The hospital is in the main street, outside is a wide road, the road is lined with commercial street, the crowd is full of people, like a rush of traffic, dressed in patient's clothing walking on the street, attracted many people's eyes, people can't help but talk about him, but shisan seems not to care about these sounds, just walk quickly with his head down. His world is as simple and clean as no one else, but some people want to break into his world.

On the 13th, when he came to a fork in the road, suddenly, several cars made an emergency brake sound in front of them. Then, a group of people got off these cars, one of whom was Zhang Xiong, who had just escaped from the hospital.

At the moment, the bloodstain on the corner of Zhang Xiong's mouth has been wiped dry, and his face is no longer embarrassed. Instead, he is as conceited and domineering as ever. Only the bloodstain on his chest and skirt shows that he has been frustrated. Obviously, this is Zhang Xiong who has just left and came back with his help. I have to say that their action speed is very fast. Moreover, the people who came this time are not comparable to those of Zhang Xiong's personal guards. They are all elite members of the maritime gang. Their actions are neat and oppressive. At first, they are professional social elements without any mud dragging Bring water.

What's more, Zhang Xiong is not the leader of this group of elites, but a middle-aged man in Zhongshan suit.

This middle-aged man, wearing a gray Zhongshan suit, has a trace of similarity between his facial features and Zhang Xiong. However, he is not as frivolous as Zhang Xiong, and the whole person is very calm. In particular, his deep eyes are like eagles, which are both incomparably deep and aggressive. It seems that everything between heaven and earth can be seen in his eyes It's not worth his fear.

If people on the road see this middle-aged man, they will surely associate him with his extremely loud identity, Zhang Wenyuan, the deputy head of the fifth Hall of Haibang, and Zhang Xiong's uncle.

Zhang Wenyuan stood at the head of the crowd, motionless, but with a pair of deep eyes, he was staring at shisan, who was wearing a medical suit, as if to see through his face.

On one side, Zhang Xiong couldn't help but take people forward. Surrounded by thirteen, he said angrily, "hum, you ungrateful fellow, I'm going to let you have a lot to eat today."

After that, he directly raised his hand and ordered, "go ahead and kill him!"

Hearing Zhang Xiong's order, the members of the sea Gang immediately went out and approached the thirteen encirclement.

This time, Zhang Xiong brought not only powerful skills, but also a large number of people. Therefore, Zhang Xiong was not afraid of what storm thirteen could set off.

However, Zhang Xiong finally smacked his tongue again. He saw shisan, who had been quiet all the time. When these thugs were strong enough to encircle him, he suddenly moved. He saw that the encirclement of shisan was getting smaller and smaller, and his figure was like a bull. He hit one of the corners. With a bang, one of the corners was shattered by thirteen. Even Zhang Xiong, who was outside the encirclement, couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He wondered, did shisan not show his real strength when he was in the hospital before?

Just at the moment of Zhang Xiong's imagination, shisan had already started to fight with those people from the sea gang. Shisan's hands and feet were not very flexible, either straight fists and straight legs. Either he was running around with his body, which could be said to be disorganized. However, he was so powerful that the thugs of the Hai Gang couldn't help to encircle him again, and even two people had been knocked down by him. Looking at this scene, not only Zhang Xiong was surprised, but also Zhang Wenyuan showed his unfathomable look. His eyes narrowed slightly and began to look again 13.

I have to say, shisan is really strong, but he is a man after all, and there are more than 20 people who surround him. He can't dodge even if he wants to dodge. However, shisan's violent spirit was thoroughly inspired by these elite hitters who were like maggots of tarsal bones. He was just like crazy. Since he could not dodge, he would not dodge any more. He would fight with these enemies. Whoever hit him, he would return one, and whoever kicked him, he would return the other's foot, which was totally lethal.

Zhang Xiong thought that this time, he could easily clean up the person who had offended him. However, he did not expect such a situation. He was hit at 13 o'clock, and he continued to circle with other people. On the contrary, those who were hit by thirteen's heavy fist and heavy leg were hard to get up again. I don't know. I thought all the people in tangtanghaibang and Wutang were rubbish.

With a bang, another member of the Haibang gang was hit by the thirteen point iron fist, and fell to the ground in an instant. He stood up with great difficulty, but could not fight any more. His legs even shivered.

After a few minutes, nearly half of the 20 people were on the ground. Even, some people even gave out a cry of pain, while some of the people who were standing still had injuries. They did not dare to surround themselves with the thirteen as they had done before. Instead, they were rather afraid to go around with him. All their hearts were given to the ten wearing the medical clothes Three put a label on it, madman, pervert!

However, after such a toss, shisan's condition is not very good. His medical clothes become ragged, his body and face are also a lot of bruises, and his iron fist is leaking a lot of blood. In the fight just now, he did not know how many fists and feet he suffered. These fists and feet could not be put on any ordinary person, but he was hard-working He took it and said nothing. The only thing that did not change was his indifference and momentum. He breathed heavily, just like a wild beast. He had a momentum of growing braver and braver. He would rather die standing than live."Go on

I don't know the one who circled around suddenly called out this sound. Then, they immediately attacked again. The first one who rushed was behind shisan. As soon as he got up, he actually stopped his waist to hold thirteen. Before thirteen could break free, the second man followed up at random and held thirteen, and then the third and the fourth In an instant, seven or eight people, like snakes, hugged 131 people to death. This scene is quite dramatic, but it is incomparably shocking.

In the face of such a brutal joint attack, shisan was finally in a bit of a pinch. He had no chance to touch the people who held him, but he did not fall down. He still stood up straight. In this case, all he could do was to break free. He roared with red eyes, and his whole body turned around with the members of the sea Gang embracing him in order to throw them out, which made some people on the edge who had not yet started to swallow their mouths, and were so stupefied that they did not dare to go forward.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiong's eyes flashed a bit of fierce light. He knew that shisan could not afford any waves. No matter how strong he was, he could not compete with the joint efforts of seven or eight strong men. Moreover, his strength would come to light sooner or later. At that time, it would be his death. However, Zhang Xiong was obviously not willing to wait like this. He was vicious Face to several people on the edge of the cry: "you still Leng do what? Find a guy to cut this man off! "

Hearing this, two of them ran to the side of the car and took out two knives from the car. However, before the two men rushed forward, suddenly, the group of people holding 13 o'clock was torn apart, and a figure was thrown out. Then the second and the third did not take a moment. In a blink of an eye, several people were thrown out by thirteen, Their faces were full of fatigue. Obviously, they had used up a lot of strength just now, which had been exhausted.

Suddenly, shisan became a man standing in the field again. At this time, his expression was still very cold, but his breath began to lighten. His body swayed a little. It was obvious that his strength would be exhausted. It was like a strong wind that could blow him down. But it was such a weak man that no one dared to rush up at will. Seeing this, Zhang Xiong called out in a rage: "at the end of the strong crossbow, what's terrible? I'll come!"

With that, Zhang Xiong took a knife from one of his hands and walked over with his feet. Yes, he did go, and he walked very slowly. Even though his words were tough and the steel knife was in his hand, Zhang Xiong was afraid. The reason why he couldn't help doing it himself was that he was too resentful for shisan and had done his own good things several times. Zhang Xiong wanted to kill him immediately.

As a matter of fact, his fear was unnecessary, because shisan was really exhausted and had no ability to fight again. Before Zhang Xiong approached him, shisan's body collapsed.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiong's eyes flashed with joy. Then, he quickened his pace. He saw that the knife in Zhang Xiong's hand was about to strike at 13 o'clock. Suddenly, Zhang Wenyuan, who had not moved or even said a word, swayed in front of Zhang Xiong and said in a deep voice, "don't mess around, Daxiong!"

At the end of this sentence, Zhang Xiong's hand suddenly reached out and hit shisan's neck. In an instant, the weak thirteen fainted on the ground.

Holding a knife, shisan was full of doubts. His eyes were fixed on his Uncle Zhang Wenyuan and was about to ask why. But Zhang Wenyuan had already turned around and walked in the direction of the car. At the same time, he turned his back to the man who could still move and said, "take him away from me!"

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