The classroom, which was quiet for a moment, suddenly fell into the noise. All kinds of voices were heard in the whole classroom. They were all talking about me. Some people were curious about whether my neuropathy was good or not. Some people wondered why I would go back to school. Some people were still holding the heart of watching the excitement. The noisy voices came one after another.

I didn't think so. Before I came back, I was ready to accept it. I continued to look down at the books I had just read. I looked at them carefully, as if everything around me had nothing to do with me.

Even when the teacher came to class, I was surprised to see me, but I didn't pay attention to it. I just looked at the book and immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

Time, inadvertently slowly passed, back to school these days, I still very happy, very happy, although as before, no one is willing to contact with me, but at least no one to bully me.

Those people who always bully me usually hide far away from me now. I know clearly that no one will take the initiative to cause a mental illness. Even those who once looked at me very unpleasant will not take the initiative to oppose me. In this school, so far, no one dares to bully me.

In the past few days in school, I also learned about the situation in the class. Now, our class has been officially occupied by Liu Boyang. During the period of Ma Qiang's suspension from school and recuperation, Liu Boyang was given a good opportunity. He took the opportunity to swallow up several classes of our class, and also got over the former Department of Ma Qiang, so as to really strengthen his own strength.

There are ten classes in our class. Liu Boyang occupied six of them. In the remaining four classes, except for two that have been standing on Ma Qiang's side, there is another class that is all girls. They do not participate in the fight and are in the neutral room. The last class left is Han Boyang's class.

Although Han Boyang didn't participate in the school's struggle, no one had any idea about him. They all knew that his main force was outside the school. He completely ignored the children's careerism on campus.

The two classes that follow Ma Qiang are also crumbling at present, but they are temporarily suppressed by Ma Qiang's iron friends. Basically, all the people who used to follow Ma Qiang were bought by Liu Boyang. Therefore, Liu Boyang seems to have become the overlord of our freshman class. In this silent war, Liu Boyang became the final winner because I stabbed Ma Qiang.

At the beginning, I was taken as cannon fodder for the fight by Liu Boyang and Ma Qiang. In order not to be bullied by Liu Boyang, I tried my best to turn to Ma Qiang. I didn't expect that the creation made people fool me. Finally, the cannon fodder ended the fight, which led to Liu Boyang's loophole. He's made him. He's got me.

Now, it is not the same as before. The situation has reversed greatly. The person who wanted to strip me alive has become Ma Qiang, and the only person who can cover me has become Liu Boyang. Zhang Qian also kindly told me that she took the initiative to help me lead the line, let me go to Liu Boyang, said that only he can cover me, I still thank her for her kindness, but I did not think about it at all, so I resolutely refused.

Liu Boyang is the mastermind of all these plots. He beat me and scolded me intentionally at the beginning, and then let things develop to the present situation. Without him, my fate would not have been like this. In my opinion, he is more disgusting than Ma Qiang. He is a man with deep city, dark heart and small belly. He is unreliable.

In the face of Zhang Qian's kind advice, I was always indifferent. In the end, she could only tell me to do it well. In fact, I understand that in the whole class and even the whole school, only Zhang Qian is really sympathetic to me. Although she is not deeply worried, she is really a person who really cares for me.

However, now I don't think so much. I just want to make sure that people don't offend me and I don't commit crimes. In my eyes, all people and things are not important. Now my focus of life is almost entirely on my study. I study hard every day and try to make up for all the lessons missed in this semester.

Students see me every day, I can still concentrate on learning under such a situation. In the face of Ma Qiang, who will come back at any time, I have no trace of prevention. They all think that my illness has not been well and I am still in a state of mental illness. No one can understand what I think in my head every day.

The calm days lasted for two weeks. By the third week, the storm in people's mouth finally came.

It was Tuesday. The sun was bright and the air was dry. After lunch, I returned to the classroom early with some books.

As soon as I entered the door, the gloating voice of those who could only watch the excitement came to my ears:

"hahaha, there is a good play to watch at last!"

"I don't know how Ma Qiang revenged Suluo this time."

"Although I can't bear to see Ma Qiang bullying Suluo, I'm still looking forward to it, ha ha!"


These so-called students, only at this time, will concentrate on one thing, those excited expressions, more excited than five million, even Liu Boyang also appeared in our class, waiting for the beginning of the good play.

I came to the classroom, went straight to the corner of the last row, sat down and repeated what I did every day.Butt in the chair has not done hot, Zhang Qian came to me, anxiously said: "Suluo, how dare you come to the classroom, you have not heard? Ma Qiang has come back! Take advantage of this opportunity, you'd better hurry away. "

I looked up at Zhang Qian and said calmly, "well, I already knew he was back. Is there anything strange about it? And why do I run? "

After listening to my reply, Zhang Qian was a little surprised and said, "are you stupid? He will definitely deal with you when he comes back. You should go out and hide first, wait for me to observe for a few days and see what his attitude is before informing you!"

I am pleased to smile, gently said: "Zhang Qian, thank you for your kindness, you do not know, Ma Qiang is the kind of person who has revenge, especially when I broke his face in front of his whole class, he won't forgive me, he will revenge me severely!"

Zhang Qian listened to my answer, staring at the boss, she may not be able to believe, only a few months no, my change is so big, like a changed person, she couldn't believe staring at me for a long time, then slowly said: "you, are not afraid?"

I smile at Zhang Qian, then slowly lower my head, turn up my textbook, no longer pay attention to her.

Zhang Qian this hot face pasted my cold buttocks, I made her completely helpless, she did not say anything, then returned to the seat.

As soon as Zhang Qian left, the front door of the classroom banged and was kicked open by the bully. The noisy classroom suddenly became silent, and a strange atmosphere filled it. I know that he came, but also slightly raised his head, looked at the classroom door, the rate of the advanced door, it is Ma Qiang!

After only a few months, Ma Qiang has changed a lot. His chicken head has been cut into a board inch head, and his fat body has also lost weight. Now, there are two more striking scars on his face, which extend to his neck. One of them comes down from his eyes, which looks startling. These two scars make this man, who is one meter eight, more powerful and domineering. Behind him, he is always followed by several friends who are inseparable from him.

Among them, I also noticed Wang Jian, who also followed Ma Qiang. When I looked up, Wang Jian caught me at a glance. He pointed at me and said to Ma Qiang, "brother Qiang, Suluo is there!"

His voice, in this quiet classroom, is particularly loud, everyone along the direction of Wang Jian's fingers, looking at me. And Ma Qiang's eyes, also immediately looked at me.

Four eyes relative, Ma Qiang's ferocious face now looks even more ferocious. He gently waved his hand, and all of them came towards my position.

Looking at the coming Ma Qiang, my heart is not a bit flustered, the heart is extraordinary calm, even what is fear I seem to forget, just sit in situ, quietly waiting for their arrival.

Soon, Ma Qiang came to me. However, he didn't hit me immediately. He just sat on my desk and said to me calmly, "Suluo, long time no see! How are you doing? "

Hearing this, not only I, but even the whole class watching the excitement, were shocked. I looked at Ma Qiang in front of me, and I found that he had changed. From the calm words, he became more terrible than before. The appearance of peace seemed to be more terrible, but behind it was more terrible.

Even if he becomes in terror, facing him, I am still calm as water. For me now, there is really nothing that can make me feel afraid. I have stabbed people and committed suicide. I am not afraid of death. What else can I fear again.

After staring at Ma Qiang for a long time, I just smile at him and say, "thank you for your concern. I have a really good life."

Wang Yadong grinned slightly and replied jokingly to me: "well, it looks good. It looks like it's red, but it's still growing. It seems that the food in the mental hospital is good!"

In the face of his sarcasm, I calmly said: "well, the food there is really more delicious than the canteen, you can try it."

Hearing the words protruding from my mouth, the whole class burst into laughter. Seeing that I was still so calm, Ma Qiang's eyes flashed a trace of anger. He sneered and said, "OK, OK, OK, I appreciate people like you. I believe that the future will be more and more interesting."

From the moment Ma Qiang appeared in the classroom, everyone thought that Ma Qiang would fight me directly. However, no one expected that the two of us even talked and laughed with our old friends just like reminiscing about the past. However, behind the calm, there was a turbulent wave. I could see that Ma Qiang was impatient and was about to break out.

But I pretended to ask for Rao's pitiful appearance, shivering said: "I, I, I regret it!"

Seeing my appearance, Ma Qiang and his friends behind him couldn't help laughing. Wang Jian in our bedroom quickly flattered Ma Qiang and said, "as soon as brother Qiang comes out, this boy is really counselled. Where is your usual arrogance? I tell you, waste is rubbish. Don't think about being a hero."

Hearing Wang Jian's words, Ma Qiang felt a great sense of achievement, and then to me, arrogantly said: "what do you regret? Do you think it's useful to regret now? I tell you, it's lateI returned to the appearance just now, looked at Ma Qiang seriously and solemnly called out to him: "you know, these two months, I have been in the middle of self blame, every night will be awakened by nightmares, I really regret at the bottom of my heart, I regret that I started too lightly, did not kill you this scum thoroughly!"

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