After Ziyi entered the ward, she noticed that there was a very beautiful woman in the ward. She was sitting by the bed, holding the hand of a beggar and whispering. Her appearance looked very sad, and there was an extraordinary man standing behind the woman.

What makes Ziyi more strange is that the beggar seems to have special feelings for the beautiful woman, and he is more happy with her.

In Ziyi slightly Leng God time, light language has already walked to the beautiful woman's side, to this purple Yi introduction way: "this is my mother!"

Luo's mother heard someone talking, she quickly raised her head and looked like someone coming. At this time, she quickly introduced: "Mom, this is Ziyi, she sent thirteen to the hospital!"

At the moment when Luo's mother raised her head, Ziyi and Luo's mother's eyes were opposite. For a time, ziyileng was in place. Once upon a time, she was searching for the woman in front of her, but there was no news. Now, she appears in front of Ziyi inexplicably. How can she not be surprised.

Pause for a while, purple eyes suddenly jumped out of tears, to the eyes of the Luo mother yelled: "Mom, I finally found you!"

Ziyi's cry shocked everyone, and everyone's eyes showed unbelievable eyes. After hearing this call, mother Luo said in doubt: "child, are you calling me? I don't know why you call me that, but I still want to thank you

Luo's mother didn't know Ziyi, or lost her memory. However, hearing that Ziyi helped Xiyi, she was still full of gratitude to Ziyi. She said hello to Ziyi with enthusiasm and paid special attention to Xu Nan.

When Luo's mother said this, Ziyi stopped crying directly and said, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Why don't you know me? I'm Ziyi!"

Finally met her mother. Ziyi didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. She calmed down a little and looked around the people. She felt that she might have recognized the wrong person. Her mother would not have such a row. The world is so big and there are many similar people. Maybe the woman in front of her is just like her mother, but not her own mother Mom, in spite of this, Ziyi still thinks that this man is his mother.

However, after careful observation, this person is not like him, but his manner is somewhat similar, and there are always some unspeakable feelings. At the same time, Ziyi is in a dilemma. Anyway, the woman here has time to understand. Now, the main problem is beggars and the purpose of this group of uninvited guests.

Think of it. Ziyi also eased up. Since she also knew beggars, there were plenty of opportunities to explore in the future. Immediately, Ziyi and Luo's mother explained that she looked like her mother, and apologized for her gaffe, which relieved her mood. Ziyi and Luo's mother were polite. In a conversation in the ward, Luo's mother completely cleared herself of herself and said that she was not at all Ziyi's mother is a migrant worker from s county. Luo's mother doesn't seem to be lying, but she can't find any flaws. Ziyi is also skeptical.

However, both sides knew that they met the patient by chance, and no one could say that they were familiar with him. However, in their hearts, they all felt that their feelings towards the patient were not general. Moreover, Ziyi also emphasized the condition of the beggar, saying that if the wound on his foot was cultivated for a period of time, it would not be a big obstacle and would not affect his walking, But it affected the brain, so that he lost his memory, even a little silly, this problem is more serious, the doctor just said to see the nature.

It's true that this startled mother Luo and made her heart ache. No wonder she just talked to shisan just now. At first, mother Luo thought that shisan was happy to see him. Now she knew that it was he who had become stupid. How could mummy suffer? If Tiedan was simply injured, she would come to apologize and thank him, Even if you pay all of your savings, so mother ziluo can go with ease, but now, people are a very good young man. Just because she helped herself, she ended up in such a field, and her youth was going to be destroyed. How could mother Luo live.

What's more, mother Luo has an unexplained feeling of closeness to shisan. She can't help but want to get close to him and take care of him. In this way, his mother's feet are seriously injured and his brain is in trouble. Mother Luo can't leave him alone. Therefore, after knowing the truth, she immediately said to the middle-aged: "Fubo, I I can't go with you now. This young man is because of my accident. I can't leave him alone. I'll stay and take care of him! "

This made the middle-aged man speechless. He had already felt that it was a waste of time when he had promised her to look for someone. Now he has managed to find someone. The young lady said that she would stay to take care of such a irrelevant person. How could he accept this? He thought about it and replied, "Miss, the master has already told me that he must take you back, Besides, you are not a doctor. It's no use staying here. There will be unnecessary troubles. If you can't rest assured about this young man, I can take him to the capital, where I can find the best expert to treat him, and he should be recovered. You can rest assured of this! "Fubo's words made Luo's mother feel excited. She knew that she would not be able to help her stay. Not only that, she would probably be involved in another 13. After all, if Fubo and her daughter left, she and her daughter would no longer have any shelter. At that time, it would be easy for the Haibang to deal with them. She knew that she could not stay, but she could not leave such a favor People ignore it. Now, Forbes' advice to her is obviously killing two birds with one stone. Mother Luo is willing to listen to it, which is even more desirable. Through the incident of beating the police, she also knows his ability and should be able to find good experts. Moreover, the medical technology in the capital is indeed much more advanced than here. As long as the thirteen eggs are brought back, the treatment effect will certainly be better.

Thinking of this, Luo's mother still had some doubts and asked, "are all you said true? Can you help me with this?"

Luo's mother was suspicious of Fubo's words. She was afraid that the man would deliberately deceive her to go back. But what she didn't know was that Fubo had always been a man of his word, and this was still a piece of cake for him. He replied seriously to his mother: "Miss, you can rest assured that if you agree, I will go to handle the transfer procedures for him now!"

Said, he is about to leave the ward, and at this time, has been silent Ziyi suddenly moved, she in this moment, the heart became extremely empty, as if their precious things to be robbed in general, so, she did not think much, immediately stood up, said aloud: "I do not agree with you to take him away!"

When Ziyi said this, her expression was very serious and her voice was quite firm. If she said that it was other people who took the beggars away today, Ziyi might not stop them. She would be happy to find support for the beggars. However, the people who are going to take the beggars away are similar to her mother. How could she agree.

Although she could not be sure that the beggar was Suluo, she almost knew that the beggar was su Luo because she was like Luo's mother. Ziyi could almost conclude that the beggar was probably Suluo. No matter how much this possibility may be, Ziyi wanted to stay with the beggar. She left home to find Suluo, and the beggar in front of her was the only clue. Ziyi would never let anyone know Took him away.

What's more, Ziyi can see that their relationship with the middle-aged man is not clear. They don't know each other's details. They also need to take beggars to join them in the inexplicable people. Ziyi is absolutely not at ease. The most important thing is that Ziyi doesn't want the only beggar who can trust him to be robbed by them. Therefore, Ziyi doesn't care about the capital medical certificate It's a good thing. She just doesn't allow others to take beggars away.

Luo's mother was obviously surprised by Ziyi's words. In her mother's opinion, Ziyi is a girl who helps others. It's hard for her to help someone she doesn't know. It's very good that she can help here. However, mother Luo doesn't understand why Ziyi will prevent herself from taking her thirteen to the capital for treatment.

With doubt, mother Luo looked at Ziyi dully and said, "girl, don't worry. Thirteen is my benefactor. I'll take him to get better treatment. As for the money you spend in the hospital, I'll give it to you!"

But no matter what Luo's mother said, Ziyi was worried that the beggars would follow them, and she would not let the beggars leave their own, so Ziyi went directly to the hospital bed. In front of the beggar, said: "no, I just don't allow you to take him away!"

Luo's mother heard Ziyi's words, more and more strange, she wanted to say what, but at this time, light language has stood out, at the moment, only light language clearly Ziyi's mind, she knows, Ziyi, who has nothing to do with beggars, should have found the clue of thirteen, or have identified thirteen's identity, will show such emotional excitement Otherwise, Ziyi could not have such a reaction for a strange man.

For Ziyi, the farther away from the heart, the better. In order to avoid destroying her plan, she doesn't want to be taken away by Luo's mother at all. If she forcibly takes thirteen away this time, she doesn't know if there will be any trouble. Therefore, no matter what the status of shisan, Qingyu decides to quit. She doesn't want to argue with Ziyi. Because of this, Qingyu stands up and stops her mother and persuades him“ Mom, forget it. Let shisan stay here. I think Ziyi will take care of him! "

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