This scene stunned all the people present. No one thought that the middle-aged man would dare to attack the police, and the ugly man's jaw would fall off. He had seen the police coming and thought that he could finally vent his breath. Although, when he reported the name of the gang to the sea, the middle-aged man still dared to do it himself, which showed that they had great courage and knew that middle-aged people were middle-aged Men are a bit old, but he doesn't pay attention to those people. At most, he thinks that the other party is a person who has eyes and doesn't know Taishan, and is not from this city. Therefore, he can't understand the existence of Haibang here. But now, the middle-aged man has openly attacked the police, which really shocked him.

Luo's mother and daughter were also shocked by the scene. For them, the background of the middle-aged man is very mysterious. They don't know each other's purpose. They don't trust each other. They even think that they're here to play. The purpose is to cheat their mother and daughter's trust. But at the moment, the police are on the move, which makes them understand that the middle-aged man should be Really help yourself.

However, they still can't believe that this middle-aged man dare to beat the police, which is beyond their imagination. They opened their eyes, just like looking at monsters, at the middle-aged man in front of them.

Of course, among all the people, the most shocking is captain Wang. How can he believe that a small person dare to attack the police, which completely subverts their world outlook. Let's know, the crime of attacking police is very big. Therefore, the police almost did not hesitate to take out their guns and aim at the middle-aged men and others, and captain Wang himself is even more violent Rulei, holding a pistol, aimed at the head of the middle-aged man, he yelled: "who do you think you are? You dare to attack the police openly!"

His angry eyes were red, but the middle-aged man was not moved. It was as if captain Wang was a grasshopper in front of him. No matter how he hopped, it was just like that. He was too lazy to look at captain Wang. He just took out an ID card size card from his chest bag and stretched it in front of Captain Wang.

The angry captain Wang glanced at the certificate. Suddenly, his anger suddenly went out, and the whole person was completely stunned. In the angry eyes, all the colors of shock were revealed. When Captain Wang was stunned, the middle-aged man suddenly whispered: "get out of here!"

A word, majestic, full of endless momentum, this momentum spread in the air, even more shocked captain Wang almost fell down, without any hesitation, Captain Wang came back to his senses, took the police officers to flee in a gray, just a slip of time, they drove the police car disappeared in this street.

This time, mother Luo and others, almost all of them are stupid eyes, and when everyone has not recovered, the middle-aged man came to mother Luo again and said respectfully to her: "Miss, would you like to come with me? When you go back, you will understand everything! "

The middle-aged man's words are very sincere, the tone is more respectful, and in the consternation of mother Luo, also gradually sober up, she finally understood, in front of this person should be a big man, even the police can easily scare away people, no point identity, who believe it, such a person to their own so respectful, attitude is not like pretending, perhaps, this middle-aged Men really have something to do with themselves. After all, she really has no impression of many things in the past. Her mind seems to have lost some memories of some time, a blank.

Of course, even if they are bullied by the police, they can't escape from the city without help 。

However, even if Luo's mother wants to make such a decision, she should respect the light language's opinion. After all, now they are dependent on each other. Therefore, she did not immediately reply to the middle-aged man, but turned her eyes to the light language on one side.

At this time, light language has her own ideas in her heart. She has seen these people in front of her. Although she can't understand them, she can feel that they have great influence. Maybe, it will help her own purpose. Therefore, she directly nods to mother Luo, expressing her agreement.

Luo mother saw the light language nod, also agreed to the middle-aged man, willing to go back with him.

However, mother Luo did not leave immediately after she promised the middle-aged man, because there was still a ridge in her heart, a pain that had been blocked in her heart. With this pain, mother Luo went straight to the ugly man.

The ugly man lying on the ground is really turbulent at the moment. He has been here for so many years. He thinks that he has seen all the big waves. However, today's incident still makes him surprised. He is a smart man. He knows that a small book can frighten the head of team Wang, even he ignores him. This is enough to show the origin of middle-aged men How could he have thought that such a pair of orphans and widows had such a big backing that he didn't believe it.

But now, when things come to this point, he has to believe it again. At this moment, seeing Luo's mother coming towards him without expression, the ugly man can't help but be flustered and even scared. This seemingly weak mother, in his view, was a mole ant, and could trample on it at will, but now it is completely different, just like the devil, it is so terrible He was afraid that he would be folded on her today. It was really a coward.So, when Luo's mother stopped by the ugly man, he still plucked up his courage and said, "what do you want? I can tell you, I'm from the sea gang. If you want to move, I won't come to a good end!"

Although the ugly man knows that from the moment when the middle-aged man beat captain Wang, the name of the Hai Gang is no longer useful, but this is the most frightening words he can move out. He can only say that, because it is also the only chip to change his life.

After listening to the ugly man's words, mother Luo didn't care at all. She just looked at the ugly man closely, asked what she wanted to ask in her heart, and then said, "I hope you can tell me where the boy named thirteen you arrested at my door last week is now?"

Mother Luo was kind and kind to people all her life. She could not bear a grudge, but she remembered her kindness. Therefore, she could not hate the ugly man's hatred, but she kept in mind the kindness of shisan, a young man who shared the same fate with her and was very fond of her once.

The young man tried his best to help himself, but in the end he ended up in a catastrophe. Those disasters were brought to him by himself. In any case, mother Luo didn't want him to have an accident. Before that, she was unable to help him. Now, when she has this opportunity, she must try her best to repay him.

And the ugly man, at first thought Luo's mother wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill himself. Now after listening to her and knowing that she didn't mean it, he couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief in his heart. However, when she asked the man, he couldn't help but make the ugly man feel a little flustered. He didn't want to say anything, but when he saw the middle-aged man coming together, he quickly and honestly explained That is to beat the boy, and then throw him on the street, let him live and die.

The ugly man said very briefly, he did not want to tell the truth after all, but under the repeated questioning of mother Luo, the ugly man told everything in detail.

At this moment, mother Luo finally knew that shisan was abandoned by these people and finally left in the street. Now, life and death are unknown. Knowing this, mother Luo's heart is torn up. She is more and more worried about the safety of shisan, and she has more and more self blame and guilt.

Therefore, she decided to find thirteen first, no matter whether he was alive or dead, otherwise, her conscience would never live. One side of the light language also agreed with the mother's idea, because the poor man also let her move, after all, people help Luo mother will be involved. Now she has become a disabled person and lives in the street. Even if her heart is hard, she can't ignore him. At the moment, they asked where thirteen had been abandoned, and they were ready to look for it.

However, the mysterious middle-aged man didn't care much about this little thing. He said directly to mother Luo: "Miss, I'd better send someone to do this kind of thing. I promise to help you find the man named thirteen. You'd better go home with me now

Unlike mother Luo, for a middle-aged man, the first task is to welcome this miss ye back. He didn't pay attention to the trivial matters.

However, for mother Luo, this is a big thing. Even if she doesn't go to Ye's house, she has to find out the benefactor first. At least, she needs to know whether he is alive or dead, and whether she can save him or not. Otherwise, mother Luo's good heart will be condemned forever and will never be peaceful.

So, she looked at the middle-aged man clearly and said seriously: "uncle, since I promised to go back with you, I will go back. But before I go back, I must find thirteen. He helped me, and was seriously injured because of me. I don't even know the life and death. I can't leave him alone. If I leave, I must find him I want to apologize and thank him

Although Fubo didn't want to waste his time, he saw that the young lady was so resolute that he could only respect her opinion. Instead of insisting on his own opinion, he whispered back: "well, I know, miss, I will try my best to help you find this person!"

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