As for Zhang Xiong, he has never met any dignitaries. He himself is also a figure with background. Now someone moves on Tai Sui's head. How can Zhang Xiong swallow this tone? The most important thing is that he can't get a light voice. This really makes him itch. If his generation can't get this woman, he won't be reconciled to it all his life. Of course, Zhang Xiong is not an ordinary man The son of a son who does things will also use his brain. If he does not thoroughly investigate the background of light language, he does not dare to mess around.

At this moment, he went directly to the light language beggar who had helped him before, and wanted to get information from him. After all, in Zhang Xiong's opinion, the beggar was definitely related to their mother and daughter. Therefore, when his subordinates pointed out 13, Zhang Xiong stepped forward without saying a word, and asked the thirteen questions in the wheelchair: "say, what's the relationship between Yan Qingyu and you Where is it? "

Zhang Xiongju's attitude is arrogant and fierce. He doesn't pay attention to shisan. However, his attitude doesn't frighten shisan sitting in a wheelchair, but he frightens Ziyi on the side. She wanders alone in this city. She is completely helpless. Once she encounters trouble, she will die. Although Ziyi knows that trouble will not find her own, after all, she is in the There is no feud with people here, and no one should know the relationship between her and Suluo. It's just that if you find a beggar, Ziyi will panic. She is really afraid of beggars.

Zhang Xiong saw that he asked, but the other party didn't answer. He was still smiling. His anger suddenly came up. He reached out and grabbed the beggar's clothes. He yelled: "I don't have the patience to spend with you. Tell me quickly!"

He didn't know the status of the beggars. He only knew that he was a noble man. He came to visit him, but the other party didn't give him face. This made him unable to bear and thought that the other party looked down on him.

However, Zhang Xiong's move still did not cause any response from the beggars, but Ziyi was scared again. She hurriedly stepped forward to stop Zhang Xiong and said, "don't mess around. He was hit on the head. Now he is a fool. He has no memory. He doesn't know what you ask!"

Ziyi's mind was in chaos, and her heart was filled with fear. She still couldn't figure out why the visitor asked the beggars to whisper. She could only answer this truthfully.

However, her answer made Zhang Xiong understand that he was angry. He looked at the first 13 below carefully and found that he did not look like a normal person. Zhang Xiong's heart was suddenly disappointed, but in the next second, Zhang Xiong's eyes suddenly brightened.

Although he didn't want to ask about the light language, Zhang Xiong found Ziyi, who stood up to the new world. After a while, the Playboy's spirit came, and he became a little excited.

A flower in the flowers, may not be so dazzling, but if she is matched with a splash of cow dung, it will be quite different. With the beggar's foil, Ziyi's beauty immediately becomes clear, and it touches Zhang Xiong's heartstrings. Therefore, at this moment, Zhang Xiong directly takes back his heart from Qingyu, carefully looks at Ziyi, and then he is fascinated by color "Little sister, what's your name? What does it have to do with this smelly beggar

Zhang Xiong's tone was full of the flavor of molestation. Ziyi got goose bumps when he heard it. However, Ziyi was so angry that he could not speak. He had nothing to do with him. I saw that he was so poor that he almost died on the road, so I took him to the hospital

Ziyi knew that the other side was not well intentioned, only such vague response to him, hoping to get rid of the relationship, let the other side back.

However, Ziyi didn't know that Zhang Xiong, who was in front of her, would be a big lecher. Since he had already fixed his eyes on her prey, how could Zhang Xiong give up easily? After a pause, Zhang Xiong said with a smile: "my little sister is really a kind-hearted Bodhisattva. I don't know if you know me. My name is Zhang Xiong. I like a kind-hearted woman like girls, May I make friends with you

Zhang Xiong's goal has been clear now. Since he can't get light words for the time being, it's also very good to play with this prey first. He doesn't think that he will meet a second woman who doesn't know what to do. Anyway, he clearly stretched out the olive branch, and the other party should not dare to refuse him. However, what surprised Zhang Xiong again was that he was a prodigal son in love I ran into a wall here.

Ziyi was frightened by his words. Ziyi knew his purpose and almost didn't need to think about it, so she quickly refused: "sorry, I'm just here for a tour. I'm going home soon. I have something else to do. Excuse me!"

Seeing Zhang Xiong's bad intentions, Xu Nan can't stay any longer. As soon as she touches the other party's two-color squinting eyes, she feels chilly. At this moment, Ziyi just wants to run away from here quickly. As soon as she finishes this sentence, she pushes the beggar to leave.

But how could Zhang Xiong let Ziyi leave easily? He had already suffered a lot in Qingyu, but now he met a woman who didn't know what to do. He got angry directly. He grabbed the wheelchair and said to Ziyi in a cold voice: "sorry, this person is the one I'm looking for, you can't take it away!"

With that, he immediately ordered to the people around him: "bring him back to me!"

In fact, Zhang Xiong doesn't want to take a fool back to interrogation, wasting time and not getting results. His purpose is very simple, which is to slowly force Ziyi to yield.Seeing that they wanted to take the beggar away, Ziyi was immediately flustered. She was really afraid that the beggars would have something wrong, and even more afraid that they would take the beggars from her side. Therefore, she quickly lowered her posture and said in a supplicative tone: "elder brother, he is just a patient. His physical injury is not good, and you can't tell you anything. It's useless for you to take it back. What happens is not good at that time Now, you'd better let him stay in the hospital. When he's ready, you can ask anything you want! "

What Zhang Xiong wants is this kind of satisfaction. He likes women to be humble in front of him, so that he can show his nobility and make his confidence explode. Now, seeing that the other party is soft, Zhang Xiong feels that he is getting closer and closer to the goal. His posture becomes more and more arrogant. He directly picks his eyebrows and says to Ziyi: "I can let him go. I'm very bored today, How about you having a drink with your brother

Zhang Xiong's tone makes Ziyi nauseous. For her, nothing is more important than innocence, facing such a lecher. Even if she died, she would not destroy her innocence. Ziyi's heart was very clear. If she wanted to follow him, something would happen. Therefore, Ziyi didn't give him any room to discuss. She immediately replied, "sorry, brother, I don't drink!"

Ziyi's meaning is very obvious, is to refuse Zhang Xiong, this time, Zhang Xiong is completely out of patience. He thought that his most proud dignity had been broken again and again. Now that he was too lazy to work hard, since the soft one was not good, he had to come hard, otherwise he would let the prey fly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong instantly exposed his crazy side. He stretched out his hand, grabbed Ziyi in his arms, and said to her in a gloomy voice: "girl, I invite you voluntarily. It's for your face. You don't toast or eat or drink. Tell you what I want to do, no one can stop me. You have to go with me today!"

Zhang Xiong's words are very domineering, as if Laozi is the best in the world, and people can't refuse it. But Ziyi is different from other women. The stronger you are, the more disgusted she is. Just now she just saw that the other side is powerful, and she has been forbearing, but the other side has taken every inch to use brute force. This makes Ziyi no longer scruple. She directly opened her throat and cried out like crazy: "help Someone is playing rogue. Help

This is a hospital. In public places, Ziyi doesn't believe that there is no reason for it. Even if she completely offends this group of villains, Ziyi is not afraid of it. After all, she is not from here. She can't take the beggars home. After all, it's her own territory. No matter what, she can't let others invade her.

What Ziyi didn't expect was that her cry for help only attracted a lot of onlookers, but there was no one to help, even to stop. Zhang Xiong's subordinates heard Ziyi's voice, not only didn't panic, but also laughed, laughing and mocking her.

Those voices keep echoing in Ziyi's ears, and the people watching the excitement are even colder than Ziyi's. Let her deeply feel the horror here, here is more chaotic than her hometown, how can the people here be so lawless, this is still the world of human life?

At this moment, Ziyi suddenly felt that everything was dark in front of her eyes, and her heart was desperate to the bottom. She really didn't expect that once she came here, she would encounter such lawless scum.

When Ziyi was dispirited, Zhang Xiong opened his mouth again and said to Ziyi coldly and domineering: "be honest, go with me. You must understand that no one in this city will interfere with Zhang Xiong's business. Therefore, don't dream that someone will save you. As long as you are willing to listen, I will protect you for the rest of your life, otherwise, you can only ask for trouble!"

After all, Zhang Xiong is a weak woman. How can she break free of Zhang Xiong's arms? The more she struggles, the more powerless she is, the more desperate she is. The cruelty and cruelty of reality almost destroy her heart. Her whole person is dragged away by Zhang Xiong, and Zhang Xiong's subordinates see the beauty in the elder's arms They all left with a smile.

Thirteen, who was the main character just now, was ignored. He kept the same expression and a silly smile throughout the whole process. However, when he saw that Ziyi was forcibly dragged away, some of his nerves suddenly seemed to be touched. The dull smile on his face was also frozen in an instant. His crazy eyes suddenly sent out a kind of photography The cold light of human heart and soul, when all people ignored him, he suddenly stood up from the wheelchair, and issued a roar: "let her go!"

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