The voice of the visitor is very hoarse. It sounds very vicissitudes. It feels like a middle-aged uncle. However, his visit broke our suffocating tension in time. The knife in Ma Qiang's hand also stayed in the air, and his eyes unconsciously looked at the door of the classroom. The eyes of other people in the classroom also looked in the direction of the sound.

While I was lying on the ground, my consciousness had already been blurred. In addition, I was surrounded by the crowd. I couldn't see what the visitor looked like. But soon, the man came into my neighborhood and looked at Ma Qiang. They asked, "do you know who Suluo is?"

As soon as his words were finished, all the people looked at me unconsciously and looked at me paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog. The man also looked at me with their eyes, squatted down and asked softly, "are you solo?"

Until this moment, I can see his appearance clearly. The visitor is dressed like a cowboy. His skin is dark, his height is not very high, and his eyes are full of arrogance and arrogance. When listening to the voice, he is not a good judge.

I don't know why he came to me, but one thing I can be sure of is that I don't know him and I don't have this person in my mind. However, fortunately, his timely appearance prevented me from suffering from the knife wound. Although his consciousness was vague, he did mention my name. I quickly nodded and said, "well, it's me. I'm solo."

For the strange man's question, I quickly answer, he is like a life-saving straw, I want to grasp it hard. However, I was disappointed by the strange man's reaction. Seeing such a scene, he found a seat beside him and sat down. Looking at Ma Qiang's group, he said with a smile: "your school is still very lively. If you have nothing to do, you can move the knife. If you have nothing to do, you can continue. I'll just have a look at the excitement."

Hearing this, Ma Qiang didn't go on, but asked, "who are you? What are you looking for Solo for? "

The strange man slowly replied, "it doesn't matter who I am. Besides, you and I are not familiar with each other, so there is no need to introduce myself too much. I just follow my boss's orders and take Suluo to see him, but my boss doesn't say that the dead are still in the past, so you go on and I'll watch. If it's done, let me know. "

With that, he also put on a pair of legs, habitually felt out of his pocket cigarette, a look of nothing to do with himself, and began to smoke.

Although he showed indifference, there was a kind of invisible pressure in his words, which made Ma Qiang hesitant. At first, he used the knife to me under the impulse, but now someone else intervened. Ma Qiang, who lost his sense, was calm and lost the courage to fall.

After struggling for a while, Ma Qiang still put down his knife and held it for a long time before he warned me: "Suluo, for the sake of someone looking for you today, let you go for the time being. However, we have a long way to go. Let's see how I can kill you

With that, he waved his hand and left with his friends.

Other students did not see lively can see, also left in succession, finally the class only left Zhang Qian, she quickly ran to my side to help me up, concern asked: "you, are you ok?"

Finish saying, looked at the strange man on one side with puzzled eyes.

After standing up, I was strong and calm. I patted the dust on my body and said calmly, "I have nothing to do. You go first."

Zhang Qian sighed, and then looked at the strange man, then slowly left, out of the door, did not forget to look back a few more.

Less than a minute, so big classroom left me and a strange man, I sat down in the chair, to the strange man whispered: "thank you!"

I knew in my heart that if there was no strange man, I would be doomed today. At least, Ma Qiang would stab me. But the strange man didn't care. He stood up from his seat and said in a joking tone, "don't thank me. I didn't help anything. If you want to thank you, you can thank that boy. It's the knife in his hand. Now, can you still walk? "

He felt speechless about his answer and said, "well, it's OK to walk."

I stood up and jumped on the ground a few times, like a strange man, showing that I could do it. Then, the strange man turned around and said, "if it's OK, just follow me!"

Said, he then left the classroom, left me a natural and unrestrained figure. Looking at his fearless back that day, I thought for a long time, then moved my heavy step, followed up.

On the way, the strange man didn't say a word to me. He just walked around, humming and singing songs. Time passed quietly. Soon, we came to the school. Although I was confident that the strange man was harmless to me, I still couldn't help asking: "brother, who is your boss You want to see me

The strange man glanced back at me and said carelessly, "you will know later, what's so urgent?"

Then he continued to ignore me and went on. This I have no choice but to follow, with him through a few paths, came to the commercial street, into an Internet cafe, until a corner of the Internet cafe, the strange man just stopped by a man's side. At this time, this person is wholeheartedly playing the most popular online game.Looking at this man's back from behind, I was surprised. I didn't expect that the eldest brother of the strange man was a woman. Her skin was white, her fingers were slender and slender, her ears were still nailed with earrings, and her hair was not too long and scattered. I was really scared. I didn't have any psychological preparation. What did such a heroine do to me? Did I offend her?

For a while, I was nervous and speechless. I waited until she declared the victory of the game. Then I said shyly, "sister, do you want me?"

As soon as I uttered my words, the strange man who had been standing beside me couldn't help laughing. He patted me hard on the back of the head and scolded, "you're blind, you're called big brother!"

There are several people sitting next to the man who is called the eldest by the strange man. The people who play the game together can't help laughing. But I am totally confused. I don't know what's going on. However, when the so-called boss takes off the headset on his head and turns to look at me, I'm petrified in an instant. NIMA is actually a man.

This eldest brother is too feminine. His skin is even better than that of ordinary girls. It is in sharp contrast with the black and rough skin of a strange man. I have never seen that boy look so beautiful. I am messy and blush. Don't look at the man in front of me.

Fortunately, the man was not angry and asked me in his enchanting voice, "are you solo?"

My TMD completely collapsed. This product not only looks beautiful, but also has such a sexy voice that it can melt people's hearts. I am full of curiosity about his gender and even seriously suspects that he has undergone sex change surgery.

When I was thinking, the strange man kicked me hard and scolded: "Hey, what do you think of TM? The boss asked you something

He kicked me out of the fantasy, I immediately wake up, red face said: "yes, yes, yes, brother, I am Suluo, if false, ask elder brother are you?"

See me blush, in front of the handsome man can not help but smile, smile is also fascinating, he smiles at me, very polite said: "Hello, my name is Shen Muchen!" Then he stood up and stretched out his right hand to you!

My mind is running fast, I really can't remember when I knew such a number one person, so I can only ask in a low voice: "brother Chen, what can I do for you?"

Say, my hand also don't feel deep come out, and handsome man hold together!

Shen Muchen pursed his lips, slightly playful: "well, ten days ago, my father was entrusted by a friend surnamed Yang and asked me to help you. Don't be bullied. I played games and forgot about it. Today, my father called me again. I suddenly remembered that. I immediately called the crab and called you here. Why, didn't you go back to school for a long time, you were beaten like this dog? "

I was speechless, ashamed of the low head, at this time, do not know who called a sentence: "boss, the game began!"

Immediately, Shen Muchen directly ignored me, directly jumped on the chair to play the game, even the crab, I do not know when also sat in front of a computer, there is a model to play.

I, a passer-by, have been ignored. I stood awkwardly behind Shen Muchen and wanted to go, but I didn't go when I thought of what he said. From his words, I already understood that uncle Yang really did it for me. I thought he had forgotten it!

Although Shen Muchen regards me as the air now, I still have the cheek to stay. I can't live up to Uncle Yang's good intentions. What's more, even if I'm not afraid of death, I will collapse after a long time in the face of Ma Qiang's constant torture every day. So if I want to defeat Ma Qiang thoroughly, I can only choose to follow Shen Muchen, and he is the only one It's my only straw. Perhaps now ignore me, just a test for me, I just stand behind Shen Muchen silently, watching them play games.

What makes me embarrassed is that after they finished a game, they didn't mean to stop. They continued to play one game after another, as if they had forgotten me. What they just said didn't happen.

My stomach was all hungry, but I was still waiting patiently. Until more than eight o'clock in the evening, there was an obscene looking boy running in, breaking the existing situation. As soon as he came in, he whispered in Shen Muchen's ear.

This time, Shen Muchen seems to remember that there is a me standing behind him, his eyes fixed on the computer screen, back to me and said: "when I finish this game, soon!"

Although I was very angry at his neglect, I still met his words with a smile in order to get his protection, and said, "well, it's OK!"

About ten minutes later, Shen Muchen finished playing the game. He turned to me and solemnly said to me, "my people have heard that. The bully's name is Ma Qiang. He's good at school. Now do you want to revenge him?"

After listening to Shen Muchen's words, my lost heart suddenly warmed up. I was deeply moved. I finally understood that he had been playing games, not deliberately snubbing me, but waiting to receive Ma Qiang's news. Now I hear that. He is asking for my opinion. It seems that I am really wrong with him.When I heard Shen Muchen's words, my blood was boiling. When I recalled Ma Qiang's words to me, my heart became cold in the afternoon. My eyes firmly looked at Shen Muchen, and word by word jumped out of my mouth: "this revenge will not be revenged, I will not be a man!"

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