However, no one thought that when Zhang Xiong's fist was a few centimeters away from shisan, shisan's body suddenly retreated by half a step. At the same time, he also made a move. Shisan casually extended a hand to resist his eyebrow. Zhang Xiong's originally failed fist hit shisan's arm. In an instant, he felt a sense of hitting the iron wall, which was very painful The fist penetrated into his whole arm, which made his whole arm feel crispy and numb.

How could that be possible? Like my eyes once again burst out of an incredible color, which also with a deep sense of panic, that is, at this time, the thirteen counter attack, he has been subjected to such a great force twice in a row, the pain can even be felt by the people around him, but he is the same as nobody, his face does not change his color, even did not even frown, but his face is more indifferent Yes.

Equally indifferent is the thirteen point fist, like an iron fist of ice, which hits Zhang Xiong's chest. Suddenly, there is a dull sound, covering the crack of Zhang Xiong's ribs. With this sound, Zhang Xiong's body is out of control and flies back to the back.

Zhang Xiong came and went quickly. From his attack on the 13th to his being beaten by the 13th blow, it was just one or two breaths. But this scene made everyone dumbfounded. All the people present have seen the fight between thirteen and Zhang Xiong's men just now, and they know that thirteen is so powerful, but no one will think that the ugly thirteen is so powerful. We should know that Zhang Xiong's strength is not comparable to those of his bodyguards. Apart from the nickname of Zhang Xiong's Playboy, his strength is outstanding among the peers in the city, but his strength is weak in front of the thirteen.

Finally, Zhang Xiong's body fell to the ground in great confusion. His chest was so stuffy that he could hardly breathe. He looked at shisan in amazement. At this moment, he had to admit that shisan's skill was extraordinary.

Seeing thirteen coming towards him again, Zhang Xiong's heart completely shuddered. This man's strength is not to be said. People are still so indifferent, completely a machine, he is likely to kill himself. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiong did not care about his face any more, and immediately began to shout: "who are you? You can't kill me. My father is the leader of the fifth Hall of the Hai Gang. If you kill me, you and the women behind you, including those related to you, will die! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Xiong gave a whoop and vomited blood. It can be seen that the blow given to him by shisan was so serious that he had suffered internal injuries. Those subordinates brought by Zhang Xiong have been following Zhang Xiong for a period of time. They all know that he is a man. No matter whether he kills Zhang Xiong thirteen times or not, he can't escape his death, because Zhang Xiong is not only self-made His life is extraordinary, and he is still a man who must report his revenge. However, they didn't want to see the thirteen kill Cao Zheng, so they would have no choice but to go back to the sea gang.

At present, Zhang Xiong's subordinates put down their arrogance and pleaded with the thirteen wrongs:

"great Xia, this is a misunderstanding today. Don't be impulsive

"We are all members of the sea gang. You can't do us any good against us."

"Yes, you have to forgive. If you kill our young master Zhang, I can assure you that you will not survive tonight."


all kinds of voices rang out one after another. These people only wanted to save their lives, they pretended to plead for Zhang Xiong.

At the moment of Zhang Xiong's fall, Ziyi's dangling heart was completely released. She found that her palms were already wet with cold sweat. Originally, Zhang Xiong such a scum got his due end, her heart can not help but be happy, but hear what Zhang Xiong's subordinates said, she knew that Zhang Xiong's origin is not simple, so her heart can't help but feel a little nervous.

However, for these people to beg for mercy, 13 he seems not to hear any voice, in his face is still only icy cold apathy, he walked with vigorous steps, quickly rushed to Zhang Xiong.

Faced with this unreasonable skill and abnormal degree of thirteen, Zhang Xiong was a little helpless. He tried to suppress his inner fear, but found that he did not even have the courage to look at thirteen. He could only lower his head. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Especially 13 stood in front of him, but did not immediately start to him, this feeling of life being controlled by people made him very uneasy, it was better to die happily.

After a few seconds, but for Zhang Xiong, it was as painful as several centuries. In a trance, he finally heard thirteen speak. It was a cold voice full of momentum, and only one word burst out in his voice: "get out!"

This burst of drinking was powerful and showed his thirteen spirit, which was in sharp contrast to Zhang Xiong's embarrassment. Zhang Xiong didn't expect that shisan actually stopped. This simple word was just like the sound of nature. He got up in a hurry, afraid that he would repent on the 13th anniversary. He took steps in a hurry, regardless of his hands After that, he staggered and ran outside the hospital.

At the moment of liberation, Zhang Xiong's eyes twinkled with venomous light, and the people Zhang Xiong brought with them could not help but breathe. On weekdays, when they saw their master running away, they ran away like drowning dogs. Suddenly, the huge scene restored its tranquility, as if only the messy lawn, With the spot of mottled blood, it proved that there had been a thrilling scene here, and by this time, shisan had already turned around and walked slowly towards Ziyi with a complex look.One is a beautiful and kind-hearted girl, the other is a poor looking and some silly beggars. This pair of men and women in the hospital, has been the focus of many people's discussion. Now, this silly person suddenly changed and became extraordinary. People around him became more curious. What is the relationship between them?

Ziyi saw Zhang Xiong and his group run away, and her heart was completely calm. At the moment, she watched shisan come to her and listen to the voices of people around her. Her heart couldn't stop rippling. Even though she had determined that the thirteen was not Suluo, even though her heart was already empty, she did not know why, at this moment Seeing the familiar figure of shisan, Ziyi suddenly had a vague expectation. She felt that there was one in ten thousand possibilities. This person was Suluo.

If he is not solo, where is his solo now? Just as Ziyi's mind is up and down, shisan has already come to her. At this time, shisan's body is not complex enough to face Zhang Xiong's and other people's violent gas, but his expression is still a little cold, even his voice is incomparably indifferent: "thank you for your care these days!"

Ziyi should have been happy when she had driven away the enemy and recovered her health. But suddenly, hearing the words of thanks from shisan, Ziyi was not happy at all. At this moment, she seemed to hear the voice of broken hope in her heart. She took time to look pale, even her pace. I can't help but step back.

Ziyi came here for the purpose of looking for Suluo. Once upon a time, she guessed that this thirteen was Suluo. Even if there was only a little hope, she also held great expectations. She treated shisan and accompanied him every day to get a result. But now, the result is so bright and cruel red fruit, let Ziyi's heart can not help falling to the bottom of the valley, as if lost. Perhaps, that thirteen is Suluo, this is from the beginning of their own wishful thinking!

At present, Ziyi is not willing to admit that she has to admit that she is wrong. Even though shisan's body is so similar to that of Suluo, he also has the same temperament and temperament as Suluo, but the strength he shows is far beyond that of Suluo. His indifferent look is absolutely not like pretending to be.

However, admitted to this fact, Ziyi's heart is so tangled with pain, her face has become pale, even she was a bit at a loss, silent for a long time, she forced to suppress her swaying mind, some powerless mouth said: "no, you are welcome, you, and my once boyfriend is very similar!"

When she said this, there were tears in Ziyi's eyes, but her eyes were still staring at the thirteen.

At this time, only listen to 13 face unchanged said: "Oh!"

One word, broke Ziyi's heart again. At the time of Ziyi's grief, shisan continued to say, "I'm ok now, and I'm ready to go. You should leave as soon as possible. It's not safe here!"

From shisan's face, Ziyi can't read out a trace of redundant meaning. When shisan finished this sentence, she turned away and finally gave up in her heart. However, looking at the back of thirteen, Ziyi couldn't help calling out: "Suluo!"

In Ziyi's heart, the two words full of hope did not arouse 13's hesitation. He was still walking steadily towards the outside of the hospital.

Seeing shisan did not move, Ziyi's heart became very bitter. With this bitter smile, she continued to shout at the back of shisan: "Suluo, this is my boyfriend's name. I've lost him now. If you meet him, please tell him. I'll find him here. If you don't find him, I won't leave."

Thirteen heard this, still did not stop, not to look back, he just indifferent back: "good, I know!"

Finish saying, thirteen can't help but speed up their own pace, quickly left the hospital.

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