He never expected that I would say such a word in my mouth. This sentence, like a powder primer, directly blew Ma Qiang up. He stretched out his hand, grabbed me by the collar and lifted me from the seat. He said angrily, "do you really think I dare not move you?"

Because he was so excited, he spattered his saliva all over the place when he spoke. I put out one hand to wipe the saliva on my face, and the other hand quietly extended into my trouser pocket and took out the spring knife I had prepared.

When I raised the hand holding the knife, Ma Qiang accidentally found out that he quickly released it. I jumped aside and dodged. At that moment, he picked up a book from the desktop, pointed at me, and yelled: "what do you want to do? Do you really think I dare not do anything to you? Believe it or not, I will kill you immediately

Although Ma Qiang's tone of voice is arrogant, I can feel that he is also flustered by my behavior, and his eyes show a subtle fear. Even those students watching the fun are also scared by my move. Some timid girls have already yelled!

I ignored other people's reaction, directly in public view, slowly took off my clothes, bared my arms, saw me again crazy action? Some of the girls are shy to cover their faces, others have been completely stunned, no one knows what I am going to do now.

I chuckled frivolously. Then I handed the knife in my hand to Ma Qiang and said seriously: "you have always said that you want to kill me. Now I will give you this opportunity. If you are still a man, if you still want to revenge, you will come, and I will follow you!"

After that, I put my fist in the position of my heart and gently hammered it, indicating that the heart was here.

This scene, so that everyone panic, even as the protagonist of Ma Qiang, also stunned, how he did not expect, my neuropathy will be crazy to this point.

Without waiting for him to open his mouth, I said again, "however, please remember that you'd better kill me as soon as possible, and don't give me any breathing space. Otherwise, as long as I have one breath, I will be crazy and retaliate against you by any means. Between us, either you die or I die!"

Now I don't like what they think. My mental illness has recurred again. On the contrary, I am calm and sober now. I know clearly that Ma Qiang and I have only courage when things come to this stage. There is a saying well said, soft ones are afraid of hard ones, hard ones are afraid of horizontal ones, and horizontal ones are afraid of dying ones. For me, this is a win rate of 100% A 50% bet.

If Ma Qiang's knife really goes on, I don't care. I'll die again. But if he withdraws, then from now on, there will be no one who dares to provoke me any more, and no one will feel sorry for an insane psychosis.

Moreover, I'm sure that Ma Qiang doesn't dare to attack. He is a bully, or he won't hold on to me all the time. In the face of Han Boyang's warning, why didn't he resist? Why did he put all his anger on me.

As I expected, Ma Qiang immediately fell into silence after listening to my words. He felt like a tiger riding on a tiger. He was so angry that his face turned red and his veins were swelling.

For a while, he got tangled and started. He didn't dare. Give up, his face is more ridiculed. After tangled up, he did not know where the courage came from. He bit his teeth and quickly snatched the spring knife from my hand. He roared angrily, "do you think I dare not do it?"

With that, his hand with the knife hit my heart. I stood there, closed my eyes, waiting for death.

However, the situation is very coincidental, it can also be said that my life should not be cut off. At this critical moment, the bell of the class suddenly rings, and suddenly, the classroom filled with gunpowder smoke, for a moment, recovered its calm.

I can feel that Ma Qiang's nervous tension is also relaxed. The bell rings in time and gives him a good step. He points to me with a spring knife immediately. His words are full of warnings and says: "little bunny, wait for me after class!"

Said, with a few diehards, left the classroom. To tell you the truth, at this moment, I am also secretly relieved.

To tell you the truth, when the knife is still one centimeter away from my heart, I am still a little afraid. I am also a living man with flesh and blood and thoughts. In spite of this, I can't show it at all. Otherwise, everything will fail.

Today's me, whether it is now or in the future, in front of anyone who bullies me, I have to behave like a madman. Only in this way can I not be slaughtered. Therefore, I continued to pretend calm, in the eyes of all people, slowly put on the clothes, and then sat down safely.

At this time, I seem to hear the class, came the girl's voice: "so handsome!"

"I didn't expect that solo was such a man!"

"Wow, it's like solo has changed now."

"Suluo is so handsome that she dares to challenge Ma Qiang."


The praise of the girls makes me very satisfied. No wonder everyone likes to show off in front of the girls. It turns out that this is the pleasure after loading B. I lowered my head and laughed secretly.Soon, the teacher came in, began to class, I gently open the textbook, listen carefully!

An afternoon's class was fleeting. When the teacher left school, Ma Qiang led those people at noon again. Several students sitting near me immediately gave up a large area of venue. All the students in the class followed the appointment and found a suitable place to observe me and Ma Qiang beside me.

Such a large classroom is now equivalent to a big stage, and Ma Qiang and I are like the protagonists of the play. The several diehards around him have played supporting roles very well. Several of them run to close the front and rear doors.

After everything was ready, Ma Qiang immediately took out the spring knife that robbed me at noon, played with it for a few times, and said playfully, "hum, play rogue with me, don't think I will be afraid of you. Don't worry, I won't kill you. I still know the truth of killing and breaking the law. I don't want to use my life to offset your cheap life. However, I will not let you go. I will play you worse than death every day. As for what you said, you will find me to revenge. I will wait for you all the time. Now, I may as well tell you that Laozi TM is not frightening! "

After that, he took up the spring knife to trim his nails, and said to his friends: "brothers, go on, give me a good beating. If you don't kill me, I'll take care of what happened."

Those people were not happy with me, especially Wang Jian. When he heard Ma Qiang's words, he was the first to rush forward. However, unexpectedly, he didn't pretend to understand.

I couldn't wait to be killed and let them beat me. At the moment when Wang jianchong came up, I raised my foot and kicked him in his stomach. When he saw me like this, he wanted to stop and didn't make it, so I kicked him out directly.

This move made the whole class cheer for me. Wang Jian, lying on the ground, was so ugly that his face turned red. Ma Qiang looked at him and angrily scolded, "how can you even be a waste now? What do you think? Get up and go on!"

Hearing this, Wang Jian did not dare to disobey Ma Qiang. He quickly stood up and jumped at me again.

Although, I can't be content with the status quo and do resistance, but I can't stand many people. After several times of resistance, I was pressed on the ground by their people and beat me constantly. The whole class still kept a lively attitude, and no one came out to stop them.

Ma Qiang was on the side and said with ridicule, "Suluo, where did your courage go just now? You're going to continue to resist. I don't mind if you ask me for mercy. Maybe I can consider letting you go for a while."

My thin body, how can I bear their angry fists and feet, the pain makes my whole body tremble. But hearing Ma Qiang's disgusting words, I used all my strength to retort in a loud voice: "go to your MD, don't want to hear the words of begging for mercy in Laozi's mouth in the future."

Hearing my answer, Ma Qiang laughed and said, "brothers, make it harder. It seems that he doesn't hurt."

The pain on the body stimulated every nerve, but I still clenched my teeth, so that I did not cry out. Seeing my appearance, Zhang Qian, who was watching, couldn't look down completely. She yelled at Ma Qiang: "Ma Qiang, you don't need to do this. Although he did to you before, it was also forced by you. It's your fault. No wonder Suluo!"

Ma Qiang glared at Zhang Qian fiercely, then raised the knife in his hand, pointed to Zhang Qian and said: "who wants to be nosy? I tell you, I'm not Liu Boyang, so I won't listen to your manipulation, and don't think that Liu Boyang protects you, I dare not take you how."

Zhang Qian was roared by Ma Qiang and did not dare to say anything. When Liu Boyang, who was watching the excitement, heard Ma Qiang say so, he was not happy immediately. He said angrily, "Ma Qiang, I tell you, it doesn't matter how you treat Suluo, but you say that Zhang Qian has something to do with me!"

Hearing Liu Boyang say so, Ma Qiang hesitated for a moment and said, "since Liu Boyang, since you don't want me to say Zhang Qian, you should take good care of her and tell her not to meddle in her affairs. What's more, we will calculate our account later!"

Liu Boyang said with a smile: "happy to accompany you!"

Then, the two people did not say anything, they were silent with their own heart, and no one in the class stood up to speak for me. And I, the teeth that hurt were almost broken, but I still said nothing. Compared with the past, now I have a bit more backbone, even if the pain is no longer painful, I will not ask for mercy.

I don't know how long they have been fighting. These people stopped beating me. As soon as they stopped, Ma Qiang immediately came to me, kicked me paralyzed on the ground, and said fiercely, "have you taken it now?"

I couldn't look at him. Without saying anything, Ma Qiang's eyes were filled with anger. He kicked a few feet fiercely, and then squatted down to grab my hair and said, "can't I ask if you're satisfied?"

I opened my mouth and spat blood directly into Ma Qiang's face. I said softly, "I'm not satisfied. If you have the seed, you'll kill me!"

This time, Ma Qiang was completely angered by me, anger has made him lose his mind, he suddenly raised the spring knife, stabbed at my thigh, roared: "see how I torture you!"All I have left now is the courage not to be afraid of death. I can't even lose this point. Even though my body has suffered inhuman torture, I still don't give in to Ma Qiang. I can't change back to Suluo, who was slaughtered before. In any case, I'll stick to it until I graduate from university.

With this firm belief, I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, waiting for the coming pain. But as soon as I closed my eyes, I heard the sound of the door being kicked open, accompanied by a very beautiful question and answer voice: "excuse me, is student Suluo here?"

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