. He should know the captain Wang and feel that the strength of the middle-aged man is unfathomable. He can only use the police to suppress him. If he resists, he can be charged with attacking the police, which is killing two birds with one stone Revenge on him is OK, after all, this city is their sea Gang's world.

The king captain obviously knew the ugly man. He nodded at him, and then took out a pair of handcuffs directly. He walked up to the middle-aged man and said to him in a sharp voice: "in broad daylight, you have no reason to commit murder. It's too bold. Let's go to the police station with us."

With that, he wanted to torture the middle-aged man himself. For this smart team leader, it is an honor to work for the Haibang, and there is a possibility of promotion. So, he didn't care what the middle-aged man was. He took him back to the Bureau.

But the next second, to everyone's stupidity, when Captain Wang wanted to torture a middle-aged man, he suddenly put out his hand and slapped him in the face of Captain Wang with great strength and loud voice. He put it into everyone's ears clearly. It was really dizzy to hit him. Some fresh blood even seeped out from the corners of his mouth. Even the police cap was knocked off It's over.

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