On the other side, H City First Hospital, a senior ward.

At the moment, there are only two people in the ward, one is the beggar lying on the bed, the other is Ziyi, who is guarding the bedside.

In the morning, Ziyi was determined to help the beggar. After that, she took the beggar to the hospital directly. In the morning, Ziyi didn't stop for a moment. She was busy until noon and finally got quiet.

Ziyi felt more gratified that her reasoning was not wrong. The beggar was not an ordinary beggar, or he was not a beggar at all, because the doctor told Ziyi that the beggar was indeed broken bones, his head was also severely injured, and he lost his original consciousness. Therefore, he was wandering in the street, which should be caused by injuries His injury has been treated in time, which is better. Now it has been delayed for a week, which makes his condition more serious. Whether he can recover depends on his personal fortune.

After the doctor left the ward, Ziyi was left alone in front of the hospital bed alone. According to the law, Ziyi sent the beggar to the hospital and paid him the medical expenses. It was the utmost benevolence and righteousness to let him go. But I don't know why. Knowing that the beggar was injured by human beings, Ziyi couldn't give up on him any more. This kind of feeling is hard to give up Feeling from the bottom of her heart, she could not help but want to stay, and even wanted to put aside the search for sulo.

Ziyi also felt strange. When she stayed by the beggar's side, her heart suddenly became more stable. Instead of feeling lonely in a foreign country, she felt a sense of security. Ziyi always feels that a kind of emotion of human beings is not inexplicable, but with some kind of induction. Up to now, Ziyi doesn't know what's going on. She still holds a glimmer of expectation and fluke in her heart. She expects that this beggar is Suluo, whom she has worked so hard to find.

Although this hope is very slim, Ziyi still wants to trust her intuition. She has a different feeling when she sees this person from the first sight. But now looking at him closely, Ziyi can still find some shadows of Suluo from him. The shadow of Suluo before plastic surgery is the most real one, and the one that makes Ziyi remember vividly Luo is Ziyi's favorite Suluo. Similarly, it is precisely because this love is too deep that Ziyi mistook him for Suluo, and he is reluctant to part with the beggars in front of him.

The longer he stares, the more touched Ziyi's heart. Yes, the beggar's appearance is plain, not ugly or handsome. But a little temperament between his eyebrows can still touch Ziyi's heartstrings. His body shape and his outline make Ziyi unable to help connecting him with Suluo.

But the fact is always clear and cruel. No matter how many shadows Ziyi finds from the beggar, there is one thing that can't be changed, that is, the beggar doesn't have the charm of Suluo, and his expression is always silly at any time, even if Ziyi doesn't stop to ask him, who he is and where his home is. How injured, asked a lot of, but the beggar did not answer him, just to purple show silly smile.

Even, Ziyi told some deep memories between her and Suluo with a fluke heart, but it didn't work, and it couldn't touch the beggar. He might have suffered a serious head injury and lost the consciousness of normal people. No matter what Ziyi said, he was the same expression. His eyes were very pure and there was no trace of impurities. Ziyi could not see him from his eyes They have any sense of familiarity with themselves, that is to say, they can't communicate or integrate spiritually.

Ziyi knows that if a beggar doesn't return to normal, she can't get any results. At present, she can only hope that the beggar can get better soon and become a normal person to solve the doubts in Ziyi's heart. Of course, even if he is not Suluo, Ziyi also hopes that the beggars can recover their self-care ability and live a good life.

The next time, Ziyi has been in the hospital, busy for a beggar she never knew. Although it is impossible that this person has nothing to do with Ziyi, Ziyi still has no regrets. In her concept of life, doing good is a very meaningful thing. She went to the future according to her own heart, to help the strange beggar, but also because she helped him, Ziyi's heart got a sense of fullness.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ziyi, who has been busy for a whole day, is singing empty city plan. Therefore, she takes advantage of a little time to run downstairs and have a casual meal outside. When she just has a meal, Ziyi feels very long. She even finds that she is a little worried about the beggars in the hospital, as if she doesn't want to leave for a moment For violet, the only feeling that she can really hope for is that the sixth one can come true.

With this expectation, with the thought of beggars, Ziyi after dinner, for the beggars to pack a light meal, and then can't wait to rush to the hospital ward. However, when Ziyi walked to the corridor outside the ward, she found that there were two more people outside the advanced ward where the beggars lived. These two people were in straight suits, standing on both sides of the door like a robot.

This time, Ziyi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. There is a kind of emotion that can't be said. You know, this advanced ward is a single ward. Ziyi is afraid of being disturbed and wants a quiet environment. There are no other people in the ward except beggars. But now, there are two robots guarding the door. How can Ziyi not be excited? After she saw it, she did not hesitate to speed up her pace, rushed to the door of the ward and wanted to enter the ward. However, as soon as she entered the door and was ready to open the door, the man in the suit at the door suddenly reached out and blocked Ziyi mercilessly.Purple with excited heart, immediately dissatisfied said: "you get out of the way, inside the patient is my friend!"

At this moment, Ziyi's heart rate was faster. She was very anxious and worried. When she saw these two bodyguards like machines, she immediately thought that it might be the beggars' enemies who came to their homes. She knew that the reason why the beggars were so seriously injured and living in the streets was the result of being severely beaten, so. Now someone came to him, Ziyi's first thought was that someone would persecute beggars again, so she didn't care much. After saying this, she still wanted to rush into the ward.

But the cold bodyguard won't give ziyiding a chance. They always stop Ziyi, that is, they don't let her in.

Their actions made Ziyi more anxious. She was afraid of something wrong with the beggars. Because she was in her heart, she had quietly regarded the beggars as a sustenance of her lonely soul. No matter whether the beggars were Suluo or not, she didn't want the people saved by themselves to be persecuted again. Therefore, the anxious Ziyi struggled to rush in and yelled at the same time.

Her noise aroused the people in the ward. Suddenly, the door of the ward opened and a person came out of the ward. This person made the violent Ziyi quiet for a moment. She was all fixed and staring at the people in front of her.

Ziyi's eyes are full of surprise. How can she think that the person coming out of the ward at the moment is a beautiful woman who has never met, and the person who comes out is light language.

Looking at the person in front of her, Ziyi was a little surprised, but she didn't look like a bad person. After a short silence, Ziyi and light language almost said with one voice: "who are you?"

This is the opening remarks of the two of them, and it is indeed the biggest doubt in their hearts, but when they finish their questions together, the atmosphere becomes more embarrassing.

Finally, or light language took the lead to explain: "my name is light language, come here to visit my benefactor, he helped my mother, but because of my business was injured. My mother and I came to see him on purpose

After hearing the light words, Ziyi suddenly trembled. She finally knew why the beggar was hurt so much. Originally, all this was because of the girl in front of her. But after knowing this fact, Ziyi's heart suddenly became extremely complicated, and the taste was really hard to say.

Before encountering light words, Ziyi even tried to believe her own intuition, and then thought that the beggar was going, but she couldn't confirm it. But now, knowing that the beggar was hurt by the girl in front of her, Ziyi seemed to be sure that the beggar was either Suluo or a dead beggar. That's all.

In Ziyi trance, light language mouth asked: "then who are you, how can you be here?"

From the light tone, Ziyi can hear that she cares about her benefactor, but after knowing that the other party is not Suluo, Ziyi is still a little uncomfortable. She smiles bitterly and says, "I sent the patient inside to the hospital. I see that he was interrupted by someone and couldn't walk. He was very pitiful to eat garbage on the street, so she took him to the hospital for treatment."

Ziyi can only explain this. She ignores the fact that beggars are very similar to Suluo. She doesn't want to let others know the existence of Suluo, so as not to bring danger to Suluo. However, light language is not a fool. She can feel from Ziyi's explanation that Ziyi is hiding something from herself.

The two girls found familiar shadows in the beggar, so they cared about the beggar so much. So, at the moment, there was a kind of coincidental idea in the hearts of the two girls, but they both put it in the bottom of their hearts. After all, this is just a conjecture out of thin air, and no one can confirm his identity. After the exchange of two sentences, light language immediately welcomed Ziyi into the ward.

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