It turned out that I just fell on the air cushion paved by the fire brigade that day, so I was able to recover this life. Ma Qiang, however, did not die. However, he seems to have been seriously injured. He has been in a severe coma in the hospital. As for whether he has come out now, uncle Yang is not sure.

Originally, this will not be so easy to end, on the one hand, the school did not dare to make it too sensational, has been pressing. On the other hand, I was diagnosed with mental illness, so I didn't need to bear any responsibility. Moreover, Ma Qiang was the first to deceive others. At this time, his parents were angry and had no place to go. Under the mediation of the school, uncle Yang compensated Ma Qiang's family for a small amount of medical expenses. After Yang shulue had passed, it would be over. But for me, the school did not have how, still kept my school status, let me rest school to recuperate.

Hearing this result, uncle Yang was quite satisfied, so he readily accepted it. However, as soon as the name Ma Qiang was mentioned, uncle Yang was not angry. He said that if the guy had not learned his lesson, he would not have let him off easily.

Hearing such news, I was still quite shocked. After such a big thing happened, the school didn't even dismiss me. Thank God. After uncle Yang finished speaking, I said solemnly to Uncle Yang: "uncle, I want to go back to school!"

After that, uncle Yang was startled by my words. He immediately said solemnly, "no, you can't go back. Your illness is just right. In case Ma Qiang bullies you, you should stay at home. Uncle can support you!"

"Uncle, I thought about it for a long time before I said it to you. There are some things I can't escape. I have to face the reality. If I eat and die at home, I will become a waste. I don't want to live like this again. Uncle, don't worry. In school, who dares to get along with a psychopath who doesn't want to die! "

My words are full of self-confidence, but Uncle Yang is still not at ease in letting me go out, afraid that I will be revenged and so on. Therefore, he has been constantly dissuading me, let me not go back. I can fully understand uncle Yang's practice. If it is given to me, it will be like Uncle Yang.

But in the end, uncle Yang didn't twist me. I just stood up and said to Uncle Yang forcefully: "uncle, don't worry. I'm going back to fulfill the promise I promised you. If I don't mess with others, others won't touch me. After all, mental patients are still very dangerous!"

The voice just fell, my eyes are very firm, the eyes exude a strong light, the corners of the mouth unconsciously showed an evil smile.

Seeing your firm eyes, uncle Yang was silent for a while. Finally, he agreed with me. Then, he helped me contact the school leaders and explained my current situation. The school didn't embarrass me and allowed me to continue to go to school. Just remember not to be like the last time.

After the school arrangement, I decided to leave for school the next day. Before leaving, uncle Yang took me to buy some new clothes and cut my head with me. Because my hair was messy and mixed with countless white hair, I cut it short and dyed it black.

Now it's much more pleasing to the eye. With my new set of clothes, I dress up more sunny, so that I look like I'm back to the taste of youth.

When everything was ready, I boarded the train back to school with my bag and luggage on my back. Before I got on the train, uncle Yang insisted on seeing me off, but I politely refused and said with profound meaning: "uncle, I'm growing up, and I'll go my own way in the future."

Uncle Yang knew my temper, so he didn't say anything, so he compromised.

The next day, in the afternoon, I came to the gate of the school. Standing in this familiar and strange place, my heart was full of ripples. The scenes that had happened flashed in front of me one by one. The things were still those things, the people were still those people, and the school was still that school. But the difference was that my mood at this time was no longer comparable to that before Yes.

Facing this school which once filled me with nightmares again, I no longer feel panic. In the face of the people I am about to meet, I no longer feel afraid. I am no longer afraid of my future life here, but I look forward to it very much.

Lost in the door for a long time, I just came out of memory, sorted out their own clothes, I stood up board, with a smile, raised feet, stepped into the campus.

The campus is still the same as before. The people in the campus are also living a normal life according to their original track. The waves I had when I jumped from the building seemed to have been forgotten. No one noticed me or recognized me. My arrival was undoubtedly like a passer-by.

In this way, in the case of no one recognized, all the way low-key came to their bedroom door.

Standing outside the door, I clearly heard the conversation among the roommates inside. The first one I heard was the voice of the fat man: "Wang Jian, you piled all your luggage on Suluo's bed. What should he do if he wants to come back?"

Immediately, Wang Jian's disdainful voice rang out: "come back a hair, are you stupid, neuropathy is to say cure can be cured? Even if he is cured, do you think he still dares to come to school? Brother Johnson has to skin him

His voice fell, the bedroom immediately burst out a burst of laughter, with this burst of laughter, I gently opened the door, walked in.My sudden appearance made the laughter stop suddenly. Several roommates looked at me at the same time. There were doubts, fears and even ridicule in their eyes.

Under their inexplicable gaze, I stared at Wang Jian without expression, pointed to my bed, and read word by word: "take it all away!"

Wang Jian, in particular, saw my sudden appearance, his face changed so ugly, with fear in his eyes, and his disdainful tone just disappeared. He said tremblingly: "you, you are back, Suluo!"

The corner of my mouth smile, light said: "yes, I'm back!"

This time, Wang Jian's face was even more ugly. He bit his teeth and said weakly, "I didn't expect that you dare go back to school?"

I didn't care. Then I put my backpack on my shoulder on the chair next to me. My face changed instantly. I said to Wang Jian in a cold voice, "I said to take the things from my bed. Didn't you hear me?"

Feeling that I was angry, Wang Jian was in a hurry and started to act. In less than a minute, my bed was vacated. Then Wang Jian said in a hurry, "Suluo, I'm kind to advise you. Now if you can escape, you'll have no chance in the future."

I didn't expect that I could speak so well. I not only cleaned up the things, but also cleaned up my messy bed. I was very satisfied with his evaluation.

Then, I shrugged my shoulders and pretended to be indifferent. I said calmly, "let him come whatever he wants. I'll wait. But here, I still thank you for helping me make the bed, so that I can make it myself

Wang Jian didn't expect that I didn't sell him face at all. His anger almost broke out. However, when he touched my sharp eyes, he stifled his breath back into his stomach and said, "Suluo, you have a kind of TMD!"

I'm not surprised to see him so obedient. I just feel that he is really a bully. If you are weak, he will ride on your head. If you are strong or not, he will be afraid. People are good to be bullied, and horse is good to be ridden. This sentence is right, which strengthens my faith in my heart and bravely faces all the things that will happen in the future.

The next day, I came to the class early, just arrived at the door of the classroom, behind me came a familiar female voice: "Suluo?"

I stopped and turned my head gently. Unexpectedly, I couldn't take precautions against it. This man was the long lost "Zhang Qian!"

Long time no see, she is still so fashionable, and she exudes the breath of youth, but she has also changed, changed more calm than before, the former pungent character disappeared in her body, she ran to me quickly, and said in surprise: "I didn't think it was really you!"

I was full of doubts and asked her, "when did you come back and your trouble has been solved?"

Zhang Qian replied, "I came back the day after your accident. I was surprised to hear that you stabbed Ma Qiang. Me? It's OK. "

She didn't answer the question behind me, but simply omitted it. I know that this is the privacy of others after all. Since Zhang Qian doesn't want to say it, it's not convenient for me to ask again.

Before I could speak, Zhang Qian, in order to avoid this problem, changed the topic and continued to say, "Suluo, I heard that you are not insane? Why is it all right now? "

After that, she seemed to realize that she had said something wrong. She quickly changed her mouth and said again, "I'm really sorry. I said something wrong. I just want to ask, are you well?"

For Zhang Qian, the relationship with her is not good, but I haven't seen her for a long time, or listen to cordial, but on second thought, I still can't have too much intersection with her. Although I'm not afraid of Liu Boyang now, I don't want to cause trouble. If I can get away from it, just stay away.

So, I directly playfully said: "mental illness is not completely good, so you will try to stay away from me in the future, or I will be crazy, you will be very dangerous Oh!"

What I didn't expect was that my words not only didn't scare Zhang Qian, but also made her laugh. She said with a smile: "not bad, Su Luo, but also learned to make fun of it. It seems that it's really good and quick!"

Immediately, we both entered the class together and found a seat. After sitting down, Zhang Qian seemed to think of something. She quickly came to the front of me and said to me nervously, "Oh, by the way, how dare you come to school? I heard that Ma Qiang has been discharged from hospital and will return to school in the next few days. He has already spoken and said that if you come back, you will not be let go of you!"

Looking at Zhang Qian in front of me is also a piece of good intention, I light reply: "this you can rest assured, he dare not take me how, if he really intends to deal with me, no matter where I hide, he will find it!"

With that, I lowered my head and sorted out the textbook for class. Seeing that I was so confident, Zhang Qian didn't say anything and went back to her seat.

I sat in the last row of the class, very humble position, not easy to be found, students came to the classroom from the outside, no one noticed my existence, the cold classroom with the arrival of students, immediately became noisy.

Just when I was concentrating on reading, the class did not know that the classmate suddenly screamed and yelled: "that, that's not Suluo!"I gradually raised my head and found that the eyes of the whole class were looking at me. The originally noisy classroom suddenly became silent. Everyone looked at me strangely. Everyone's eyes were full of shock!

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