This time, mother Luo is really completely confused. She doesn't understand how even her daughter is like this. However, after a few words of persuasion, mother Luo slowly understands a little bit of meaning, but she still hasn't given up. She continues to say to Ziyi's bitter mother: "child, I'm also thinking for the sake of the patient. You also said that the doctors here have nothing to do with thirteen It depends on his own nature. Maybe I will take him to the capital, and maybe he will be cured there. "

Ziyi heard this, still a firm face, said: "you can rest assured, if the hospital here can not be cured, I will take him to the capital for treatment."

Ziyi's determination has been made, eight cattle can't pull, she can't let the beggars leave her side, now she is no more than at the beginning, she was capricious, vexatious, in order to leave for a few times to travel, but finally hurt himself completely, now. She knows how to seize the opportunity. She can do anything to love her. Even if she devotes all her efforts, she will cure the beggar. At that time, if the beggar is Suluo, then Ziyi's pay will be worth it. If not, Ziyi will have no regrets, and it will be a good deed.

Mother Luo saw that Ziyi was so resolute that she was a little helpless. Originally, if an ordinary patient, mother Luo was easy to put down. As long as he could get proper treatment, she could rest assured. But now this patient gave her a very different feeling. She was afraid that the patient might have something wrong. She just wanted to help him as much as she could, and even, keep watch all the time On his side, take care of him, this is mother Luo's original intention, but also mother Luo has been insisting on.

After hesitating for a while, Luo's mother still wanted to retort, but the light words around her stopped her in time and interrupted: "Mom, we'd better go!"

The voice of light voice is obviously unhappy, but also has a deep appeal flavor. She really doesn't want to stay here any more. She feels too depressed. She doesn't want to see her mother arguing with Ziyi all the time. She just wants to leave here quickly without any unnecessary trouble.

My daughter finally said, "my daughter is in a state of compromise, but she wants to help her, too."

A fight, so the curtain came to an end, Ziyi's persistence won the final victory, and from the beginning to the end, the beggar lying in the hospital bed did not make a sound, he just looked at this scene, showed a simple and honest smile, perhaps, in his world, there is no concept of debate. He seems to be in a carefree world, smiling all the time, his body is suffering from torture, but his spirit is always optimistic, no one knows what he is thinking.

The huge ward suddenly fell into a short silence. Then, mother Luo and her daughter were about to leave. Before leaving, mother Luo left all her savings and gave them to shisan as compensation. She also sincerely expressed thanks to shisan. In addition, she repeatedly asked Ziyi to take good care of shisan, and gave her contact information. If she could not be cured, she would like to leave her contact information OK, I'll go to the capital to find her.

When she left, she didn't say anything. She just took a meaningful look at 13 and left the ward with her mother.

When they all left, there were only Ziyi and thirteen or two people in the ward. At this time, Ziyi's uneasy heart finally stabilized. After this incident, Ziyi's feelings for beggars are different. No matter what, Ziyi feels that from now on, she must take good care of him wholeheartedly until he recovers.

The next two days, calm, Ziyi has been waiting for the beggar, take care of him, now Ziyi, as if incarnated into a hospital nurse, treat the patient, willing to do anything, even wipe the body of the beggar, she will do, because, in Ziyi's heart, already regarded the beggar as Suluo, she has no men and women to him There is no consideration for the concept of giving and receiving.

Under Ziyi's two-day sleepless care, the beggar's body recovered very well. At the end of the day, you can try to speak, but it's not easy to say. It's just enough to express what he wants to express. However, no matter what Ziyi does, he can't wake up his memory. He doesn't show any familiarity with Ziyi. His world is still blank, and his feelings can't be mentioned.

Ziyi will be disappointed to see him like this, but Ziyi is not discouraged and continues to take care of him persistently. On the fifth day of Ziyi's careful care, the beggars have almost recovered. Ziyi has been able to take the beggars downstairs for a walk in a wheelchair. Ziyi pushed thirteen and wandered in the grass downstairs of the hospital. Although such a day was very tiring, Ziyi felt very satisfied. In fact, what she had expected was this kind of life. She could accompany her beloved all her life. Ordinary but substantial days were very comfortable.

In the process of Ziyi pushing the beggar shisan for a walk, Ziyi is also tirelessly talking about her own affairs and confides with shisan. The sunshine shines on them, which warms them and makes Ziyi's heart feel hope. She hopes that life in the future can be as simple as now, walking, basking in the sun, talking, which is the biggest for Ziyi Satisfied, even if the beggar called her sister Ziyi, Ziyi's heart would be happy for a long time.In fact, many people can't understand why a beautiful girl is surrounded by an ugly and happy face. This is really hard to understand, but only Ziyi knows in her heart what kind of emotion she and the ugly people in the eyes of the world are. Her only hope now is to determine the identity of the beggar. As long as she knows that the beggar is Suluo, she does not care how ugly his appearance is, how disgusting he is, whether he becomes a waste man or not, whether he can live his life from himself Li, Ziyi are willing to accompany him through this life.

The reason why Ziyi fell in love with Suluo in the first place was that she loved him. She didn't care about her appearance, power, splendor and wealth. Ziyi didn't care. She even hated Suluo's road, the days of fighting and killing, and she was afraid that Suluo would encounter danger one day. She only hoped that there was a pure land in the world that could make her and Suluo live a quiet life It's better than anything.

Ziyi has been looking forward to this kind of life, but the sky is not what people want. When Ziyi takes the beggar as Suluo, enters into a beautiful reverie and feels strange happiness, a group of uninvited guests suddenly block Ziyi's way.

Ziyi didn't expect that in the lawn of the hospital, under the sunshine, she pushed a patient for a walk, and even someone would disturb her. Even the people who stopped her were not good at stubbornness. They were all ferocious. The person who took the lead was a man in a blue suit. The sun reflected his blue color clearly, which made his whole person seem to be scattered It's blue, it looks terrible.

However, this group of well-prepared evil men obviously did not come for Ziyi, but for the beggars in wheelchairs. Because all their eyes were focused on the beggars. When Ziyi was in a panic, one of the bald men came out of the crowd, pointed to thirteen, and said in a deep voice to the leader: "just It's him

The man in the blue suit is obviously the famous Zhang Xiong and young master Zhang. Although Zhang Xiong is ignorant and adrift all day, he still has a great position in this city, mainly because he has a very capable father.

Zhang Xiong's father can be regarded as an influential figure, because he is an old man of the Hai Gang, the head of five of the twelve halls of the Hai Gang, and a symbol of his identity and status. Of course, Zhang Xiong is not all a father, and he is not a waste. His own strength is not weak. In the younger generation, he is also a talent. However, the only drawback is that he is too weak Lecherous, in this city, any woman of some beauty can not escape his palm. He was spoiled since childhood. Now he is well-known and has never encountered any setbacks in the flowers.

But some time ago, he happened to fall in love with a receptionist. For his childe, this kind of common people is at his fingertips, and he doesn't need to spend any attention. Unexpectedly, he ran into a wall everywhere on this civilian girl. Later, Zhang Xiong went to check the woman's background and found that her name was Yan Qingyu. She had no background in H city but only her mother The two women depend on each other for their lives. In Zhang Xiong's opinion, her life experience is the easiest to accept.

However, to Zhang Xiong's surprise again and again, this light language is a thorn in the head, not hard and soft. Zhang Xiong had no choice but to transfer his mind to her mother. But in the end, he still got a brush in the face. This made Zhang Xiong unhappy and even more itchy. A young master like him could say that every woman had played with her. However, the more he refused, the more he wanted to get her, Jane I can't stop.

Even, in order to get light language, Zhang Xiong put down his posture and pretended to marry light language. He wanted to use marriage as a bait to seduce light language. The purpose was to get her. However, what made him speechless was that he was still refused. How could he bear this? He was impatient. He jumped over the wall in a hurry and wanted to be a bully In Xiong's dictionary, there is nothing he can't get. The woman he wants must be tasted by him in the end.

However, the fact once again subverted Zhang Xiong's world outlook and made him fall violently. Why didn't he think that the woman who he thought he was determined to get had an accident again. All the people he sent out were seriously injured. Moreover, he heard that the person who hit them had a big head. The leader held a senior officer's certificate and scared off the police station However, this identity did not scare him.

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